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Some mirth in Perth

Jack Sawyer

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2 hours ago, paulb said:

Great flight Jack! :). I always like the Royal Aero Club building there.

Thanks Paul, I was in such a rush to get out the door I didn't really have a chance to explore the ground details.

1 hour ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots Jack.



Thank you Iain!

53 minutes ago, lifejogger said:

Jack, these are super shots!!!!!!!  Good Job.

Thanks kind sir!

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3 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set from the west Jack.

Hopefully your images will give birth to a dearth of views from Perth in the surf and the turf for all it is worth!:wacko:

Thanks Martyn.  I needed a god laugh.  :)

2 hours ago, BradB said:

Where on earth have you been Sawyer , this place gets a little boring without you . :o:unsure::wacko::D:P





Thanks for the kind words John.  Will PM.  I need to make more flights so I'm going to do some in a few minutes.

13 minutes ago, flyingleaf said:

Truly very nice shots Jack. John is right it's too quiet git back soon.:D  

Thanks Karl.  I need to get back into the swing of things.  

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8 hours ago, Aussie123 said:

Hi Jack,


Don't forget a quick trip out to Rottnest Island (12km off the coast of Fremantle)

Home of the ever popular Quokka.


Nice shots. It will be interesting to see what Australia V2 does with Perth and Fremantle.






Thanks Aussie!  I love that name, Rottnest, and what is a Quokka?  

8 hours ago, adambar said:

Very nice indeed Jack! :)  I like Alan's paints, they very unique.

Thanks Adam, I love this livery too, it makes it look much better than the contemporary liveries it first shipped with.

2 hours ago, stewart1 said:

super set of shots Jack I really enjoyed them all thanks for sharing regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart, glad you liked them.

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You haven't heard of a Quokka Jack? :) Great little animals. Their habitat is shrinking but Rottnest is a refuge.

They are not vey big (so you don't see them in FSX AU)

You should try and come over Jack, and as they say, take selfie with a quokka :):huh:





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5 hours ago, Aussie123 said:

Just noticed Jack, that Qantas has named one of it's new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners, "Quokka".

They will be on the Melbourne - Los Angeles route so you could get to see a Quokka in the US :)



Great video, 100 people, can you imagine living there?  Gosh I'd absolutely love it!  Thank you for this, it's really good and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Hi. Running P3D4 and have bought Orbx Australia and the YPJT scenary.

YPJY is absolutely perfect - every detail.... (although the B200s in the RFDS hangar are slightly out of date).

THe Perth CBD though is awful - one or two high rises are ok - but nothing else is even close. No WACA ground, no Casino, pretty much nothing.

I wonder if I've done something wrong in the setup?

Can anyone help?

Thanks Dave


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6 minutes ago, panicp said:

Hi. Running P3D4 and have bought Orbx Australia and the YPJT scenary.

YPJY is absolutely perfect - every detail.... (although the B200s in the RFDS hangar are slightly out of date).

THe Perth CBD though is awful - one or two high rises are ok - but nothing else is even close. No WACA ground, no Casino, pretty much nothing.

I wonder if I've done something wrong in the setup?

Can anyone help?

Thanks Dave


First, welcome to the forum Dave!  Hope to see many screenshots and like my usual broken record, don't forget to enter the screenshot contest.


Did you buy the Cityscape?  There's a minor fix for it if you did, let me know here.


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Hi Jack.

Thanks so much for a quick reply and glad to be here.

No - I just bought the AU scenery. Had a look back and the only cityscape available seems to be Canberra - but I just assumed buying the Aussie pack would include the main Capital landmarks?




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Just now, panicp said:

Hi Jack.

Thanks so much for a quick reply and glad to be here.

No - I just bought the AU scenery. Had a look back and the only cityscape available seems to be Canberra - but I just assumed buying the Aussie pack would include the main Capital landmarks?




Hi Dave, I live in the States and have never been to Oz but would love to go.  But having said that there are some recent posts on the screenshot forum showing Canberra's Cityscape you can buy, I highly recommend it.  Maybe have a look at those posts and see if it looks correct?


It's worth it, I really enjoy the details of the Canberra Cityscape.


Look for posts by me and PaulB

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5 minutes ago, panicp said:

But Canberra is on the opposite side of the continent. How would buyig that one help me to improve the Perth skyline? Whch really is poor.



Gosh Dave, I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about Canberra, my mistake.


Did you make sure to install the Orbx Libraries too?

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5 minutes ago, panicp said:

no worries Jack thanks, ,

I downloaded the full pack that came with the purchase and the YPJT addon - but I've just seen the _fullFTXOrbxlibs17001.zip -

So perhaps that would help to fix the issue?



If you didn't install the Orbx libraries then you'll see anomalies, it's highly recommended, almost mandatory to install the LIBS file.  You can ask Mr. Doug Sawatzky to help. @Doug Sawatzky  Since I posted his address he'll see this and I know he'll be able to help.  Best of luck Dave and don't worry, this place has the best customer support, bar none in the sim world.

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2 hours ago, panicp said:

I downloaded the full pack that came with the purchase and the YPJT addon - but I've just seen the _fullFTXOrbxlibs17001.zip -


Hi Dave


As Jack has mentioned, 

Please install the Orbx Libraries which you can find in your FTXC3 circled in red in the example below image.




If that doesn't work out for you, please start a new separate post in the payware support forum link below.  :)







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Hi all,

Update: I have the orbx libraries installed in addition to the Australia plugin.

Unfortunately, the Perth city is still just really bad - not even close.

I'm really disappointed.

I still hope I've not set something correctly in the scenery files - but I have tried over and over again and all the orbx stuff is at the top.

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Hi Dave 


As this is the screenshot forum, could you please as per my #27 post, start your own new topic in the support forums. Just to clarify, this is Jack’s post of screenshots he is sharing. So please just click on the link I provided in my #27 post and start there. :)





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