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An Interrupted Flight!


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1 hour ago, Wakashi said:

I too have had a few of those interruptions over the past many years by my dog (Beau, a rescue 14 years ago).  Sadly he is suffering late stage congestive heart failure, probably not many “interruptions” left in the future, :(:(.


Ah, very sad Roger...I hate losing pets. Just plain sucks.

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8 hours ago, Sammy H said:

Believe it or not Martyn mine is the softy of the bunch.  When I lived in FL and we would venture to the dog park daily she was the one always on the bottom of the dog pile.  Not to mention she enjoys getting dirty  so being on the bottom was only fitting for her, and she has her toy basket full of tennis balls like John's pup.


Normal day at the office for her.




Enjoying the Gulf of Mexico with one of her many dog friends.


And of course when you have a white dog, dad is left cleaning her up after every daily outing.


Great shots Sammy! Oh Gosh, tell me about dog washing! :wacko:. Charlie loves the water and the muddier the better!

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6 hours ago, Wakashi said:

I too have had a few of those interruptions over the past many years by my dog (Beau, a rescue 14 years ago).  Sadly he is suffering late stage congestive heart failure, probably not many “interruptions” left in the future, :(:(.


Sorry to hear that Roger :(. Baz (our last dog) passed away with cancer some four years ago. He is the black one in my picture. They become a real member of the family.


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3 hours ago, adambar said:

Always seems to happen at the wrong time, doesn't it. :(  Great set anyway Paul! :D


Enjoy the pet shots everyone, very funny. :lol:


Many thanks Adam! :) Maybe we need a pet sub forum here? :o:D

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I felt that I had to include Baz in this thread.


He was our last dog, a rescue from the RSPCA. A cross between a flat coated Retriever and a sheepdog. We had him when he was one year old. A fantastic, clever and loyal companion.


BTW, that is my wife running away in one of the pics below. He is supposed to be chasing her, but Baz must have decided that the camera was way more interesting! :D







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17 minutes ago, Eugene Kremlev said:

Gorgeous dog, Paulb! What a deep look!


Thank you Eugene :). Sometimes I felt that he was more intelligent than me. He just seemed to sense people's moods so well. When I looked into his eyes he seemed more thoughtful than many people that I know.

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AH, great shots of Baz and Mr. Rollo! Now we all know exactly where your avatar picture came from Paul. And Iain, always nice to get updates on Mr. Rollo. ANd that orange tabby stretched out on the sofa Eugene....yeah, cats just don't want to move once they have claimed a spot. Indy gets downright grumpy with me if I try and move him from a spot he is settled into. He'll let me do it, but he sure expresses his displeasure with me. If people take the time to develop and foster a relationship with their pets, it's amazing the communication and understanding that can happen between us humans and the pets. We sure don't speak the same languages, but we do learn to understand each other. Great stuff in this thread Paul!

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7 minutes ago, Sniper31 said:

AH, great shots of Baz and Mr. Rollo! Now we all know exactly where your avatar picture came from Paul. And Iain, always nice to get updates on Mr. Rollo. ANd that orange tabby stretched out on the sofa Eugene....yeah, cats just don't want to move once they have claimed a spot. Indy gets downright grumpy with me if I try and move him from a spot he is settled into. He'll let me do it, but he sure expresses his displeasure with me. If people take the time to develop and foster a relationship with their pets, it's amazing the communication and understanding that can happen between us humans and the pets. We sure don't speak the same languages, but we do learn to understand each other. Great stuff in this thread Paul!

Gosh Landon, so well said!  I’ve been in serious negotiations with the wife unit but it doesn’t look good. :(

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1 hour ago, Sniper31 said:

AH, great shots of Baz and Mr. Rollo! Now we all know exactly where your avatar picture came from Paul. And Iain, always nice to get updates on Mr. Rollo. ANd that orange tabby stretched out on the sofa Eugene....yeah, cats just don't want to move once they have claimed a spot. Indy gets downright grumpy with me if I try and move him from a spot he is settled into. He'll let me do it, but he sure expresses his displeasure with me. If people take the time to develop and foster a relationship with their pets, it's amazing the communication and understanding that can happen between us humans and the pets. We sure don't speak the same languages, but we do learn to understand each other. Great stuff in this thread Paul!


Thank you Landon! :). I too am enjoying this thread.

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13 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Always wear the appropriate head gear while flying.


Emmsie and Mr Rollo.



What is even more funnier about this is check out the cats attention to the flight.....lain is the co-pilot at the moment, the cat is the one steering this flight.  Cat's eye for real :lol:

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