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Everything posted by Bullfox

  1. Behind the tail of the S360 is Dublin, Ca where I used to live before moving to Oregon. My old house is hidden under the left stab. Its worth about twice what we sold if for 8 years ago. This is on a flight from San Jose, Ca to Redding, Ca.
  2. This is on a flight from San Diego to San Jose. The S360 is interesting enough to fly, but no too complicated. Its not pressurized and has good vision out the cockpit. A good airplane to observe the scenery as you fly along.
  3. Great shots and nice to see the map. I have been looking for something like that. Is it an add on and from what developer?
  4. I am guessing the MFSF market is for airports, and the P3D, X Plane market is for regions and True Earth.
  5. Easy to loose sight of how much work goes into what these guys are doing.
  6. I benefited greatly from being able to port over all my Orbx scenery from FSX to P3D back in May when I installed P3D. I also benefited from Throwback Thursday and was able to purchase and install more Orbx scenery at sale prices. I get the impression that a lot of the bitching is about Orbx and MSFS. Sorry you guys are disappointed. Computers are fast. When you work with computers a lot you wind up expecting everything to be fast. Maybe a little patience would be helpful.
  7. The S360 is pretty good, but it has a few quirks.
  8. MSFS is like a gold rush for developers. They all want to get there first with the most. I suspect quality may suffer in the rush. I have not gone into MFSF partly because I have only been in P3D since May when I finally got my new computer built. I have added a significant amount of Orbz scenery since then in P3D and am mostly happy with the results. So I am in no rush to try MSFS. It still seems to have problems that need ironing out. I am waiting for A2A to start producing planes for MFSF. When and if that happens I would take that as a sign that MSFS in on the right track.
  9. This is the airport at Caiguna, YCAG, Western Australia, 487.2 miles east of Perth. This is it, two pickups, two guys, two sheep, a road, and a dirt runway. Its near sunset. There is a tree on the horizon. If this were MSFS there might would be some grass.
  10. This is on a flight from YBRM to YCAR out on the western coast of Australia. I just thought it was an interesting pattern in the coastal waters. That's the Carenado Shorts 360. It seems that western Australia is like eastern Oregon. There is not much out there.
  11. Some really nice shots there!
  12. Thanks Nick! The control panel fixed the problem. Sorry I missed that. Its a beautiful little piece of scenery. I posted some pictures in community screenshots.
  13. This is Murray Island situated between Northern Australia and New Guinea. Its Orbx freeware but the airport is listed under the old ICAO code YMUI. In P3D 5.2 the code is now YMAE. NIck helped me resolve the conflict between the codes. Another view of the island with the airport in sight. Here is the airport. this is about all there is to it. There are some birds fluttering above the nose of the airplane and what looks like a giant Venus Flytrap on the right. I guess the guy on the bench is waiting for somebody to pick him up.
  14. Graham, I had recently down loaded YMUI from Orbx direct freeware. After I removed it YMAE displays correctly but it is not upgraded as YMUI would be. I'm guessing YMUI is freeware from before 5.2.
  15. I have all the west coast TE. The colors need adjustment in P 5.2 and don't match well once you go eastward out of TE but I don't think it is as bad as it is in X Plane. In general its too dark but can be adjusted out. I don't have problems with frame rates of resolution. Eastern Washington, Oregon and California seem too brown but generally there is not much out there anyway. They did a better job with Washington and California than with Oregon which is to bad since I live in Oregon. With many cities in Oregon the streets are blue. Medford Oregon is particularly bad but Klamath falls is actually very nicely done and doesn't have the blue streets. The parts of the three states that are west are much greener in nature and look much better in TE.
  16. Nick, This is a screen shot from YMUI Orbx freeware island airport between Australia and New Guinea. I am probably the first person to go there since 5.2 was introduced. This seems to be a conflict with YMAE. I'm guessing the solution is to remove the file for YMAE but I could not find said file. This is perhaps another instance of ICAO code change. Can you point me to the location of the file that has to go, if that's the solution. Keep in mind that I have no other installations of P3D other than 5.2 This is a bit too much like something Salvador Dali would have done.
  17. This shot is from a flight between YBPN and YBCS in my non Australian registered Carenado CT206H.
  18. I agree 100% More vacation destinations.
  19. When I wanted to try flying around Australia I did a search for Australian registration skins for the Stationair. I found one for Australian Air but it was from the MS 2004 version of the Stationair and I could not make it work. The British registration version was one of the best looking repaints so I used it. Carenado produced the Stationair for MS 2004 then upgraded it for FSX then upgraded it again for P3D. They seem to have gotten all the bugs out. Its a beautiful airplane and I think its one of their better efforts. Hopefully, they will figure out a way to get it into MSFS.
  20. I would like to see passengers getting on airplanes.
  21. For developers right now MSFS is a gold rush. Things will settle down eventually.
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