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timmo32 last won the day on September 5

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About timmo32

  • Birthday 12/27/1976

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  • Website URL
    http://chris timms

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    the city of weather,i love capturing the weather
  • Interests:
    737-800 pilot


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    chris timms

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  1. Thats a monster of a system my prayers are that it weakens and causes no huge loss of life and hopefully changes direction.
  2. Amazing shots all of them thanks for sharing Carlos !
  3. Thanks Gumby just happy too have one of my favourite Orbx airport installed
  4. As far as i know it looks like you just pay the upgrade fee only and im sure its for both P3Dv5 and 6 once its released i will buy it straight away and let other know how it went.
  5. YMML is not released yet and if you already own YMML V3 then too upgrade too V4 its a small fee of $17.70 bucks estimate australian dollars and will be worth every cent.
  6. On my system in Orbx central it is showing a upgrade fee of $17.70 Australian bucks or close too that price. You must install global and Orbx librarys first.YMML was showing up in my oceania section and i just clicked on this and the price is there but when i go too buy it it says its not found so they are still yet too release it which is going too be today Saturday Australian time its just a upgrade fee for people who already have YMML and is worth every penny as there is more detail and latest upgraded stuff which has been done too the airport since V3 was released.
  7. There is a upgrade fee of $17.70 or close too that australian bucks estimate which i think is great as there is alot more detail and updated renovations been added too the airport i already own V3 in P3Dv5 and now this is V4 you must add global and Orbx librarys too P3Dv6 im not sure of vectors yet.There is london V2 also available so a great start and a massive thankyou too Orbx.
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