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Dorothy visits NZGS


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Stampe SV-4B known as Dorothy having a low & slow look around NZGS in Autumn.

Great provincial airport.

Need to venture into the hinterland next.



& the race was on  - Dorothy just clears the Fat Controller.



The Juken new Zealand wood products factory.



Overview of the terminal, car park & hangar clusters.



I wanted to use the Dean Baunton freeware Aerospace FU-24 950 Fletcher for the 1st flight, but couldn't get it going. (Its an FSX model)

However, if you look in front of Dorothy  at the Cessna's left wing, then to the red SUV to the left of the wing tip, then above the SUV, in the 

distance you will see a displayed Fletcher on a pole.

The rugged inland hill country needs aerial top dressing to provide fertilizer & Gisborne has been used as a base for operations.

The Fletcher is a very versatile aircraft.


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