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Helicopter inspection at Friday harbor

Jack Sawyer

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2 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Luvley jubbly shots Jack.

I flew the default Jet Ranger yesterday for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed it.

However I was at Alice which is about as different at you can get from Friday Harbour.

I know right?  Different in about 12,000 miles?  :)  When I get finished doing what I'm doing I'm going to buy every last Orbx Australia airport and spend all my time there exploring.  Heli's are cool aren't they?  I never thought I'd get the hang of it but I finally did.  Not as good as Roger but I can land. ^_^


Dang!  6000 posts!  

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12 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I know right?  Different in about 12,000 miles?  :)  When I get finished doing what I'm doing I'm going to buy every last Orbx Australia airport and spend all my time there exploring.  Heli's are cool aren't they?  I never thought I'd get the hang of it but I finally did.  Not as good as Roger but I can land. ^_^


Dang!  6000 posts!  

Congrats on 6000 posts, not long to go before your name changes colour.:)

I love the heli's:wub:, have many from the tiny Mosquito to the CH-53, all great to fly.

I have even been managing to land them on the helipads too, not pretty:ph34r: but my flying is going in the right direction!

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1 minute ago, VH-KDK said:

Congrats on 6000 posts, not long to go before your name changes colour.:)

I love the heli's:wub:, have many from the tiny Mosquito to the CH-53, all great to fly.

I have even been managing to land them on the helipads too, not pretty:ph34r: but my flying is going in the right direction!

Thanks Martyn!  I think it'll be a while yet. :D

Going in the right direction!  I love it!  

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1 minute ago, Republic DC-9 said:

Nice shots, Jack and congrats on 6,000 posts!


I've not really tried whirlybirds much - do you need rudder pedals to fly them successfully?



Hi Steve, thanks!  Rudder pedals really help, I have an old pair of Saitek pedals and they work great on helicopters.  But I also use a yoke of all things!  If you have a joystick with the twist grip for yaw it would work perfectly.  That's what I need.  Who ever heard of a yahoo like me flying a helicopter with a yoke? 

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Just now, Jack Sawyer said:

Hi Steve, thanks!  Rudder pedals really help, I have an old pair of Saitek pedals and they work great on helicopters.  But I also use a yoke of all things!  If you have a joystick with the twist grip for yaw it would work perfectly.  That's what I need.  Who ever heard of a yahoo like me flying a helicopter with a yoke? 


Cool...no pedals here but I do have a twist grip...will need to take some helo lessons! :)


Any particular videos you recommend?


Thanks Jack!



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2 minutes ago, Republic DC-9 said:


Cool...no pedals here but I do have a twist grip...will need to take some helo lessons! :)


Any particular videos you recommend?


Thanks Jack!



Hi Steve, I never watched any, I just hopped in and kept practicing.  I started out by learning to hover about ten feet off the ground and turn myself around 360 degrees.  And then just take off and landing about a million times.  I think the hardest part is getting into a flare to reach a stable hover and then slowly using increasing and decreasing collective to maintain a slow descent.


I've flown small planes and hot air balloonns in real life as well as the big jets in our Level D's but I never got a chance to fly a helicopter.  Maybe some day if I ever get my medical back. :(


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5 minutes ago, Orbxtreme said:

Great shots Jack, I see that Friday Harbor behaves properly with your system. With mine, the airport show shadows that stretch for so long that they are even going in the sky toward my plane when I'm flying! <_<

Thanks Francois!  I wonder shy this is happening to your system?  I don't know enough to offer any help.  Did you run the troubleshooter to see if you get all green scenery entries?  I wonder if something got corrupted?

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16 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

Top-of-the-shelf shotz again! You are just missing some floats on the heli to join the yachts for a spree on the sea!

Thanks Erik!  For some reason when I put floats on it it seems to sink so it's not really realistic.  But it's a wonderful rendition, MV did a great job.  Helis are always great for finding the Orbx goodness you'd not otherwise see at 130 knots.


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2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Congrats on 6000 posts, not long to go before your name changes colour.:)

I love the heli's:wub:, have many from the tiny Mosquito to the CH-53, all great to fly.

I have even been managing to land them on the helipads too, not pretty:ph34r: but my flying is going in the right direction!

