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The only way you will ever get me up in one of these.


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Not  a RL Jetstar fan and I have told the missus that if I ever cark it overseas I don't want to be flown home by Jetstar.

FSim is different as my chair is comfy and I don't have to pay through the nose for refreshments once I am in the air.


Getting ready for the flight to Canberra



Pedal to the metal to beat the QF738 and the EK A380 to the runway. I never have to wait with my version of ATC.


Melbourne CBD on the central horizon.


Over the Calder Freeway at Taylor's Lakes


Mount Macedon and Romsey.



At Broadford before the clouds take over.


Tumbarumba sees a break in the clouds and the Maragle State Forest.


Talbingo and the Bogong Peaks.



Having a turn at Yarrangobilly


The weather does not look so promising as we descend into Canberra.



It is not a yellow plane proving that colour isn't important!


Runway in sight, again just prior to touchdown.


On the centreling and one of my best ever landings.




The weather has finally cleared ready for the return trip to YMML.

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10 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Great jetliner shots, Martyn, and a very effective way to clean the tray tables on Jetstar. I am sure they found a cheap ground crew to remove the remaining stuff as well.

Yeah but they still charge you for it. Cheap fares until you tot up all the add ons.

Extra for this, extra for that and soon your pockets are cleaned out too.:huh::o:lol:

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6 hours ago, BradB said:

Judging by your comments Martyn , Jetstar is the AU equivalent to Spirit . Regardless of that , I love the livery and your shots of it . :):(:rolleyes::wub:





To me they are the equivalent to something else strong and runny John which is definitely not spirit.:ph34r:


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5 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Wicked cool Martyn!  It's so weird to see you flying jets like this.  Replace then jets engines with radials and I think you'd be loving it.  I love the inverted shot too :lol:

Thanks Jack, I am enjoying the change and visiting different parts of the world. 

I suppose I will have to roll old big head out again soon.:)

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2 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Martyn, it's all fun and games until the Sawyer Effect takes hold. You definitely are begging for it with that inverted flight ;) 

Thanks Landon, I only do it in the clouds as no body can see what I am up to. 

I think the CAA would take a dim view of these antics but the passengers enjoy it even though they are charged extra.:rolleyes:

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20 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks Jack, I am enjoying the change and visiting different parts of the world. 

I suppose I will have to roll old big head out again soon.:)

I was JUST thinking of flying Big Head too!

17 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Hey, hey, hey. Now stop spreading malicious rumours please.:huh::o;)

:wacko:  Sorry mate, no offense. :wacko: :)

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I was JUST thinking of flying Big Head too!

:wacko:  Sorry mate, no offense. :wacko: :)

I shall look out for some big head posts from you.

What offense:huh:? I was only joking, 'onest guv!:lol::lol::lol:

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1 hour ago, Musketeer said:

Ha - you sound like me! I don't like flying on Jetstar but I do kind of like their livery so the only time I fly with them is in the sim occasionally!

Thanks and they are not my cup of tea. I cannot ever see me getting on one of their planes or any of QF's come to think of it.

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