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What a daag


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Well here we are in Algeria.

I am still disputing Karl's quiz the other day where he reckoned the pic was taken at Darrington.

As you can see from the first image below this is much more like the surrounding scenery in Karl's image, I  wuz robbed!:o


So after leaving DAAN Reggane on a flight to DAUI In Salah I quickly decided that 140 miles of sand was not going to be very interesting. So.……..



I moved to DAAG Houari Boumediene in the city of Algiers.



I think that the scenery is excellent for just Global Base.



You can see that the bomb aimer is a tad frightened by the speed the Halton is travelling at and has got his feet firmly on the brakes.



Where greenery makes way for desert sand.

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1 minute ago, flyingleaf said:

Sure Roger them are brave words. Come and say that to our Hilda.:angry::rollmyeyes::lol::D

Karl, Karl, Karl, these are the brave words that Martyn is supposed to say, NOT ME! :wacko:  Mebbe you show a pic of our Hilda I may change my mind! :D

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21 hours ago, BradB said:

Your right Martyn , Karl's shot was from Algeria ......... After the summer we have had so far . that last shot does look like Western Washington state . B):angry::lol:





I thought as much, definitely some sort of conspiracy going on here.:P

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13 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Martyn. Alright you've convinced me I was "wrongish" . John is right it's hotter here than anywhere in Algiers.:wacko::D

Thanks Karl, just keep an eye out for rogue camels.:rolleyes:

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10 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Yes Sir, it is obvious to me that you wuz robbed, taken, high jacked, bamboozeled, etc! :ph34r:;)  I were you, I would de-mand an apology! :D:lol:

It's too late now Roger, besides Karl might send Hilda and she might get stuck in the mud here as it is raining.:ph34r::o:lol:

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7 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Karl, Karl, Karl, these are the brave words that Martyn is supposed to say, NOT ME! :wacko:  Mebbe you show a pic of our Hilda I may change my mind! :D

Change your mind, be very careful it doesn't blow your mind!:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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6 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

That bomber has asymmetrical front windows! Very nice pics for just Global Base, indeed!

Well spotted Lars, Global does a very believable job. I am looking forwards to OLC Africa.:)

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18 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Nice ones Martyn!  And it's hotter here by far than Algiers I reckon.


5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks Jack, I bet it is much more humid too!:lol:


The humidity is what I expected, too. Algiers might have better climate, though probably Atlanta is slightly more safe. Especially when Martyn is flying around.

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