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Everything posted by adambar

  1. Super duper set of shots Landon! I see an unopened can of Heineken beer on the table there, I'll be right there.
  2. Great to hear from you Jack, seems like a long time. Sorry to hear about you and your wife's medical issues, hoping for a speedy recovery for both of you! Yunz take care of yourself now! Tell Martyn I said hello and that I miss seeing his 5 and 6 point landings.
  3. Did you ever walk around all day with two different color shoes on and wonder why everyone is staring at you?
  4. Indeed it is John. Thank you . Thank you much Graeme. Thank you John. Thank you John. Thank you very much Landon. Thank you Wayne.
  5. They have meds for that kind of thing Pete, or Maybe you just need some quality time at the little white cottage in the wood.
  6. Don't worry about us Don, we understand. The impotrant think is taking care of yourself my friend!
  7. I can live with that, looks pretty darn close Pete.
  8. We've been married 54yrs this year so I guess I used my head. Thank works too John. It's as plain as day looking at some people as to who they listened to. Good for you Rodger, your a lucky man. Looking at some of these people today it's hard to tell who is who or what is what.
  9. That had to hurt a tad jumping off the building. Grand set of shots from Auckland there Iain!
  10. Besides the obvious, what was next deciding factor you looked at before choosing your life long partner? For me was looking to see what her mama looked like, pretty good indicator as to what she will look like in twenty years.
  11. Thank you Iain. Seems as though nothing is the same any more, anywhere. Thank you Jean Marc.
  12. Thank you Wayne. Thank you much Steve. Thank you Mikee.
  13. Outstanding capture Mikee!
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