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Inspired by Martyn

Jack Sawyer

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Yep . that Martyn is one bad influence around the forum . I hope Jack that this is just a one time thrill ride for you . I like the yellow livery Jack , you should use it more . B):o:P:lol:





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3 minutes ago, BradB said:

Yep . that Martyn is one bad influence around the forum . I hope Jack that this is just a one time thrill ride for you . I like the yellow livery Jack , you should use it more . B):o:P:lol:





Your wish is my command John! :lol::D:P:o<_<

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Excellent Jack!   A superb piece of flying under the bridge;):). Also great to see the scenery close up.......or should I say very close up! :lol:

Now then, will Martyn respond? I will look for his next thread with interest and excitement! :D


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1 minute ago, paulb said:

Excellent Jack!   A superb piece of flying under the bridge;):). Also great to see the scenery close up.......or should I say very close up! :lol:

Now then, will Martyn respond? I will look for his next thread with interest and excitement! :D


He posted some very nice shots from this area with the coordinates, so I went there and had some fun to take my mind off things, you know what I mean, still waiting.


Thanks Paul!

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14 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

He posted some very nice shots from this area with the coordinates, so I went there and had some fun to take my mind off things, you know what I mean, still waiting.


Thanks Paul!


Fingers crossed Jack ;).

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1 minute ago, bernd1151 said:

Superb flight Jack. That old bridge is pretty tight I thought, when I saw you flying under it. Now...doing this inverted might push the envelope a bit too much :);)

Thanks Bernd, I tried for half an hour to go inverted under that bridge.  This plane is actually quite difficult to stay inverted.

What you see is an hour’s worth of work and i had dozens of out takes.

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2 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Bernd, I tried for half an hour to go inverted under that bridge.  This plane is actually quite difficult to stay inverted.

What you see is an hour’s worth of work and i had dozens of out takes.

I can imagine, Jack. I was just teasing you a bit ;)

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40 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Bernd, I tried for half an hour to go inverted under that bridge.  This plane is actually quite difficult to stay inverted.

What you see is an hour’s worth of work and i had dozens of out takes.

... but the result looks great!

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4 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

I can imagine, Jack. I was just teasing you a bit ;)

Not a problem Bernd! :)

4 hours ago, Caluma65 said:

Very nice indeed Jack.  Have you settled on PTA setting now?  Cheers,



Thanks you Calum, yes sir, I've settled on what I consider to be a perfect setting.  All thanks to Adambar, I used his settings and tweaked the PTA a tiny bit.

4 hours ago, Stillwater said:

... but the result looks great!

Thanks Gerold! :)

1 hour ago, RetiredFE said:

Oughta be illegal to have that much fun!!!  Nice shots.

:lol:  Thanks RFE!  As Rush Limbaugh says, I was having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have.

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54 minutes ago, Sniper31 said:

Up to your old tricks again, eh Jack?;) Some fun looking flying there.

Thanks Landon!  Yep, gotta keep up appearances and all.  :lol:  However goofy.  :D  Actually it was a huge stress reliever.  And like I said above, this plane does not like to fly inverted, it's very difficult to stay inverted once inverted.  It just wants to nose over no matter how much power you use or push forward on the yoke.

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Wonderful flight Jack and I am quite happy to take some of the blame for this.:)

So good isn't it to take your mind off things for a while.:D

6 hours ago, RetiredFE said:

Oughta be illegal to have that much fun!!!  Nice shots.

Oh don't worry, it is being worked on right now.:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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56 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful flight Jack and I am quite happy to take some of the blame for this.:)

So good isn't it to take your mind off things for a while.:D

Oh don't worry, it is being worked on right now.:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Thanks Martyn!  But I didn't understand the last sentence.  What's being worked on right now? :blink:

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7 hours ago, adambar said:

I would love to see the out takes and hear what you were saying Jack. :D  Great shots my friend. :)



Oh, they were ugly, good thing I have crash detection off.  And what I was saying?  Things like "gosh", or "darn it" or gee whiz", only a lot stronger. :D

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