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Community Screenshots and Videos - Would a Subforum be Useful


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I monitor screenshots and videos and recently find sometimes that I am "guessing" as to which sim the posts are from. Seems a bit odd but its true.

Sometimes the poster, like me, specifies that these shots are from a particular sim with certain key addons, which I find very helpful.


I'm wondering am I the only person that thinks it might be useful to have XP11+ and P3D subforums for screenshots and videos?



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I totally agree. As a P3D user since it's beginning, I like to enjoy all the pictures as a comparison to what settings I might be using. However, there's no point looking at a picture from XP11 other than to appreciate its beauty. It is comparing apples with oranges for a FSX/P3D user.

I would also like to implore to contributors to mention the locations of the pictures and videos, as many times I have been in awe of the scenery and want to explore that area myself.  

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the  Orbx Community screenshot forum is for screen shots of Orbx products by the community.


It is not for random shots of X Plane 11, P3D, FSX or Aerofly, which if seen to contain nothing from

Orbx will be removed.

Nor is it for showing off the customer's latest aircraft purchase or the latest PBR update to

someone else's product but this seems to have become tolerated.

The common denominator is Orbx products and therefore one forum should be enough.


If a customer sees a screen shot and it has not been stated in which simulator it has been

created and the customer is keen to know, the customer can ask the author.

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Have to agree with you Nick, I see loads of shots coming onto the forum showing no Orbx scenery in them just sky shots with clouds now I know when somebody does a flight from say A to B it shows some shots in the sky that's fine but more and more shots are appearing just showing an aircraft in the sky.

I think as Nick says the forum is alright as it is as long as people read the rules of the screenshot forum and abide by them,When these shots are posted I do not comment on them.



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23 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:



the  Orbx Community screenshot forum is for screen shots of Orbx products by the community.


It is not for random shots of X Plane 11, P3D, FSX or Aerofly, which if seen to contain nothing from

Orbx will be removed.

Nor is it for showing off the customer's latest aircraft purchase or the latest PBR update to

someone else's product but this seems to have become tolerated.

The common denominator is Orbx products and therefore one forum should be enough.


If a customer sees a screen shot and it has not been stated in which simulator it has been

created and the customer is keen to know, the customer can ask the author.


Hi Nick. Are we talking about pics in the Screenshot forum here or all forums of Orbx? I ask because although you mention certain things have become "tolerated" there are some Orbx people who are showing the benefits for example of xVision, UWXP etc. The pic maybe over a part of a TEGB but the purpose of the pic is show how  the visual aspects of TEGB can be enhanced with certain 3rd party non-Orbx addons.

Could one for example show those enhancements in the General forum and therefore not transgress the Screenshot rules? Just being devil's advocate here:)

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The comments relate to request for multiple screen shot forums and the very simple rule that

applies to the one screen shot forum.



- All screenshots posted must contain Orbx scenery and comply with the forum rules:


Some customers have been enhancing their images in one way or another since the means to do this

became available and this forum has never criticised that.

I believe that even the screenshot contest does not rule that out?

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Simple suggestion, should have been a simple answer.

Personally I had no idea it was limited or restricted to Orbx land. Sobeit.


No big deal, a polite reminder is all that is needed. Folks can go elsewhere for sharing community screenshots. Personally I like Orbx community and like seeing what folks have been able to do with P3D and XP regardless of whether or not it contains orbx specific products.


Perhaps rename it: Orbxland Community Screenshots OR Community Screenshots - Orbx Products only.

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It is known that when someone is told not to do, prohibited, the first thing the person will do is, doing it.

It's human nature.

People was not born to be put on an square huge box.

The solutions is flexibility, allowance, tolerance.

We do understand there are rules but there should always be a way to relieve the pressure. The world is not Orbx, the sim world is huge and Orbx is just a part of it. Other developers don't show exclusive of Orbx, they even build considering Orbx, compatible with Orbx.

There are great places and products that when you are flying there you just feel like, Gosh I wish I could share this with the gang. But no, the big father repress you, and you feel hands tied, like if the post could do any harm to Obrx products or would cause desertion. That would never happen. And sales will never decrease because of that. Anyone who loves Orbx will be glued to Orbx. There is no reason for any sort of fear.

What about a non Orbx screenshot forum?..

