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I never was really interested in the Lancair but I decided to buy it in the latest sale to complete my ORBX collection.

I have since flown it a few times and I quite like it but I do still prefer planes like the Tiger Moth.



Starting off at YBLD Brooklands, Western Australia.


The farmer is still racing around disking.


Passing the caravan park.


Not the best of take offs though, should have used more power!



The Avon River at York.


The Helena River Reservoir and the Mundaring Weir Airstrip is above the prop spinner and can just be seen amongst the trees. 


The Roe Hwy at Beckenham. I just headed west from Brooklands and waited for the coastal plains to appear.


Jandakot happened to come into view so that is my destination as I pass over Canning Vale.


Almost there and a smooth touch down followed.


That was an enjoyable experience. Just a shame this plane will not be made for P3DV4.


So apologies to the Lancair, you are a very likeable fellow after all!

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3 hours ago, BradB said:

Me Too ......about the Lancair . Now the shots Martyn , no need to apologize - They look great !! .





It is not a bad plane John, but it is like my preference in cars.

I would chose the XK140 any day over the Mythos


220px-Ferrari_Mythos_Side.jpgJaguar XK140 - Flickr - Alexandre Prévot (cropped).jpg

Photo by Gildos                                                                       Photo by Alexandre Prévot

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3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

No need to be sorry with your multiple proof that FSX/OZx will need some storage space until further notice.

I love these scenery highlights.

Thanks Gerold, I enjoy the excursions into the FSX/OZx world.:D

The airports are so well done.:)

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50 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Wait...what?  I love this plane, bought the Orbx version for 3.4, but do you have it running in 4.1?  I would love that!

Sorry Jack, I have inadvertently given you a bum steer.

This is in FSX and not P3DV4.0.

I forgot to give my usual warning at the end of the post.

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Great shots Martyn! :). I understand your thoughts re the Lancair. I also have a few from Alabeo which are similar design aircraft. There is nothing wrong with them, but they just don't 'float my boat'. So I hardly ever use them.

I am pretty sure that the RealAir Lancair will work in P3Dv4. Not available for download any longer, but there are still a few boxed versions about.

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51 minutes ago, paulb said:

Great shots Martyn! :). I understand your thoughts re the Lancair. I also have a few from Alabeo which are similar design aircraft. There is nothing wrong with them, but they just don't 'float my boat'. So I hardly ever use them.

I am pretty sure that the RealAir Lancair will work in P3Dv4. Not available for download any longer, but there are still a few boxed versions about.

Thanks Paul and I think you have the same problem as me, that being we have so many planes in our hangars that we forget some of them!:o

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11 minutes ago, stewart1 said:

super set of shots in fsx and the aircraft looks good  it is a good job you have fsx for the oz scenery and if it was not for fsx we would not have p3d regards stewart

Cheers Stewart and you think the same was as me regarding FSX. 

It does get a panning but it is the base for P3D which I didn't realise until I started investigating it years ago when first contemplating the move from FSX.:P

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2 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks Paul and I think you have the same problem as me, that being we have so many planes in our hangars that we forget some of them!:o


That is so true Martyn. I haven't been doing much FS of late. No doubt, when I get back on I will be amazed at what I find there! :lol:

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35 minutes ago, paulb said:


That is so true Martyn. I haven't been doing much FS of late. No doubt, when I get back on I will be amazed at what I find there! :lol:

Sorry to hear that Paul, we all hope you can get back sooner than later.:)

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3 hours ago, paulb said:

I am pretty sure that the RealAir Lancair will work in P3Dv4. Not available for download any longer, but there are still a few boxed versions about.

It does work, I will show you some evidence later. Though I did not get the CRS indicator to work :blink:.


2 hours ago, paulb said:

That is so true Martyn. I haven't been doing much FS of late. No doubt, when I get back on I will be amazed at what I find there! :lol:

When RL gives you some spare time, you will enjoy old discoveries for a second time. Enjoy!

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Hi Bluebear. I miss my Lancair Legacy so much so your post gives me some hope- or at least it does if I understand you correctly. I only see a boxed edition of the FSX version. You appear to be saying you are using an FSX version in P3Dv4. Can you confirm that is so and just with a sound gauge replacement? Great news if it is. Thank you.

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4 minutes ago, Daz Kealy said:

Hi Bluebear. I miss my Lancair Legacy so much so your post gives me some hope- or at least it does if I understand you correctly. I only see a boxed edition of the FSX version. You appear to be saying you are using an FSX version in P3Dv4. Can you confirm that is so and just with a sound gauge replacement? Great news if it is. Thank you.

I have installed my DL version right from the installation files of 2016, and the sound works already well.


10 hours ago, Bluebear said:

Just bought the RealAir Lancair Legacy Box Version and it works very well in P3D4 after replacing the RASLegacy_Sound.dll gauge.

As i see, for Gerold and Paul it works also.



I just had trouble with the CRS needle, I could not turn it to the runway course https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/147586-installing-testing-enjoying-installing-testing-enjoying-installing/?tab=comments#comment-1299745. Do you see the same or does it work for you, Bluebear?


