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Some unusual happenings here



For a start I don't think I have ever flown out of Skagit before despite having it for many years.



I have never heard of this Russian aircraft either. It is the Yermolayev ER-2 medium bomber from WW2.



It first flew in 1940 and was powered by 2 Charomskiy ACh-30B Diesel engines!



Two of them actually manage to bomb the outskirts of Berlin in August 1941.



Passing Guemes Island. Many were lost in the Battle of Moscow where it was used as ground attack aircraft. Half of the losses were non combat related.



Cypress Island is on the left and Blakley Is on the right. 10 were mustered for the Battle of Stalingrad.



On the eastern side of Orcas Island. In 1943 production was restarted with about 360 produced in total by the wars end.



KORS can just be seen bottom left, in black. The weather was so bad I didn't realise where I was! The new build planes didn't enter into combat until the last month of the war in Europe.



Over Boundary Bay with the town of Birch Bay on the left. They remained in service until the late 40s.



Vancouver at the Fraser River with Annacis Island to the right.



Approaching CZBB.



All tied up after an enjoyable flight.


I hope you enjoyed flying along in this very unusual aircraft.

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On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 11:44 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

Triple good Martyn!  1. Great scenery.  2. Cool plane I've never seen or heard about before.  3. Awesome narrative about the scenery and the plane at the same time.    In my opinion you win the Internet for today! :P

Thanks for those kind words Jack, I am glad you found the post to your liking.:)


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On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 6:28 AM, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey Martyn. Fascinating! The plane itself was a mashup of different design principles, and its missions were as-needed by the terrible invasion onslaught. You really did a nice job with this forgotten beauty. Thanks!

Thank you Rodger, it was not used in its intended role. Desperate times indeed.:(

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