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Spitfire at Biggin Hill


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Just a few shots (MSFS).


EGKB London Biggin Hill Airport is located about 14 miles south-southeast of Central London. The airport was formerly a Royal Air Force station.

Biggin Hill is best known for its role during the Battle of Britain in the Second World War, when it served as one of the principal fighter bases protecting London and South East England from attack.



















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45 minutes ago, John Mac said:

Gorgeous shots Paul! Iconic airport and plane! If I had the money I would try the Warbirds experience package but alas that will never happen:)



Thank you John :). Well my flying ambition (never achieved) was to go to Thunder City for a flight in the Lightning.

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15 minutes ago, ikbenik said:

I get here the 'deja-vu' feeling seeing your shots after I posted recently about the same also flying the iconic Spitfire. :o


Thank you :). Well, I think your two posts show off the airfield detail better than mine! ;)

From memory, I last visited an airshow there in the early 1980s.

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16 minutes ago, Sniper31 said:

Okay Paul, you are at it again...more WWII nostalgia, epic Spitfire presentation and iconic scenery. All great stuff! 


Yes sir! I have always purchased a Spitfire and a P51 for any sim that I had :).

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18 minutes ago, mikee said:

Super shots Paul , well done :)

I just bought it , and i like it a lot !

I find a bit hard on frames ( Maybe it is because it is very close to London ) ! 


Thank you kindly Mickee :). Indeed, it's a great airport. I don't track my frame rate (have it set at 30) but it all seems smooth.

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25 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

More excellent shots and educational tour.  Your photographic skills really show in your screenshots Paul.


Thank you Jack. That is very kind of you :). I do enjoy taking photos!

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