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Here we go again - the one man show

Julio Garcia

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Thankyou Julio, I was looking for something like this ( I may even retire the Edgley Optica and Seabird Seeker). I Had a few spare minutes to test the Tundra and the other models, there's a whole lot more to this little critter than you might expect. Really great little craft all said, some really interesting features in the cockpit, head up display, textures and model are cool, great glass bubble in the CP models, fun to fly,  it even works beautifully in FSX even though it says its for P3D.

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Hi Julio, and thanks for posting this. I didn't see this originally but picked up on Adambar's post yesterday. This is one lovely beastie! Like Jeff says, this is a well put together project. And if you haven't already tried it, the ULM Beercan from the same source is great fun as well.

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