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For no other reason than to have fun

Jack Sawyer

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1 hour ago, stewart1 said:

super set of shots Jack I bet you feel better now after going invented  I do believe you can get pills to stop you doing this if you go and see your doctor  regards stewart

Thanks Stewart but why would I want to stop going inverted?  It’s part of my personality :unsure:

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1 hour ago, gregmorin said:

Howard Hughes never planned the Connie to go inverted. Great flying Jack! How full were the PAX barf bags?



Thanks Greg.  I made sure the PAX had no meal service first.  :D  I wonder if Hughes ever tested it inverted, at least on paper or wind tunnel tests, they really have to plan for this, I know Boeing does.

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4 minutes ago, flyingleaf said:

Lol Jack great shots. Love it I gotta try and fly inverted.:D

Thanks Karl, it's funny to listen to the crew and passenger's comments.


Plus, in career mode you can go o jail like in the last shot.  I just do this to test the limits and sometimes have fun.



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7 minutes ago, lifejogger said:

Well I'm not sure you can to that in real life, but what the heck this a simulation!!!!!  I hope you weren't drinking a cup of coffee....

Thanks John, sometimes I wonder if it can be done.  I mean they really engineer planes for worst case scenarios.  And being accidentally inverted is what pilots train for.

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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

I was quite sure that no one before you has made this with the beautiful Connie, Jack. And I am not sure if this maltreatment can be considered positive by her... :D

She appreciated all the TLC I gave her upon landing and she said she was glad to do something different and stretch her wings after so many stodgy "normal" flights. :P

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