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Biplane Meet


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I was looking at one of the old planes they have at Filton before the pandemic came, not sure if it's an original but when you read how they used to fly these, and the heights etc in all weathers I am truly amazed, very courageous pilots back in the day...

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1 hour ago, wain71 said:

I was looking at one of the old planes they have at Filton before the pandemic came, not sure if it's an original but when you read how they used to fly these, and the heights etc in all weathers I am truly amazed, very courageous pilots back in the day...


Indeed, it was a very different world then Wayne :).

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1 hour ago, Sniper31 said:

A very nice collection of bi-planes here Paul. Such a totally different feel of flying I can imagine. Nice images :) 


Thanks Landon :). Well, it is possible to get a flight in a biplane even today. I know they offer Tiger Moth flights in the UK.

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1 hour ago, ikbenik said:

Nice collection of vintage biplanes. I suppose the EMS Heli is in place to assist and evacuate an unlucky pilot out of a crashed oldy on site.


Many thanks Johnny. You are correct sir. In the interests of safety, the air ambulance is ready and willing on site :).

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2 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots indeed Paul. Not for me to fly like that. Upside down ain't good for my beer can.:P:D


Many thanks Karl :). Maybe I could send you a sealed beer container and a straw if that would help?  :unsure::lol:

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As you know - I have memories of actually flying at White Waltham - way back in the 70s and now on MSFS

no matter how many times - Physically or by simulator - I always have trouble picking out one of the 3 grass runways

Even harder I suppose when one is upside down


good pics - by the way;)

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1 hour ago, John Heaton said:

As you know - I have memories of actually flying at White Waltham - way back in the 70s and now on MSFS

no matter how many times - Physically or by simulator - I always have trouble picking out one of the 3 grass runways

Even harder I suppose when one is upside down


good pics - by the way;)


Thanks John :). Well, you do get a great view of the ground when upside down :wacko::D

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2 hours ago, John Mac said:

These really look fantastic and I have a love of bi wing aircraft! Grass strips from the air can be difficult to spot. I remember my first grass landing and thought how soft the touchdown was! 


Thanks John. Your flight sounds like fun! :)

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