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15 hours ago, Stillwater said:

It does work, I will show you some evidence later. Though I did not get the CRS indicator to work :blink:.


When RL gives you some spare time, you will enjoy old discoveries for a second time. Enjoy!

Be aware that this is the ORBX rendition not the Real Air voila Gerold!:wacko:

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13 hours ago, Bluebear said:

Excellent set of shots, Martyn :)


Just bought the RealAir Lancair Legacy Box Version and it works very well in P3D4

after replacing the RASLegacy_Sound.dll gauge.

As i see, for Gerold and Paul it works also.




Thanks Bluebear good to hear you have one version working in V4.:)

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13 hours ago, Daz Kealy said:

Hi Bluebear. I miss my Lancair Legacy so much so your post gives me some hope- or at least it does if I understand you correctly. I only see a boxed edition of the FSX version. You appear to be saying you are using an FSX version in P3Dv4. Can you confirm that is so and just with a sound gauge replacement? Great news if it is. Thank you.

Hi,Daz,i don't want hijack Martyns thread and have send you a p.m.


13 hours ago, Stillwater said:

I just had trouble with the CRS needle, I could not turn it to the runway course

Hi Gerold, the CRS needle works as it should for me and i can adjust her.

Have you already checked your settings in the RA LC Configpanel ?




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21 hours ago, Bluebear said:

Hi,Daz,i don't want hijack Martyns thread and have send you a p.m.


Hi Gerold, the CRS needle works as it should for me and i can adjust her.

Have you already checked your settings in the RA LC Configpanel ?




No problems about any hijackings Bluebear, any info that will help folks getting their Lancair into V4 is good.

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  • 4 months later...
On 12/30/2017 at 5:06 PM, Daz Kealy said:

Hi Bluebear. I miss my Lancair Legacy so much so your post gives me some hope- or at least it does if I understand you correctly. I only see a boxed edition of the FSX version. You appear to be saying you are using an FSX version in P3Dv4. Can you confirm that is so and just with a sound gauge replacement? Great news if it is. Thank you.


Did the boxed FSX version of the Realair Lancair Legacy end up working in P3Dv4 for you?  


I badly wanted this aeroplane and see it is indeed still available in this boxed FSX edition.



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One of my first Orbx purchases - a rocket but not until you'd babied it off the runway (with that voice babbling in your ear).  Cleaned up it climbed like a homesick angel and settling at cruise, with AP doing it's thing, it was a nice 235 IAS.  I once went by Queenstown, NZ so fast I almost missed my screenshot :).

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To Iahawkeyedds- I do not, nor did I ever have the boxed version of the FSX version of the Lancair Legacy. I have the download version. I referred to the boxed version above given that was the specific version referred to there.
Despite some great efforts of help from a member here I have not succeeded in installing the aircraft into P3Dv4. It's a technical step too far for me sadly. Lots of other people seem to have done so though.
Let us know how you get on if you try.

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17 hours ago, olderndirt said:

One of my first Orbx purchases - a rocket but not until you'd babied it off the runway (with that voice babbling in your ear).  Cleaned up it climbed like a homesick angel and settling at cruise, with AP doing it's thing, it was a nice 235 IAS.  I once went by Queenstown, NZ so fast I almost missed my screenshot :).

Thanks OD not the type of GA plane I am used to but it is a joy to fly.:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/3/2018 at 1:57 PM, Daz Kealy said:

To Iahawkeyedds- I do not, nor did I ever have the boxed version of the FSX version of the Lancair Legacy. I have the download version. I referred to the boxed version above given that was the specific version referred to there.
Despite some great efforts of help from a member here I have not succeeded in installing the aircraft into P3Dv4. It's a technical step too far for me sadly. Lots of other people seem to have done so though.
Let us know how you get on if you try.


So I just purchased this from Aerosoft store:




pointed the native installer to P3Dv4 root directory. Installed it without any issues.


Performed this task for flaps and landing gear sounds:


Legacy Lancair :


Copy "dsd_p3d_xml_sound_x64.dll" to P3DV4 root folder

Delete "RASLegacy_Sound.gau" and rename "dsd_p3d_xml_sound_x64.dll" to "RASLegacy_Sound.dll"


And she works perfectly in P3Dv4.1!!!


So I’ve got my Legacy!!!  Woot!!

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2 hours ago, Iahawkeyedds said:


So I just purchased this from Aerosoft store:




pointed the native installer to P3Dv4 root directory. Installed it without any issues.


Performed this task for flaps and landing gear sounds:


Legacy Lancair :


Copy "dsd_p3d_xml_sound_x64.dll" to P3DV4 root folder

Delete "RASLegacy_Sound.gau" and rename "dsd_p3d_xml_sound_x64.dll" to "RASLegacy_Sound.dll"


And she works perfectly in P3Dv4.1!!!


So I’ve got my Legacy!!!  Woot!!

Good to see you have your Legacy.

I hope you enjoy flying it.:D

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