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Gypsy Pilot

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Everything posted by Gypsy Pilot

  1. You have those airfields come alive, great work.
  2. Don't worry, somebody will complain and you will have to remove it.
  3. Let's face it, we are all a bunch of Old Coots trying to enjoy our last ride down the slide of life.
  4. I turn 84 next month and I feel it. My mother told me that only the good die young and that we come from a family that has a habit of living into their late 90's. She wasn't at all happy when I asked her if we were a family of outlaws.
  5. I found that it was like living at twilight before the operation, and living in full sunlight afterwards. I ended up with 20/40 vision and passed my driving test without glasses. Money well spent.
  6. Roll Call ! Just checking to see how many of the Old Coots are still left. Gypsy -- HERE
  7. I too have gone over to MSFS just for the scenery and land use accuracy. If this had been available when I first got serious about simming I would be around 4K richer now. I switched to XP-11 and still use it because I want to become a helicopter pilot. (never, never go for a copter flight with me.). XP11 has great photo real scenery but you need a server bank to store it. MSFS stores the scenery in the Cloud which works just fine for me tooling around at 100kts. I love it when the land out the window looks like the real thing. Gypsy.
  8. Yep, the same here. My Son has me on house arrest, can't roam around like I used to do. So far we have been healthy so I don't rock the boat.
  9. Yep, time just flew by . Yesterday my youngest Granddaughter turned 36. I just looked up the Golden Gate Bridge and yes, I am older by 2 years. We are all a gaggle of Old Coots and I am glad to be here. Gypsy
  10. Well the Magnolia's are still here but we ate all of the Possum's. Ain't Earworms so much fun. Enjoy your winter. Gypsy
  11. I am 83, and like the rest of you I am falling apart. It used to be only one thing at a time, but alas, my body has learned to multi-task. The constant pain these ailments cause has increased and the level goes up with each failure. My brain, hearing, and eyesight, not wanting to be left out, are going along with the general plan. Other than that I seen to be doing OK. My (insert your favorite curse words here) doctor told me that I should last at least another 20 years. I know that he is a wise man because he stayed out of punch in the nose range as he gave me the good news. I feel that the good get to die young so that they can avoid these wonderful 70 plus years, and me as a reward for my pre 50 behavior, the Good Lord decided that I should be rewarded with the life span that I deserve. I should have listened to my Mama. Gypsy
  12. Boris Johnson was released from the hospital today. Brexit Lives!!! All the press will talk about is how many people died. Here in the States they never mention that 7 out of every 10 people that are hospitalized live and go home.
  13. I was told by my doctor when I turned 80 that those were the two main factors in deciding weather or not I would be treated if I came down with a serious illness. Oh well, I guess it's all part of entering our last decade.
  14. You hang in there Teecee. We will all say a prayer for you. Dale
  15. I went to the VA Clinic yesterday and they had a welcoming committee taking temperatures and giving us a quick look see before we were allowed to enter the building. I was told by my Doctor that my neck is beyond repair and sorry but I have no choice but to learn to live with the pain or become a junkie. After reading the previous post I am doing better than a lot of you Old Coots. I just turned 83 and now that I have my blood sugar under control (it was 575) I feel well enough to fly again. Sore finger tips is a small price to pay for wellness. Dropping over 40 lbs off of my belly didn't hurt either. Anyway the Doctor told me to stay home and away from people. My Son took his advice and has me confined to the house by blocking in my car. Y'all stay healthy and enjoy your confinement. Have you tried landing on a mountain top like Trent Palmer and the Cowboys do? It can get your blood pumping. Dale
  16. I suffered with a chronic cough for years that was caused by a mild post nasal drip which happened mostly at night during sleep. [ of course smoking 1+ pack of cigs a day for over 42 years had nothing to do with the cough, my COPD, well maybe. ] I finally got rid of mine several years ago using Flonase backed up with Vicks Vapo Rub. Dale
  17. And you said, "Oh and as I've said before, the English are best too." Careful, they may revoke your passport.
  18. Johnny, I'm a Yank and it's feet, inches, yards, and miles here. What s crew this is. A happy go lucky bunch, hangar flying and sharing our past life, all the while knowing that we are all passengers on the same plane, flying West, parachutes on, awaiting our turn at the door. I am so glad to be here with you, so while we wait, have another round on me. Dale
  19. You forgot to mention the mechanic that is required to keep them going Dale.
  20. I have been recovering from a move from my beloved West Texas desert to Baton Rouge, LA and the rain that comes with it. Last September it became obvious to me that I was not going to be able to continue to live alone and accepted my son's constant pleas to move in with him. I left my 2 acres and traded it in for a 9x12 room and I have been trying to fit my stuff into that small space. A new flight sim setup and all of the problems that come with it. I will try to be more attentive to the group. Dale
  21. I have 2 wives waiting for me, I don't expect much peace. Dale
  22. It has been said that only the good get to die young, and the rest of us get to pay for our sins and mistakes by living long enough to suffer through the aches, pains and bad memories that come with extreme old age. I had my fun and now it's time to pay the piper. I turn 82 next Sunday and I am quite aware that for most of us the '80s will be our last decade, but for me, I come from a family that usually makes it into their mid to late '90's. It was a shame that I didn't have this information in my early teens, I might have not been so reckless with my body and friendships. I am in no big rush to go but when the time comes to rejoin my loved ones, I will welcome it without fear. Dale
  23. Some of you are so old that you think that bedtime starts right after breakfast.
  24. As my Dear Departed Wife used to tell me several times a week for 42 years, "I Love You and I will always respect your right to be wrong".
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