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This Week's Meaningless Topic (#200)(July 3)

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Hi all. I don't agree with those who bemoan the younger generations. Every person under thirty that I know is hard-working and good-humored. I realize my contacts are limited, but still... And that leads to this week's topic.


THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC:  What do you like about the younger generations?

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Never saw so much hate and anger and craziness going on in all my 80+ years, not just the US but the whole world. Time to wash the slate clean and start over. The videos I've seen are just terrifying to say the least and I have seen hundreds if not more. 😢

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1 hour ago, adambar said:

Never saw so much hate and anger and craziness going on in all my 80+ years, not just the US but the whole world. Time to wash the slate clean and start over. The videos I've seen are just terrifying to say the least and I have seen hundreds if not more. 😢

Adam, that's one reason for this week's topic. When I'm with these kids, I see hope for the future.

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Like every generation there is good and bad.

Unfortunately I feel some, not all the younger

kids are getting away with more especially here in Oz.

I do also see inspiration in some of the younger kids

following their dreams. Thankfully all 3 of my kids are

hard working and know right from wrong (I hope).



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Everywhere I go all I see at the mall, fast food restaurants and just about anywhere are 70 & eighty year olds working, they tell me young people don't want to work today, just about every store has job opening signs in the window. I just read that some kids don't want to get a driver's license or own a car or house, they just want to sit around and text all day. This is from interviews of high school and universities students.

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What do you like about the younger generations?

Their ability to not worry about things - like I used to do, which is also I guess my main concern (so I'm still worrying about things - sigh...), that and an observation. 


I noticed that younger kids in particular seem to lack imagination, when was the last time  you saw a six year old running around with arms out pretending to be a plane?

Generally, though,  I think the kids are pretty smart and every generation says the next  has it easy and the new generation says the last generation stuffed everything up, in a way it's kind of comforting don't you think?

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I can't comment on the younger generation because where we live we never see them close up.  To be honest, I would like to meet some of the teenagers just to find out what their views on current affairs are.

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Most of the staff at the museum where I work fall into one of two age groups: very old, or very young.  Right now old outnumber young.  But in any case, our young staff members are generally very good, hard workers, and study hard to learn the job.  We occasionally have exceptions, but they usually don't last long.  But this is a unique work environment, and it's not for everyone.  But it does tend to attract the best.  We also have volunteers, of course, and we largely think of our volunteers as being the "farm team".  If they're good we like to offer them a paying job.  But it's a job for those who really want it, rather than slinging hamburgers for a paycheck.



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it must be hard living in a world in which there are only bitter preconceptions of "today's youth".
Behaviour will always evolve and sometimes, maybe often, not in a way that wins the approval of foregoing generations.
Although I am now over 70, I still have plenty of contact with "today's youth" and they are the same cross section
of excellent, good, fair, poor and awful as they were when I was a member of "today's youth" myself.


Some of us experience things during our lives that make us better employees in later life and many employers
have long ago recognised this and where in decades gone by, "ageism" was rife, now aged but competent
people are often preferred over "today's youth".

Not everyone is suited to the pipe and slippers approach to retirement, I certainly am not, but it doesn't mean that

"today's youth" are not capable of doing the jobs that we post retirement aged do, perhaps just not so willing and
without the life experience, not so tolerant either.


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I'm sorry, I have three kids aged 19-23, maybe the question should be "what fascinates you about the younger generation?" I'm 58 by the way.

I'm fascinated by how they can appreciate a live band/concert through looking at it on their phone?!!

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Besides youth I meet at the local YMCA I have 7 grandkids ages 18-23 and they are all doing well, have a good outlook on life.  I do notice 3 of them still don't have a drivers license which amazes me.  The future is theirs, be what it may.

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