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Jack Sawyer

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Made a test flight with Jetline's advice to run RealTemp.


Flew from KBOS to KORD - Orbx Global - NA/ LC - AS water on.


It was most enjoyable and no freeze, however I did move the sliders back even further.


And no PTA for now, back to Iain's HDR.


Sorry for so many and no yellow or inverted.  Soon...soon.  Need to work on a comic too....:D


KBOS where I grew up, but I'm okay now.





Following the SID





Off of Nahant,  used to ride my bike there when I was a kid.



Heading for our cruising altitude of 38K feet



Now some neat Chase Plane camera angles, can't help myself, this is an amazing piece of software.











Heading away from the water, I like this one.







Flying above a thunderstorm, it was very cool!





Flying over the airport because the FMC didn't lock on to the LOC in time.



Go around





These big birds take a long time to turn around



On the taxi way



Heading for the gate, and it was animated



parked up, calling for service trucks



Welcome to Chicago.



Hope you enjoyed my flight.



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Very nice screen shots Jack glad you sorted out your aircraft I found  even with my card for some reason if I put settings really high p3d can crash with v4 so turned down no problems the settings I sent you ,

when I had v3 I had every thing to the right no problems with crashing very strange regards stewart

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Hi Jack,


Great shots again but what was the real problem because Realtemp just monitors your CPU temps but other then that it does nothing, so was this overheating and did you add some fans or was the problem something else? but anyway good to hear that your problem is solved.






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10 hours ago, fly37 said:

Very impressive shots....    sorry Jack what means:  NA/ LC - AS water on. ?

Hi Gianni and thanks!  NA LC = Orbx's North America Land Class.  And AS = HiFi's weather engine.

6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots Jack.



Thank you Iain!

6 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Very nice screen shots Jack glad you sorted out your aircraft I found  even with my card for some reason if I put settings really high p3d can crash with v4 so turned down no problems the settings I sent you ,

when I had v3 I had every thing to the right no problems with crashing very strange regards stewart

Thanks Stewart.  Same thing with me.  In 3.4 I created a bunch of Graphics profiles with various settings and names.   Names like "Iain maxed settings", "Iain and Jack" with lower settings but Iain's HDR, "Stewart" with your HDR settings etc.  Same thing in V4.  But LM knows there's a problem with that box because it doesn't retain the name of your profile, it always says Custom, they're gonna fix it.  In V4, I have created several profiles and one is "747" with the sliders moved way back to the left.

6 hours ago, Adam Banks said:

Great shots there, Jack! Great to hear your overheating problems look like they may be sorted.


Looks like maybe you don't need PTA <??>. As a matter of interest, PTA shouldn't affect performance much.



Thanks Adam, after tmarshall mentioned what he did in another post, I'm beginning to wonder if this isn't LM related.  I like PTA and will use it again when I get better sky textures like I had in 3.4 with REX TD HD but I see you're following the same confusing thread at their site.  Without a set of good sky textures, every PTA preset I have used so far makes the sky look either too bright artificial blue or a bluish/greenish haze all round.  I didn't think PTA would affect performance at all, I mean it's just different shader colors right?  If it does affect performance I'd be surprised.  Why do you think it would?  You would know if anyone would.  Now I'm curious.  I'm waiting for your next preset Adam! :)

5 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Hi Jack,


Great shots again but what was the real problem because Realtemp just monitors your CPU temps but other then that it does nothing, so was this overheating and did you add some fans or was the problem something else? but anyway good to hear that your problem is solved.






Thanks Ruud!  I really don't know what the problem is/was.  I do know on the previous attempts with the 747 and AS on the fans were running so fast and loud I though the PC was gonna lift off and fly! :D  I posted that shot because the guys at Jetline wanted me to run it while I made the flight.  The only reason I think I made this long flight, KBOS to KORD with AS ON, was because I had moved the sliders way back, but I may be wrong.  One thing I do know, on this flight above, the fans were being sensible and not screaming at me.  The Jetline guys wanted to see the temps, that's all.

5 hours ago, paulb said:

Great flight Jack! Some excellent shots there!

Thanks Paul!  Glad you liked them.  This is with Iain's HDR settings which I have always liked.

5 hours ago, Taph said:

Grand shots, gald to hear your sorting your problems out

Thanks Taph, kinda sorta worked out, time will tell.

5 hours ago, Neptune6 said:

Nice presets Jack

Don't touch any more ;)



:lol:  Thanks Patrick! No preset at all this time.  Stopped using PTA on this flight and I'm using Iain's HDR settings like before.  I like that warm and fuzzy kind of look.

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8 minutes ago, reecemj said:

Jack what is Lains warm and fuzzy feel setting? Nice shots very clear.

Iain Emms, Orbx's resident Screenshot Artist.  He has screens of all his settings, I'll look for them and post them in this post, hang on....


Here they are, they're for 3.4 which I use but I also set up V4 the same way.



