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Mr. Bui's fabulous POI's

Jack Sawyer

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5 hours ago, oldboy43 said:

Hi Jack, thanks for nice screen shots.



Thanks Karoly!

4 hours ago, paulb said:

A great sightseeing tour of England there Jack! :)

Thanks Paul but Martyn gets the credit for finding them.

4 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Beautiful shots Jack. Amazing all those people cheering you on to land that upside down ceiling fan in shot #7:D

Thanks Karl!  :lol::lol:  I think they were cheering because I was taking off without them! :lol:

2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

A fantastic post with all these add-ons from Richard. Even though there is no yellow, no bridge and no inverted!

Thanks Gerold!  Nope, I might see my MV helos sometime between now and.....eternity.  >:D

2 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Wow what a good tour you have just done Jack and super set of screen shots  Gerold said about you not inverted I would think you would have a job with a chopper regards stewart

Thanks Stewart, its very very difficult to stay inverted in these upside down ceiling fans.  I mean almost impossible.  Believe me I've tried. :wacko:

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24 minutes ago, Pat Cox (Aussieman) said:

Nice set of shots mate. But would have been even nicer if each shot had been captioned with the location.

Well Pat, since I'm from the USA and haven't been to these it's a little difficult for me to say where they are, although if you know I'd be grateful if you told me.  They do however look awesome.

24 minutes ago, Richard Bui said:

It was a pleasure Jack ;)

Thanks Richard and thank you for the POI's, they're great.

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7 hours ago, adambar said:

Enjoyed the tour Jack, great job! :)

Thanks Adam, they're really cool.  Adds a lot to the environment.

4 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Many thanks Jack for showing us these wonderful POIs which have really enhanced the ENG scenery.

It find it highly enjoyable planning a flight going to several of these place one after the other.


Thank you Martyn for the coordinates!  I want to search for more!

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9 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Adam, they're really cool.  Adds a lot to the environment.

Thank you Martyn for the coordinates!  I want to search for more!

I shall try and find some more for you in the UK Jack but there is a new place to fly around which also has some marvellous POIs.:)

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