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Tombstone epitaph

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Hi all. Last Sunday, our pastor encouraged us to take some time to write out instructions regarding our funeral wishes. He made the excellent point that it's helpful to family and friends if they have some idea of what hymns we might like, what might be included in our eulogy, and so forth. Got me to thinking...in addition to the normal info, what would I like to have inscribed on my tombstone? I decided that "He tried" would fit my life best. How about you? What would your say. Sarcasm encouraged.  :D

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to Tombstone epitaph

We've left our bodies to scientific research so I don't think there'll be much left to worry about and since neither of us are believers, our descendants can just dispose of what remains any way they want.


What a morbid subject Rodger!



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JUst watched the movie "Tombstone" with Kurt Russell. I didn't know that the local paper was called The Tombstone Epitaph, but that seems appropriate considering the body count in the movie. The paper must have been ninety percent obituaries!

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It's not just the pilots. Us grunts on the ground sometimes say the same thing. The last time I said Aw Shiite when going down I was in a pool room in California (Garden City Billiards 1962). Two Toes Tony sank the nine ball on the break. He didn't even leave me gas money to get home.....aw shiite......Doug

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1 hour ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

According to an article I read somewhere, the most common last words of pilots about to hammer in are "Aw, sh*t!" For us flight sim folk, maybe the equivalent is "ctrl, alt, delete" ?

Did the person writing the article say that he had ever been in a cockpit with a crew about to hammer in ?

Could be hearsay...…..

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lawrence -- maybe so. My memory of the source article is vague, but I do remember that the writer had somehow surveyed ATC comms to come up with their point. On one of the ATC YouTube channels, there is an entry featuring a plane going down and, in fact, one of the cockpit crew says the words in question, whatever that is worth to the discussion. I have not been in those precise circumstances, so I can't say firsthand. But I can verify my thought that perhaps for many of us sim flyers, the last airborne comm is "ctrl, alt, delete." Said it last night just before my Grumman Goose hit the trees. :wacko:;) 

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On 6/6/2018 at 4:31 PM, lawrence aldrich said:

Did the person writing the article say that he had ever been in a cockpit with a crew about to hammer in ?

Could be hearsay...…..



One of the reasons they do not release cockpit voice recordings is because of the profanity on them.



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