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Everything posted by adambar

  1. Great song Jean Marc. Thank you. 🙂
  2. Mine too Graeme. Thank you.
  3. Probably the Bunny Ranch I suppose.😄 Thank you Gumby.🙂
  4. Thank you Andreas. This is the MSFS DC3.
  5. Fantastic paint and shots JK.
  6. Excellent set of shots Andreas.
  7. The side that is responsible for giving you gas after eating beans and drinking ber. 🤔 .
  8. Yes that is Vegas from Fly Tampa Graeme. Thank you. 🙂
  9. Wonderful capture Iain. 🙂
  10. Great flight and shots Andreas. 🙂
  11. Very nice indeed. 🙂
  12. Great shots Andreas. 🙂
  13. They have all been a PITA, but MSFS has been the most enjoyable for me.
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