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Brazil - 777

Jack Sawyer

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Orbx everything - brand new 777 - and what stinks is this aircraft will not allow me to go inverted.  But I think I can find a way in settings :ph34r:


Anyway, Brazil and just flew around.  Am VERY impressed with this land class.  Now I'll have new destinations from the USA to south of the border.  I wonder if Orbx will make some airports for it?  Of course they will!  I hope...












Hey, it could happen, you never know when NASA might need a new Vomit Comet

















The wife thinks the panda is "cute"



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1 minute ago, BradB said:

Smashing shots from Rio Jack !! .






PS - If anybody can invert the T7 , it would be you - Jack "Hoover" Sawyer . :o:rolleyes::lol:

Thanks John!  I am literally laughing out loud.  I just wanted to test it.  I can se many long flights from Miami to South Of The Border!  

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4 minutes ago, Neptune6 said:

Waoo Jack you have the feet on the break before landing  hahahhaaaaa ! 

you are so funny in your screen !



Hi Patrick, nope, I had auto brakes set to max to see how well they'd work and it was a short runway but my feet weren't even on the pedals.


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Excellent set of views Jack and some beautiful OLC scenery.:)

I would ask for my money back, didn't they know who you were when they sold the 777 to you.:unsure:

Surely that was in the specs that the T7 had to be fully aerobatic.:(

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12 hours ago, RJ said:

Wow, taking off with a triple 7 from a small airport like SBRJ only an expert (or test pilots) can do. Fantastic!!! :)



Thanks RJ.  I made sure the plane had a short load of fuel and was empty.  This plane has a lot of power, I remember when we first got them, I was astonished by the amount of thrust they put out.  I can stand in the nacelle and stretch my hands up and not touch the top.  Did you know the diameter of those nacelles is the same diameter as a 737 and 757's fuselage?

12 hours ago, adambar said:

Fantastic shots Jack! :)  I can't believe you didn't stall the aircraft. :lol:

Thanks Adam, I actually did stall, the stick shaker was going off.  It has software in it to prevent going inverted but I'll find a way.  I like to test new planes this was and was very pleasantly surprised by it.

12 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set of views Jack and some beautiful OLC scenery.:)

I would ask for my money back, didn't they know who you were when they sold the 777 to you.:unsure:

Surely that was in the specs that the T7 had to be fully aerobatic.:(

Thanks Martyn, yes, how many millions of kilometers did they say?  55 million?  I just went here on a lark, there's so much more to see and do now it's amazing!

:lol:  I would never sell it back, I like the technology in this jet.  I'll find a way yet to go inverted.  You know they did it in the Boeing simulations.  It's just that it has limiting software that won't allow it which is a good thing.  It reminded me of the same software they have in the F-16 where if the pilots blacks out from G forces the plane will right itself.

9 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Smashing screen shots Jack never mind you will find a way to go inverted regards stewart

Thanks Stewart!

9 hours ago, Taph said:

Fine set

Thank you Taph!

8 hours ago, Senchay said:

I see the weight of the forum section got incereased by some tonns :-) Not bad^^ Nice screenshots heh-

PS: If you reached moon witch that steep angle, let me know, ill try too :-)

Thanks Senchay, I was trying the NASA Vomit Comet routine where they go on all those parabolic arcs.  The plane is quite capable of doing that at least.

7 hours ago, Mark Abdey said:

Jack going 'nuts' in Brazil :lol:  Its looking good down south.

Thanks Mark, yes indeed, I know where I'll be spending a lot of my flight time, South America.  One thing about this land class, it's huge.  And the land mass it covers is ginormous!

6 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Another fine set of shots Jack.




Thanks Ruud kind sir!

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2 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Great views of the vomit comet (did they not offer a yellow paint) and of Rio, Jack. There is very good 3rd party scenery of the city (on the market and my HDD...), but orbx already looks quite pleasing!

Thanks Gerold!  Yes, yellow would be terrific! :lol:


The only third party scenery I have is four from FlyTampa.  I bought them for FSX a long time ago and installed them into V4 with their updates.


But I much prefer to buy all of Orbx's stuff because I like the way it all integrates nicely with each other, I like FTX Central and the way it makes everything so easy to install and update, and they make very high quality stuff.  I'm very comfortable with Orbx stuff.



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Great shots, Jack!


Glad to see that you're enjoying virtual Brazil.


I just got back from 12 days in the real place (Sao Paulo, Brazil) for work (long time without my sim, or wife :) ) - Neat place and lots of interesting airline action down there, loved seeing Aerolineas Argentinias lovely blue 737s etc.



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3 hours ago, Republic DC-9 said:

Great shots, Jack!


Glad to see that you're enjoying virtual Brazil.


I just got back from 12 days in the real place (Sao Paulo, Brazil) for work (long time without my sim, or wife :) ) - Neat place and lots of interesting airline action down there, loved seeing Aerolineas Argentinias lovely blue 737s etc.



Hi Steve!  Thanks!  That must have been a cool trip.  I've always wanted to go there and see what it's like.  Maybe someday.  But for now I can visit in Orbx-land.

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