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Eatonville / Swanson (2W3)


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4 hours ago, wain71 said:

nice shots, love the detail with the race track and stuff....evening colors look good to ......


Thank you, Wain! :) This scenery is really a beauty. 


4 hours ago, BradB said:

Grand set of shots Dario .


Thank you, Brad! :) 


2 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Awesome shots Dario, great job of showing of how good the scenery looks in XP.


Thank you, @lifejogger! :) This scenery is lovely indeed!


1 hour ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots these. 




Thank you, Iain! :) 


30 minutes ago, jean marc said:

absolutely wonderful Dario ! I love all the shots, full of details and serenity :) and a great day/evening transition !  I would like to fly in such atmosphere  XP11 + TE seems a must to have !


Thank you very much, Jean Marc! :) If you still don't own it, I highly recommend the purchase of this airport and TE Washington. A must-have indeed!!! :) 

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16 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

A magical series of views Dario.

Some splendid ones at dusk too.:)


Thank you so much, @VH-KDK ! :) 


16 hours ago, adambar said:

Gorgeous captures Dario! :)


Thank you so much, Adam ! :) 


7 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Fantastic Dario, these are amazing, well done.


Thank you so much, Jack! :) 


2 hours ago, John Mac said:

Lovely stuff Dario. Just back at the edge of VFR. Well done!



Thank you so much, John! :) 


2 hours ago, mikee said:

Impressive shots Dario , i like them all :)


Thank you so much, Mike! :) 

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