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Nice flight


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I did a couple of A310 flights many years ago and a great plane it was to fly on especially the first one as there were only about 60 passengers!

This trip is from Nice to Dubrovnik.





















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Excellent Martyn!!!  I used to work these!  They were squat and fat, really odd looking, and in the aft cabin too because you walked uphill!  But the cockpit avionics and computer racks made it a dream to work on.  Airbus put a lot of thought into this cockpit, especially for maintenance. It was just so perfectly designed in my opinion.  Nice shots here, I really like the terrain in the first shot and that landing shots was great too!

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19 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Excellent Martyn!!!  I used to work these!  They were squat and fat, really odd looking, and in the aft cabin too because you walked uphill!  But the cockpit avionics and computer racks made it a dream to work on.  Airbus put a lot of thought into this cockpit, especially for maintenance. It was just so perfectly designed in my opinion.  Nice shots here, I really like the terrain in the first shot and that landing shots was great too!

Thanks Jack and that is interesting to hear about your happy experience working on the 310.

I have noticed that looking along the fuselage of some Airbus planes that the last few  windows do go up at the rear but I never realised that the floor went up too!

Quite a hairy landing as I had to do it manually. I cheated on the approach view as I was a fair bit to the right of the centre line!:lol:

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Just now, VH-KDK said:

Thanks Jack and that is interesting to hear about your happy experience working on the 310.

I have noticed that looking along the fuselage of some Airbus planes that the last few  windows do go up at the rear but I never realised that the floor went up too!

Quite a hairy landing as I had to do it manually. I cheated on the approach view as I was a fair bit to the right of the centre line!:lol:

Yeah, you should see it Martyn, it actually is a gentle shop UP hill!  The F/A's didn't like it as they had to push the carts up that little slope.  But I thought it was the coolest design!

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19 hours ago, Wakashi said:

To plagiarize your title:  Nice Flight! :D  They say to plagiarize from one is stealing, plagiarize from two it's reasearch and from more than two it's original! :rolleyes:

Thank you Roger. I thought that LFMN flight wasn't such a catchy title.:unsure:

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5 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Never flown in an A310. Never flown to Nice. Never to Dubrovnik.

Thank you Martyn for opening my horizon today!

Well you haven't lived then Gerold but I have only lived a third.:(:huh::lol:

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4 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Yeah, you should see it Martyn, it actually is a gentle shop UP hill!  The F/A's didn't like it as they had to push the carts up that little slope.  But I thought it was the coolest design!

I never thought of that, I wonder if the new A350 has the same design feature.:unsure:

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19 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

No, only the 380, where they have to push the trolleys upstairs.

You mean up the stairs or on the upper deck.:wacko::blink::o:lol:

I have only travelled downstairs on the A380, the one time I booked on the upper deck we had our itinery changed by SQ because of the major flooding in Thailand and flew back to Oz on a good old 773!.

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20 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

You mean up the stairs or on the upper deck.:wacko::blink::o:lol:

I have only travelled downstairs on the A380, the one time I booked on the upper deck we had our itinery changed by SQ because of the major flooding in Thailand and flew back to Oz on a good old 773!.

OK, i had to say up the stairs. I should better stick to German language...

I have only travelled upstairs on the 380, but don´t worry, the seats are the same as on any other plane. Just more. And relatively less window seats to take pictures. And longer boarding / deboarding time. And longer waiting time at the luggage carousel. Man, I like smaller jets.... ;)

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