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YMBA to YILF, I love that ICAO code.

Jack Sawyer

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Now we change planes, VAS still outstanding, A2A 182.  Depart YMBA, Mareeba, set up the GTN to manually fly us over Cairns then on to YIFL, Innisfail.

To me, this was a superb scenic flight, really pretty.


Orbx Australia, YBCS, Global, Trees, AS16, & UTL for AI.






Fields, I love fields....





That's my lovely and gracious wife Robin in the right seat. :wub:





Spectacular, did I ever mention that I love Orbx stuff?  No, well, let me tell you....



Overflying Cairns, lovely area!







Now, go ahead, just try and tell me this ain't beautiful, I dare you.



Banking to the right to head for YIFL (sounds like a cute pet you'd want to buy, "Can I have one of those YIFL's?")







Just look at that patchwork quilt of beauty.  I didn't know Oz was like this!



I really like this one with the sun shining down on the field between the clouds.









There's the airport, Innisfail.  Chosen at random via the GTN.



Last one, sorry :D - Gotta go make dinner for me and the wife.


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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

The sugar cane field inspector is on his way. Go and serve him some good rum!

I'm saving the rum for me! :lol:

1 hour ago, paulb said:

Brilliant series Jack! Well done! :)

Thanks Paul, glad you like them.

25 minutes ago, BradB said:

Wow - Good on ya mate , as the locals would say . :D:)





Back at ya John!


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11 minutes ago, magic1 said:

Very nice, excellent images.

Thank you magic!  Glad you like 'em!

2 minutes ago, gumbypickett said:

Another wonderful set Jack. I think Australia is becoming your

new home.B)



Thanks Gumby!  Yup, lots to do now and the wife is with me now helming me decide what to buy next.  She's a peach! 

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1 minute ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thank you magic!  Glad you like 'em!

Thanks Gumby!  Yup, lots to do now and the wife is with me now helming me decide what to buy next.  She's a peach! 

Sounds like she's a co-pilot worth keeping. Or is she the captain????-_-



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8 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Most excellent shots you have here Jack and a right pretty aircraft!

Thanks Roger!  Orbx gets the credit for the beauty.

6 hours ago, adambar said:

Beautiful flight and shots Jack! :)

Thanks Adam!  It was very relaxing and scenic.

6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set of shots Jack.



Thanks Iain!

6 hours ago, Sammy H said:

A magical set Jack.  Very nice!

Thank you Sammy!  Glad you liked!

2 hours ago, Torchy821 said:

Lovely shots there, Jack.  I'm sure you will have a ball in Oz!  Did you know that you can get a yellow A2A C182?





Thanks Kev!  And now we're friends for life! :lol:  I'll soon have a yellow 182, who'd a thunk it?  Oz is a happening place, Loe it.  The wife had me buy YCDR last night.  

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Outstanding caps from your flight Jack, you really make the AU scenery come to life.

Some wonderful flying to be had along the east coast.

Also you can take your Cessna from Mallacoota and head west along the coast to Wilsons Promontory and beyond.:)

Now when are you going to teach that good lady of yours to fly?

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21 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Outstanding caps from your flight Jack, you really make the AU scenery come to life.

Some wonderful flying to be had along the east coast.

Also you can take your Cessna from Mallacoota and head west along the coast to Wilsons Promontory and beyond.:)

Now when are you going to teach that good lady of yours to fly?

Gonna write this route down Martyn.  Been putting stickies on my real-world maps.  There's a surprising amount of airports in Oz.  I even found where you live on the Jepp map.  Australia is very beautiful in the sim, Orbx did a wonderful job and I'm quite please with all eight I bought, saved a ton of coin!

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43 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Now when are you going to teach that good lady of yours to fly?

Robin's a good watcher but she knows nothing about aviation, she'd rather play Words With Friends and watch her "soaps." :blink: I play her on Words but I refuse to watch soap operas.  I haven't watched one second of TV for 26 years now and am proud of it.  Our house is the only one in the  neighborhood that when you enter a telly or three isn't BLARING its drivel.


I asked her but she said it's too complicated. So I got a plane in the air and had her take over, instant stall and flat spin.  It was good for a real laff riot! :lol:


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