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I think that is what Captain Mainwaring from Dad's Army would have called me!



Getting ready for push back at EGHH Bournemouth. I then proceeded to take a mass of images using the 'V' key heading out over many of the places I knew from the 60s



Finally passing Swanage when I realised you have to press Shift+Space Bar in X-Plane!:lol::lol::lol:


This is so hard after years of FSX and P3D as all of the commands are in different places and for someone who finds it difficult to walk and chew gum at the same time that presents problems.:blink::o:-

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Very good Martyn!  I like them both.


I simply don't have the time John, and I don't really feel like racking my feeble brains learning a new sim.  Nice as it is.


I have way way way too much tied up in P3D, all of Orbx's stuff, many PMDG and A2A planes, and I'm having a great time with my instructor friend learning cool approaches.  Maybe some day.

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Hey Martyn - been there, done that etc. What I ended up doing, in attempt to reduce the blue haze emissions, was to map all my controls to the same buttons for all sims. I've always had the screen grab option set up for the "trigger" button on my joystick anyway (too disruptive to fumble around for a key and concentrate on where I'm going anyway, being a bear of little brain). So now my screenshots, flaps, wheels, brakes etc are all mapped to the same buttons for FSX/P3D/XP and AFS2, regardless of what the actual keyboard commands are).


And - welcome to XP! Frustrations aside- are you enjoying it? I remember when Filou announced he was abandoning P3D and disappearing off to XP land I thought he'd been out in the sun too long (sorry, Filou!) but once I'd gotten over the mistiness problems and gotten to grips with the controls I just love it to bits and can see why he did it. And now ORBX is in the game I spend 90% of my sim time (such as it is at the moment) in XP. Mind you, when TrueEarth GB hits P3D I'll be keen to see how that works as it means I'll be able to use all those weird and wonderful aircraft I've collected in it.

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 11:53 AM, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey VD_KDK, Yeah, but now you can brag about all those big ones that got away and who's to know the difference?

Thanks Rodger, I definitely have the bragging rights and I enjoy it so much that I continue to merrily hammer away on the v key.:DeadHorse:

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 12:09 PM, lauriebe said:

Nice one again Martin.  Using the 'V' key for screenshots in XP11?  Been there, done that.  Still learning. :D

Cheers Laurie, I am determined to make the v key work in XP.

So much so that I continue to try but no success after 2 days of flying!:wacko::blink::lol:

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 12:29 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

Very good Martyn!  I like them both.


I simply don't have the time John, and I don't really feel like racking my feeble brains learning a new sim.  Nice as it is.


I have way way way too much tied up in P3D, all of Orbx's stuff, many PMDG and A2A planes, and I'm having a great time with my instructor friend learning cool approaches.  Maybe some day.

Thank you Jack.

Same here and I will have to tear myself away so I can keep P3D running.:)

ALso there are several new airports to buy and try for LM in the sale;).

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 3:41 PM, lifejogger said:

You must be talking about XP11, I have the demo for it and I spend all of my time trying to find the command for this and that!!!!!!!!

Yes John, it is so confusing at times especially changing from cockpit to outside view!

I have only scratched the surface so far and there is heaps to learn.

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 6:02 PM, paulb said:

LOL!  Martyn :D. My trick is to have a small piece of paper on the desktop where I can write down all of the essential commands. 

Anyway, like me, you won't forget again ;)???:D

Thanks Paul. I have taped a reminder to the top of the yoke body but that hasn't worked either.:wacko:

I will heed you advise and do some research into the most used commands and write them down.;)

Unlike you I continue to forget!:lol:

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 6:40 PM, adambar said:

Great shots Martyn, but I think one sim is enough at least for me. :D

I will continue to use both Adam as there is too many places I enjoy flying around in the ORBX world.

I even have FSX installed which sometimes gets a whirl with some of my FSX only favourite planes.

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 8:00 PM, andy1252 said:

Hey Martyn - been there, done that etc. What I ended up doing, in attempt to reduce the blue haze emissions, was to map all my controls to the same buttons for all sims. I've always had the screen grab option set up for the "trigger" button on my joystick anyway (too disruptive to fumble around for a key and concentrate on where I'm going anyway, being a bear of little brain). So now my screenshots, flaps, wheels, brakes etc are all mapped to the same buttons for FSX/P3D/XP and AFS2, regardless of what the actual keyboard commands are).


And - welcome to XP! Frustrations aside- are you enjoying it? I remember when Filou announced he was abandoning P3D and disappearing off to XP land I thought he'd been out in the sun too long (sorry, Filou!) but once I'd gotten over the mistiness problems and gotten to grips with the controls I just love it to bits and can see why he did it. And now ORBX is in the game I spend 90% of my sim time (such as it is at the moment) in XP. Mind you, when TrueEarth GB hits P3D I'll be keen to see how that works as it means I'll be able to use all those weird and wonderful aircraft I've collected in it.

Ok Andy, that is a great idea which I will try and find the time to do.

The screenshot idea is one that I will do first, much easier to have it on the yoke than messing around with the keyboard.


I am really enjoying XP although my old rig is finding it a struggle at times. I am of course, loving looking at so many places I knew from years ago and it is not all about flying.

I will be returning to P3D soon as there are a few airports in will buy in the sale, I also miss flying with the clouds which I don't use in XP to try and help the pc along.

With all of the TE regions coming out I think it will soon be time to bite the bullet and update.

Also, too much spent on planes and sceneries to dump P3D as well as the many freebie favourites.

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1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks John, well the better bridges may tempt him!^_^

If someone can stop time for me I'll do it.  I'm more busy than you can imagine, and I do not need the extra stress of trying to fiddle with ortho stuff, setting up controls, learning a new sim.  It's nice but really, it will not happen.  I have zero patience for it. :banghead: So no, no XP for me. :angry:

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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

If someone can stop time for me I'll do it.  I'm more busy than you can imagine, and I do not need the extra stress of trying to fiddle with ortho stuff, setting up controls, learning a new sim.  It's nice but really, it will not happen.  I have zero patience for it. :banghead: So no, no XP for me. :angry:


That’s one of the many things I like about you Jack - you do not want XP (for understandable reasons) but you are still gracious enough to comment on all my XP pics!  Cheers.

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13 hours ago, flsm (Frank) said:


That’s one of the many things I like about you Jack - you do not want XP (for understandable reasons) but you are still gracious enough to comment on all my XP pics!  Cheers.

Thanks Frank!  Very kind to say.  I delight in all the sims here from XP to P3D, to FSX, to AFS2.  It's always fascinating to see other people's shots and even the titles.  A lot of creativity here and they also inspire me.

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