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TE Washington is looking spectacular


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Today I was able to nail the looks of TE Washington in P3Dv5. 

Yesterday @BradB warned me about the colors of the trees. Indeed, I needed to disable "Dynamic 3D autogen Vegetation". Thank you very much, Brad!

I am super happy with the results, and from this flight I got the perspective of how TE Washington is light-years ahead of PNW (which was already a fantastic add-on). 

Two things worth noticing: the perfect FPS and the seamless transition between the TE region and the airports - you can't tell where one ends and the other begins. 

Sorry for posting so many images, but it's just because I am really amazed with how good it looks.

Hope you guys like it too!  :) 

P.S.: in the end, I posted 2 pictures with Beta EA.









































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3 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Wait to you have TE NorCal its a cracking piece of work i have put shots up in the preview section.



I can’t wait to have it, @Iain Emms!  Orbx is continuously raising the bar to incredible levels. Except for the sky, I can’t see MSFS2020 going much further than the super high standards Orbx is setting. IMHO, the Fs2020 screenshots I have been seeing don’t look better than what I already see today with TE sceneries. 

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9 hours ago, Dario said:

Two things worth noticing: the perfect FPS and the seamless transition between the TE region and the airports - you can't tell where one ends and the other begins. 


Two things I've been waiting to hear Dario.  FPS and and the transition between TE and the airports.  Guess I'll go buy.  Thanks for the info and shots!


I'm still torn between P3D and XP  :unsure:


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5 hours ago, mikee said:

Super Shots Dario , well done !

TE Washington is simply Amazing :)

Thank you very much, Mike! It’s amazing indeed :) 



5 hours ago, renault said:

Very nice indeed. Wonderful composition:)



Thank you very much, Pete! :) 


4 hours ago, BradB said:

Much , much better Dario , these look fantastic !! .

Thank you very much again, Brad! Your comment made all the difference!!!  :) 


2 hours ago, Breeze said:


Two things I've been waiting to hear Dario.  FPS and and the transition between TE and the airports.  Guess I'll go buy.  Thanks for the info and shots!


I'm still torn between P3D and XP  :unsure:


I think we all are... It’s so hard to decide between XP11 and P3D that many of us (me included) opt for having both. 

Now I have P3D v5 and XP11 without Vulkan. I love both. Generally speaking, I feel that XP11 wins on the visuals, and P3D wins on weather realism (and also A2A plus PMDG don’t have similars in the XP11 world). But the decision is very personal. 


2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

What  a difference now with your trees Dario.

A splendid set of images.

Thank you very much! They are really looking very realistic now, I am truly happy with that :) 

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On 6/8/2020 at 1:57 AM, Aussieflyer38 said:

More great pics Dario:)




Thank you very much, Don! :) 


On 6/8/2020 at 4:44 AM, adambar said:

Everything is looking good Dario, nice work! :)


Thank you very much, Adam! :) 


On 6/8/2020 at 6:09 AM, carlosqr said:

Great shots Dario

Good to know you have a nice performance now


Thank you very much, Carlos! I gave it a second try after hearing reports from some users, and now it is running really well! :) 


On 6/8/2020 at 12:15 PM, Eberhard Haberkorn said:

So are your shots.


Thank you very much, Eberhard! :) 

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Great shots Dario, and no offense my friend, but the skies to me look a little pale blue, I really love the nitrogen blue of the second to last one.  Maybe I'm OCD (I have Asperger's) but I absolutely like to have that rich nitrogen blue sky

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Thank you very much, Jack! I agree with you. I was trying with different setting in ENVTEX, I also didn’t enjoy this blue sky color. 

The second to last is with Beta v5 skies, so ENVTEX doesn’t change it (so I was not able to destroy the original sky on this one) :) 

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