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Everything posted by wain71

  1. very nice, haven't floated anywhere yet...
  2. nice pair.....(blushing now)....there's still a schoolboy in all of us...
  3. I am guessing that Orbx is on Marketplace within the Xbox enviroment, so if it's compatible it should be available in Sim and this is how it gets installed....how does Marketplace know I have it in Orbx Central? Monday I was in sim on my Xbox, I bought Carenado C170B, the next day when I was in sim on my PC it downloaded the plane, but my guess is if you didn't buy the initial version from Marketplace this won't happen? I hope that makes sense....
  4. looking good, great shots...
  5. SUPERB SHOT.....yes I was shouting!!!!!
  6. very nice shots, hope your update didn't take as long as mine....
  7. was interesting stuff, no timescale seems available, I still fly XP for two reasons, 1-some great addon planes I own & 2-Just Flight still developing for Sim and as a BETA tester it's a great thing to be involved in......however currently I do fly mostly in Orbx TE areas, I think I would more than likely upgrade to v12 when it comes along, there are some things I like in all my Sims......
  8. great shots, I agree the CT206H is my favourite Carenado plane....
  9. nice one, just keep 'em coming and we'll keep enjoying looking!!!
  10. more superb shots Carlos, you certainly have been travelling far afield, all looks amazing and the lighting is superb...
  11. for me in the UK it shows AUD 21.80 when logged into Orbx Central....
  12. superb shots Carlos, looks a stunning addon...
  13. great shots John, do you recommend this?
  14. My first flight ever..18 years old and a Infantry soldier flying to Gibraltar in a Hercules... bloody amazing....
  15. Happy birthday Ron.. hope it's a good day..
  16. Hope you have a very Happy Birthday Adam, hope it's a day to remember...
  17. looks like someones garden I know.....
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