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Everything posted by adambar

  1. Very nice indeed Gerold.
  2. Thank you fellas, glad you enjoyed it Incidentally, there is no bass player, it all comes from the harp.
  3. I started listening to Andreas and his electro_acoustic harp which he invented 40yrs ago. Great relaxing music to sit and unwind from today's worlds problems with the lights down low and let your mind wonder to the magical sounds of Andreas. Do yourself a favor and listen with a good set of headphones or speakers. I use sennheiser headphones and huge set of model 19 Altec Lansing speakers with 15" speakers and mid_range and high frequency horns.
  4. Happy Birthday Jean Marc, have a great one.
  5. Excellent shots Gerold.
  6. What Jeff does with the slide in this video is amazing near the end of the song.
  7. How true. I'm afraid this is just the beginning Rodger.
  8. Balsa wood plane with a gum band to turn the prop. Paper airplanes of course, who didn't make those.
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