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Flew from Port Macquarie to YKMP, Kempsey.




Weather was real bad so I switched to Orbx #3





Forgot how much I liked this little bird!



Do people really live like this?  Luxury!  I'd love it.



Hey!  Micky D's.  I'll have a QP wit C (Quarter Pounder with Cheese)





















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10 hours ago, adambar said:

Who on earth would put mayo on a hamburger, egads. :blink:  Nice ones Jack! :)

My wife does.  :wacko:  She puts mayo on mayo!  I'll pass :blink: :lol:

10 hours ago, BradB said:

But yellow mustard.......please . :wacko::D:lol:





Agreed John, I like the spicy brown stuff!

8 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots these.



Thanks Iain!

7 hours ago, paulb said:

Great shots Jack. You show the area off well! :)

Yep, imagine having your boat at the bottom of your garden!

Thanks Paul, man, that would be sweet!  

7 hours ago, Bugdani said:

This bird is also one of my favourite...

Me too, ever since Adam showed it off I decided to buy it, it's very well done and easy peasy to fly.

5 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Divine set! And try the new Maple Bacon Beef Burger at Mc's ;)

Thanks Erik!  I'd like to but doctor's orders, no bacon, such is life.  I lost 75 pounds and haven't eaten at Micky D's for ten years. now.  But I sure do miss a Big Mac!

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Tell me Jack, are you employed by the Australian Tourist Board?

Another ripper set of views and gotta love the Winjeel.

Never heard it called Mickey ds before, we used to call it Ronnie Macs!

Went to the Golden Arches just out of Bangkok on Sunday, quite interesting to see rice dishes on the menu as well as the normal burgers which are much smaller than the ones in Oz. The fries were flippin' awful. My first Ronnie Macs for 2 1/2 years!

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Getting around Jack.:)

There are places like that i Coastal Oz where the boat is moored at the bottom of the garden.

Went for a boat tour of such an 'estate' in Brisbane decades ago.

Palatial - the houses & boats!




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6 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Tell me Jack, are you employed by the Australian Tourist Board?

Another ripper set of views and gotta love the Winjeel.

Never heard it called Mickey ds before, we used to call it Ronnie Macs!

Went to the Golden Arches just out of Bangkok on Sunday, quite interesting to see rice dishes on the menu as well as the normal burgers which are much smaller than the ones in Oz. The fries were flippin' awful. My first Ronnie Macs for 2 1/2 years!

Wish I was.  I'll bet it's a whole different world than what I'm used to here.  I wouldn't miss this place for one nanosecond.

Thanks, I like the Winjeel too, it's a great plane and easy to fly.

Yup, we call it Micky D's here.  But I remember my first trip to London, we went to one and I saw the most polite and formal Brits eating a Big Mac with a knife and fork.  I thought that was so proper British and cool.  AND, they served beer with your meal!

6 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Getting around Jack.:)

There are places like that i Coastal Oz where the boat is moored at the bottom of the garden.

Went for a boat tour of such an 'estate' in Brisbane decades ago.

Palatial - the houses & boats!




Thanks TTM.  Palatial, man, that must be nice living.  I wonder what it's like.

4 hours ago, Mark Abdey said:

Great Jack!... showing FTX AU at its best B)

Thanks Mark, yep, Oz is awesome and I'm really glad for this sale, gave me a reason to start exploring Down Under.  And I love it.

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