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EHMZ EHGG The adventures of Henk and Sarah - 1

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HI all

SO, after some hassle installing, and me even using team viewer at friends to manage my pc and downloads at home, we are ready.

I made a nice flight from EHMZ (Middelburg) to Groningen, Using VOR stations, as well as just some random GPS points to enjoy the scenery a tad better (never fly over Amsterdam the way I did!)

It are quite a few pictures in the album! but I picked the "best" one.. I hope. Enjoy!


Here we are, Henk en Sarah.  EHMZ. NO idea what they did there. It was a really bad day weather wise, so I hope they didnt go to the beach. Middleburg is nice, so lets say they went for an expensive hamburger.



Do you see, how beautiful the airport from NL2000 ;) lies in between the fields, said Sarah to Henk?" They were well aware they are in a simulator, but it didn't matter, they have had hamburgers!



After a short take off roll, off they were. With on the left side you can see Vlissinge harbour



And the Middelburg appeared, with that amazing Hamburger restaurant ( I should have gone for sushi roll, thought Sarah, so I could have said > I want to make a short take off shushi roll please)



And there we have it, said Sarah to henk, The Oosterscheldekering. 9 kilometers long, finished in 1986 due to ... yes yes I know, said henk. you *** know it all




After a short silence, Sarah yelled LOOKKK< Rotterdam, almost the whole city center was demolished during WWII. And it is still being rebuild. They give names to everything, you know? WHorewalker for a bridge, Buy Gutter for a shopping street. Lovely people they are!



SO Henk took out his drone, flew it in front of the airplane (while Sarah paused their lives for a few seconds, to make this shot. Rotterdam airport (they didn't want to load NL2000 for that one. didn't matter either!)



Some where in between, they noticed a distinc lack of Alberth Heijn Supermarkets, but hey, Jumbo was  very present



As they flew towards Amsterdam, One of the most precise build cities in their opinions, but still with a  lot of history. "Did you know" said sarah "that it was already inhabited by the Romans 2000 years ago! What was the city called again? Ohyeah. Alphen aan de Rijn


And there she is. "I really hate those people, who think that Amsterdam is the Netherlands, or worse.. that people don't even know the Netherlands but know AMsterdam."said Sarah "Yes yes, I know, I agree, utrecht is also very beautiful" "We should have flown there, would make more sense" "Yupp, but hey, we don't decide about our lives here, he added it to the flightplan of default GPS.. and yeah, it sucks to reprogram.. so tja"


As the flew over the bosbaan, the place for rowers (one of the most popular student sports!) they looked behind, to see how beautiful fly tampa's EHAM fitted into the rest.


And there we have it kids! That drone does do miracles (even though the cloud shadows disappeared for Henk quite often.. a bug in their Life Engine he guessed. You can see how beautiful the Rijksmuseum is! And the vondelpark


Speaking of kids! The green ship. Nemo! The place for young scientists, playful minds.. or both :P to explore! No, it doesn't float!


IJmuiden yelledHenk! Yes yes dear, I know you hate it, when you fly over it.. it means you'll land on the Polderbaan. 18R.. and that means.. long taxi It is also the gate to the Noordzee via het Noorzeekanaal. But they only cared about the skies



As they flew towards Den helder. next point on that stupid GPS of theirs, they lfew ove Zaanstad. The city where Mister Albert Heijn invented "Put it in a Zakje" or did he? 



And there we have it, Den Helder. With Texel right after it. It actually is really big yo, 170 square KM yo'all..., Texel, you have busses, !! And it was already inhabited around 8000 v CHr



And there comes Ameland already, while flying over "HAHAHAH COCKSDROP" "yes Sarah,.. yes..." said Henk. "I'm more worried about those clouds that Active SKy puts there, I think we will move to leeuwarden. "


 "and on our right side.. we see Harlingen. The harbour for the boat to Ameland


Again,.. that Drone though



And there it is.. Leeuwarden! The Fries are proud people. and understandable. They have their own official accent and... well, yeah, they sued to be able to ice skate.

And that was about it I guess? Leeuwarden is the city of Culture for this year.. They don't get it either :P BUt they have a history since the Roman time.

province  is beautiful!



This is where Henk and Sarah life (actually.. only Sarah ;))! I won't tell you where , but it is there! (so well done ORBX thought Sarah!)



 Let's go to groningen. From the South East, while flying over 'NORG" you can see the beautiful NL2000 airport with Eelde next to it, and Groningen! A beautiful city. Really worth!


And then.. everyone turned their lights on.. Really sudden. I guess they're linked or something -thought Sarah



Last turn from downwind to Final! "FLying over Foxhol and another Polder! We need those dry lands yo! We need them munch" "yes Henk! you are too old to be cool!"


 One last drone shot. Established! Eelde and groningen on the right.. so yeah, we actually made a turn



So close!!


And there we are! Not sure where that green house comes from! But it looks legit



Thanks you all for  watching this many pictures.. I'm truly sorry

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2 hours ago, Victoroos said:

It are quite a few pictures in the album! but I picked the "best" one..

Yeah I know, I too can't get my finger of the V-key while flying. :lol:

Great tour and narration Victor!

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