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I flew from Coventry down to Cardiff yesterday but here are a few views on final approach.



Great to be flying Old Big Head in XP-11 here approaching EGFF with a well depicted array of lights as well as the railway viaduct.



Saint Curigs Church at Porthkerry.



A beautiful sight coming in over the lights.



A view from the viaduct with Saint Curigs spire prominent.



Porthkerry Leisure Park in on the left.



Porthkerry Road appears to be a first class vantage point for spotting and photography.

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36 minutes ago, BradB said:

One thing about XP , you can never run out of great freeware AC for it . Big and beautiful shots my friend BTW .:):)





Thank you John, yes plenty of wonderful planes to try and so easy to install.

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5 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Super shots Martyn!!!!!!!!!  Looks like XP11 gives you the ability to take screenshots from a lot of different angles.

Thanks John. I haven't looked into that yet but I am doing the same as I do in P3D and that is moving out from the aircraft using the appropriate keys.:)

It's movements are  a lot quicker than P3D though.

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3 hours ago, Sundancer said:

Yeah, great shots.

I agree with John that XP11 has interesting points of view for taking screenshots, or do you use a tool for that.

The trees in #2 need some improvements, don't they?

Thanks Fred, I am using the same method as I do in P3D and that is just moving around with the aircraft as the focal point.

I use Ctrl + "+"  and Ctrl + "-" in P3D to zoom in and out, I think it is the "," and"." keys in XP. It is much better this way as the scenery isn't distorted compared to using the zoom keys.

I suppose the scenery is not meant to be seen from so close but it generally comes up really well.

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3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Great shots and angles, Martyn. Must have taken some time to get them, am I right?

Thanks Gerold, not too long as I like to do this a lot especially on the ground at airports.:)

There I like to get some if the ground detail into the images too.;)

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