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Now I have found Martin!


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I did not use a totally appropriate livery to start out of Queenstown today... and at the end of the flight I have also learned that it was not even a totally appropriate plane :blink:...



Climbing southbound over Lake Wakatipu...


... and enjoying a look back over the city.



Mt. Aspiring NP from above...



... and a final view to the Lake, ...



... before I crossed the ridge and went down over Hollyford River...



... towards Martyns Bay. Oh no, it is still Martins Bay!



Perhaps it is easier to land on the beach here...



... but I called for "runway" 20...



... where the Caravan seems a bit, say, optimistic. Good that this is not a real flight.



Made it. Time to relax at Martins Lodge, with a well-deserved glass of cold white!


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1 hour ago, stewart1 said:

super set of shots  regards stewart

Thank you Stewart!


59 minutes ago, BradB said:

High quality caps from the SI Gerold . :):)



Thanks for the compliment, John.


16 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Beautiful Gerold, and 'm glad you finally found him!  Maybe he'll take you for a tour in his Big Head Carvair.

Well I found hym, but only with an exotic typo. The other pilots hanging around were just boring... but if someone came in with a Big Head Bird, I would be happy!


5 minutes ago, Mickel said:

Great shots.  Plenty of runway for a Caravan.  :P

Only person who's going to try to drive a Carvair out of there Jack is you!

Well Mickel, the runway lenght was not the problem, approaching this track I had already reduced my speed to a minimum. But the trees left & right caused me some virtual headache...:D

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8 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Enjoyed your flight Gerold, the picts were great.

Thank you for watching them, John!


8 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots. 



Thnaks, Iain!


3 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Beautiful set of views Gerold and it appears you have almost had some success in tracking me down.:)

Almost, mate, just almost. Thys tipo yn the name of the ayrstryp made me hope two much, Y really thought we could have a whyte together.


2 hours ago, Bluebear said:

Wonderful shots, Gerold :)

Looks like you feel at home in your new sim.



You got me, Bluebear. I have not looked back for weeks now, and still have much to install & improve.

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7 hours ago, adambar said:

Super shots indeed, nice job Gerold! :)

Thank you Adam!


2 hours ago, paulb said:

Great series of shots Gerold! Your sim is looking good :)

Thanks Paul. Indeed, i am very pleased (up to now). There is still potential to improve (or to lose...).

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