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This Week's Meaningless Topic (#51) (Aug 28)

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I don't have dogs. Always have had a cat. Too hard to take care of dogs when deployed all the time, but cats are pretty independent. 


That said, there was this one training mission I was on where after taking out some 'targets' we were chased by tracking dogs. That sucked big time...no matter what, couldn't shake those puppies off our trail. It was middle of winter at Fort Drum (upstate NY) and we tracked through streams, and double backed trying to shake them. When they caught us, I was leaning up against a snow covered tree trying to catch my breath and figure out a new plan. So much for that :) 

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21 minutes ago, Sniper31 said:

I don't have dogs. Always have had a cat. Too hard to take care of dogs when deployed all the time, but cats are pretty independent. 


That said, there was this one training mission I was on where after taking out some 'targets' we were chased by tracking dogs. That sucked big time...no matter what, couldn't shake those puppies off our trail. It was middle of winter at Fort Drum (upstate NY) and we tracked through streams, and double backed trying to shake them. When they caught us, I was leaning up against a snow covered tree trying to catch my breath and figure out a new plan. So much for that :) 

I wanted to thank you for your service to our country my friend , especially after yesterday ....:):(

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I love dogs.  Had a gang of seven or eight, all different breeds, of them from all different homes as my gang when during the war in the east end of London when the schools were closed. All the other children were 'evacuated' to the Country so I had no-one to play with except the dogs.  We used to have play fights but not once was I bitten and not once did they truly bite one another.


The criticism I have of them though is they're heart-breakers.  They have such short lives.  My gang was broken up though when he owner of one of the dogs, a beautiful golden retriever, had the dog put down. My parents saved one dog for me that was also destined to be put down; a mongrel we called Julie.  She was a wonderful pet until she went the way of them all while I was away in the army doing my two years National Service.


Sheila and I rescued a little toy poodle with bad breath (also destined to be put down) when we had our first house and he lasted for a good many years but he became ill and the vet recommended we should let him put the dog down as he couldn't cure him and he was in pain.  That was it.  We decided we didn't want to go through that heart-ache again so he was never replaced.  We love it though when our friends and family visit with their dogs.  We can make a fuss of them while they're with us but they take them away before we get too attached!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK. True story if not it could well be and probably is. Once up on a time a Golden Retriever a German Shepherd and a cat passed on earth and got into Heaven. God was sitting on a high chair:o (ah OK, on a throne) and two empty chairs beside him. He asked: "You German Shepherd why do you want to come to heaven?: He replied: I have been loyal and protective of my loving family". God said: "Very well come and sit on my right side. God looked at the Golden Retriever and spoke: "What about you?" The Golden Retriever said: " Lord I loved and played with my human family". God said you may seat at my left side. God looks at the cat and asked what about you? The cat looks at God and says: "You are sitting in MY chair". Gosh I love cats don't you?:D

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