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4 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Iain Emms, Orbx's resident Screenshot Artist.  He has screens of all his settings, I'll look for them and post them in this post, hang on....


Here they are, they're for 3.4 which I use but I also set up V4 the same way.


Also known as 'The master' B) .. I think these screens look great Jack.  Iain's setting suit your shots, and far less hassle than getting PTA to work for you ;) but we'll keep trying if you want? :)

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1 minute ago, Mark Abdey said:


Also known as 'The master' B) .. I think these screens look great Jack.  Iain's setting suit your shots, and far less hassle than getting PTA to work for you ;) but we'll keep trying if you want? :)

Thanks Mark!  Appreciate it.  Yeah, when I first saw Iain's screens I couldn't believe it, I had to have mine look like that if I could.


I'd love to keep trying different PTA's.  One thing I've noticed about this version of P3D and presets is when you first load the sim it re-draws the shaders a heck of a lot faster so it's not so bad changing presets.


I'm with Adam, I like what he said today about REX, I wish they would just hurry up and decide what they want to do as I really like the way it makes Orbx-land look with their textures.



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Great shots Jack. I love that beautiful huge lady. Jack you know people in the aircraft field. I mean in regards to your overheating pc why not ask one of your buddies who owns one of those upside down ceiling fans to either come to your house (in the yard of course) or you take your computer to the airport whenever you wanna fly, and they could fire up that huge  upside down ceiling fan and cool your computer right down to almost freezing. But I hope of course you don't wear a wig. If you do you should fasten it or it might well blow away.   :D

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2 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Jack. I love that beautiful huge lady. Jack you know people in the aircraft field. I mean in regards to your overheating pc why not ask one of your buddies who owns one of those upside down ceiling fans to either come to your house (in the yard of course) or you take your computer to the airport whenever you wanna fly, and they could fire up that huge  upside down ceiling fan and cool your computer right down to almost freezing. But I hope of course you don't wear a wig. If you do you should fasten it or it might well blow away.   :D

Thanks flying leaf!  I could bathe this thing in liquid nitrogen and it would overheat.  Actually, I spoke to the guys at Jetline, after having me run some tests they think it's the code in V4.  They've been building flight sim only PC's for a long time and they really know their stuff.  I was told they were going to assist me in modifying the BIOS so the fans don't run so furiously when I run the 747 and AS.  This only happens in V4, not 3.4.  So I can fly 3.4 and deal with VAS or fly V4 and deal with potential overheating.  What a Hobson's choice.


If I had an upside down ceiling fan blowing on it it would be quite a sight.  I mean the average helicopter downwash is 80-100 mph.  And good thing I don't wear a rug, it would indeed blow away.  I think with that kind of wind the whole PC would blow away.  And, I'd need some serious noise cancellation headphones too! :lol:

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8 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks flying leaf!  I could bathe this thing in liquid nitrogen and it would overheat.  Actually, I spoke to the guys at Jetline, after having me run some tests they think it's the code in V4.  They've been building flight sim only PC's for a long time and they really know their stuff.  I was told they were going to assist me in modifying the BIOS so the fans don't run so furiously when I run the 747 and AS.  This only happens in V4, not 3.4.  So I can fly 3.4 and deal with VAS or fly V4 and deal with potential overheating.  What a Hobson's choice.


If I had an upside down ceiling fan blowing on it it would be quite a sight.  I mean the average helicopter downwash is 80-100 mph.  And good thing I don't wear a rug, it would indeed blow away.  I think with that kind of wind the whole PC would blow away.  And, I'd need some serious noise cancellation headphones too! :lol:

Good to hear Jetline is working with you. Like I said a couple of times I am still on the fence with my fsx vs v4 when it runs it's awesome. Cheers and I love your posts.

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1 hour ago, flyingleaf said:

Good to hear Jetline is working with you. Like I said a couple of times I am still on the fence with my fsx vs v4 when it runs it's awesome. Cheers and I love your posts.

Thanks!  I like your posts too flyingleaf, that inside down ceiling fan thing still cracks me up.

I'd say get V4 if you can put it on a drive because it's very smooth and Orbx supports it.   A great twofer! 

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58 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Fantastic bird, and good to see you & your rig were able to successfully land her.

Thanks Gerold, but I still sit on pins and needles when I fly V4, never knowing if it's going to freeze.


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9 hours ago, adambar said:

That's great news Jack, now go fly and stop looking for bad things. :D  Anyway, your shots look fantastic my friend! :)

Thanks Adam, but I don't look for bad things, bad things look for me!  :D:wacko:  If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all.


Really though, I have been looking forward to flying the 747 in 64 bit for so long over Orbx territory that when I finally have a chance it freezes.  The guys at Jetline think it's not my PC but LM's code.  They're not the only ones with that assessment but time will tell I guess.  No problem, I have 3.4 and it's got all my Orbx stuff in it.  Today I want to fly to my newest one I bought yesterday, W52 after seeing Caleb's video I figured it was worth a buy.

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