Would anybody really post?  or now being allowed would lose interest?

What makes someone want to share third party stuff here? why? Wouldn't it be because they feel confident with everything here? Like very own...familiar and not just a cold company.. maybe they feel part of in a personal way and therefore they might feel the need to show more of what have moved them inside?...no boundaries. Like when talking about personal stuff...

But if posting, it could be used as a marketing technique

You will learn in which products people are interested in and investing in

You could see how the competence is doing

And above all you will have a lot of happy customers for allowing them to relieve their need to share what has impressed them, like if we all were a big family caring for each other.


I hate Apple because they force you to do buy only what they want you to buy and use only the compatible applications they want. Closed. Square not modern, not flexible. Not for me.


I know this won't happen, and I'm not trying to hurt anybody, force or being disrespectful , (I'll follow the rules)  I simply wanted to share a more global inclusive opinion of the real sim world and also its backstage effect.


Have a great day you all






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28 minutes ago, carlosqr said:


We do understand there are rules but there should always be a way to relieve the pressure. The world is not Orbx, the sim world is huge and Orbx is just a part of it. Other developers don't show exclusive of Orbx, they even build considering Orbx, compatible with Orbx.

There are great places and products that when you are flying there you just feel like, Gosh I wish I could share this with the gang. But no, the big father repress you, and you feel hands tied, like if the post could do any harm to Obrx products or would cause desertion. That would never happen. And sales will never decrease because of that. Anyone who loves Orbx will be glued to Orbx. There is no reason for any sort of fear.

What about a non Orbx screenshot forum?..

Would anybody really post?  or now being allowed would lose interest?

What makes someone want to share third party stuff here? why? Wouldn't it be because they feel confident with everything here? Like very own...familiar and not just a cold company.. maybe they feel part of in a personal way and therefore they might feel the need to show more of what have moved them inside?...no boundaries. Like when talking about personal stuff...

But if posting, it could be used as a marketing technique

You will learn in which products people are interested in and investing in

You could see how the competence is doing

And above all you will have a lot of happy customers for allowing them to relieve their need to share what has impressed them, like if we all were a big family caring for each other.


Very well put, I couldn't agree more.


I think I am culpable of sometimes posting non-Orbx content. A piece of a third party airport here and there. When your flight cruise is over a ton of spectacular Orbx scenery, but started at 3rd party airport ABCD and maybe ended at 4th party airport EFGH, does this mean that you better shouldn't post those cool screenshots of Orbx scenery because of that?


In reality Orbx benefits from people posting their flights and experiences, and be it that they contain some little dip of others' scenery. In fact it's still an Orbx advertising to see how well it blends with other companies' products. In fact, most other companies develop their addons with Orbx landclass in mind nowadays.


Of course, on the other hand, it's only natural that Orbx doesn't host a place to post other companies' stuff, therefore it's probably the best to just keep it as it is. That said, I think the OP's request was just about splitting the screenshot forum in a P3D and an XP section, he didn't mean to open it up for non-Orbx stuff.

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I believe the Orbx screenshot forum is flexible and diverse in so much as mixing in some 3rd party scenery that may be en-route is fine and it can stay that way. The only thing that it should not be, is a show off the new aircraft only in the blue sky screenshot forum, this is after all the Orbx Scenery forum.


Yes, it would be nice for the contributors, out of common courtesy, to add relevant info such as which sim and addons we are looking at. It would be no more difficult then being sure it is posted to the relevant sub forum, or for us to try and keep track and keep moving them to the proper sub forum like we already do with other topics, which we do not need to add to our plate.

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As this is an ORBX-hosted screenshot forum, I am more than happy for submissions to be limited to displaying ORBX products with only a user aircraft taking a significant proportion of the shot, such as what we see from Ian Emms, FILOU, John Lovell, etc.

If anyone wishes to show off an aircraft in detail / the output of weather packages / the results of shader settings as the primary reason for a picture, then there are other places in social media to do this. To be honest, you can do all of that *and* still show plenty of ORBX material.

What I would like to see is when submitting pictures, a new thread cannot be posted until the correct sim is chosen from a drop-down list, what ORBX products are being shown (could use a checkbox feature), and a description of the location in a free form text box. I feel that would answer the question posed by the OP.

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