+1- At Jack's blistering pace on the forum , nobody is safe from being overtaken by Mr.Sawyer . :o:D



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1 minute ago, BradB said:

+1- At Jack's blistering pace on the forum , nobody is safe from being overtaken by Mr.Sawyer . :o:D



Thanks John, I had to laugh at that.  This is my most visited site on the Internet.  I have never met a nicer bunch of people ever.  If I was rich I'd have all of us meet somewhere for a BBQ.  I just love coming here and seeing the outstanding creativity of other guy's shots.  They inspire me to post better shots.  Iain for example.  I wish I could do what he does, I think it's talent.  I try to emulate all you guys' shots.  And seeing some of the tours and learning different things about geography is always very interesting to me.  I like it here because there's no cussing, no "flaming", no fights or political garbage or insults or other degrading nonsense.  It's filled with like minded aviation enthusiasts and very polite people.

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1 minute ago, BradB said:

+1- At Jack's blistering pace on the forum , nobody is safe from being overtaken by Mr.Sawyer . :o:D



Thanks John, I had to laugh at that.  This is my most visited site on the Internet.  I have never met a nicer bunch of people ever.  If I was rich I'd have all of us meet somewhere for a BBQ.  I just love coming here and seeing the outstanding creativity of other guy's shots.  They inspire me to post better shots.  Iain for example.  I wish I could do what he does, I think it's talent.  I try to emulate all you guys' shots.  And seeing some of the tours and learning different things about geography is always very interesting to me.  I like it here because there's no cussing, no "flaming", no fights or political garbage or insults or other degrading nonsense.  It's filled with like minded aviation enthusiasts and very polite people.

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20 minutes ago, adambar said:

Congrats on 6000 posts Jack, you'll be passing m in no time. :D  Super shots! :)

Oh I dunno Adam.  I have a ways to go.  I'll get there eventually.  I just love to come here and see the amazing, creative things people do.  I of course have to be silly a lot of the time, what with my comics and dumb things I make planes do, but what is life without a little fun now and then?



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6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots Jack.



Thanks again Iain!

5 hours ago, paulb said:

Nice shots Jack.


Well done on 6,000+ posts!


Now then, which boat in the pic is yours? ;-)

Thanks Paul!  Man, that would be nice to own a boat there.  I wish, but I can dream.  I think you would probably have to have big bucks to have a boat there.

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Smart move Mr. 6K.  That is, flying the yellow helicopter as it shows off so well against the backgrounds.  Especially in the first shot.  It won't be long, and I will be Mr. 2K.  Think of me as one third the man that you are.  Back to the first shot...awesome with the yellow highlighted against the blue.

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Great sunny spring shots, Jack, thanks for showing us around!

And.... congrats to crossing the next k-mark.


15 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

I flew the default Jet Ranger yesterday for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed it.

The default Jet Ranger to me is one of the more difficult-to-control helis....


15 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Heli's are cool aren't they?  I never thought I'd get the hang of it but I finally did.  Not as good as Roger but I can land. ^_^

Dang!  6000 posts!  

To me there are huge differences in the behaviour of choppers. The Cerasim Balackhawk is really handy (if you can say so with this size), and the Nemeth AW-109 is my favourite. But I always struggle with the default Robinson...


12 hours ago, BradB said:

+1- At Jack's blistering pace on the forum , nobody is safe from being overtaken by Mr.Sawyer . :o:D


Yes, Jack´s speed is unbelievable. Though... you may still be safe, John!

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8 hours ago, PDX Flyer said:

Smart move Mr. 6K.  That is, flying the yellow helicopter as it shows off so well against the backgrounds.  Especially in the first shot.  It won't be long, and I will be Mr. 2K.  Think of me as one third the man that you are.  Back to the first shot...awesome with the yellow highlighted against the blue.

PDX, there's no way you're one third of the man that I am.  :o  We're all equal in life.  Thanks for your nice comments.  Friday Harbor is beautiful in the summer in the sim and of course yellow is my go to color so I thought what the heck, let's do a little exploring.  It's a wonderful area.


You'll soon be at 2K and then 6K and reach for the skies!





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7 hours ago, jury42 said:

Great looking shots.

Thanks again Jury!

4 hours ago, Mark Abdey said:

Nice shots Jack, and a great place to see by helo.

Thanks Mark, yeah, it's a beautiful area and you know how it is, you can't sightsee when you're going 130 kts.  Helo's are perfect for some places.

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