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Cherokee in Saarland


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Time to test out my FSX Cherokee in V4.0.

No radio stack working in the cockpit and the GPS has limited features but enough to be of some use.

No sound in the cockpit either but it is flyable so I shall continue to use it and the Cessna 172 which suffers from the same problems.


Departing from EDDR Saarbrucken.



Overflying Autobahn  6 with Bischmisheim to the far left of the road.


At Huhnerfeld.


The Weiher III power station at Gottelborn Solar Park.



The junction of Autobahn 1 and 8 near Merchweiler.


Close to Urexweiler.


Over Marpingen and approaching the airport.


Avoiding the glider.



Test flight completed.


I hope you enjoyed the flight.

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4 minutes ago, paulb said:

Great flight Martyn! :)


You might want to try out the 64 bit sound gauge by Doug Dawson. I have seen a number of people use it for port overs.

Thank for the comment and the tip Paul.

I shall give it a try.:)

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5 hours ago, paulb said:

Great flight Martyn! :)


You might want to try out the 64 bit sound gauge by Doug Dawson. I have seen a number of people use it for port overs.

Great tour Martyn!  Loved the scenery.  And Paul, I was just gonna suggest the same thing!  Cool!

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The saying goes that people of the Saarland would act a bit slow...

12 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

No radio stack working in the cockpit and the GPS has limited features but enough to be of some use. No sound in the cockpit either but it is flyable

...maybe the same is true for your A2A bird adaptations.


On the other hand you can hear the screaming of your passangers better!

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