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Exploring Germany North, first part


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Sorry, mates, this was a long flight (> 3 hrs) and it is going to be a long post. I chose a slow plane with great realism, decided to land at all my waypoint airfields and I was frequently overwhelmed by the realistic views.


Taking off in Aerosoft´s Hanover, naturally. Though there is a slight colour difference I´d say "great job, orbx", well adapted to the older scenery.


The green area below is Hanover´s Eilenriede, one of the biggest parks of Europe´s cities. Our house must be under the starboard wheel.


Here we pass the fairground in Hanover´s south, currently the international truck fair attracts 100.000s of visitors http://www.iaa.de/ . The Ricklinger Teiche and Maschsee well depicted, as all major roads.


With this livery I had to make an intermediate stop in Hildesheim.


Heading westwards to the Orbx freeware Rinteln. This is 100 % like the landscape looks.


Slightly northwards crossing the Wesergebirge, ...


.. and here we are at the point where a channel (Mittellandkanal) is crossing a river (Weser). My office is on this picture, too, even the house exists! But I thought I left the sunblinds closed over the weekend?!


Turning south, Minden downtown. In reality there are about a dozen churches there, making a characteristic skyline. Well, not one is depicted here - but I do not know if anyone except me will notice that...


Following the river Weser to the landmark "Porta Westfalica".


Can you see EDVY to the right? Now the Orbx payware fits totally to the environment.


Looking back towards Minden...


... and climbing out from Porta again.



Now we come to visit @bernd1151 in Münster. Looks already great, but he is right: some churches would be good here.


Turning north...


... to Osnabrück, which already has some POIs.


Over the marshes to Lemförde, where the landclass with the industrial area (Elastogran headquarter) is totally correct.


Lembruch at the Dümmer See, the harbours with the sail ships are missing... .


... as well as some static ships (restaurants) on the Weser river in Bremen. City wall & building types are correct, as well as the included POIs. But the roads are much too wide, and the world-famous town hall is missing! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bremen_City_Hall


Now we fly over my parents house. Perfect allocation of the streets and the Bürgerpark, and I was shocked to see the Schrebergärten north of the railway so perfectly seperated from other looks, I have never seen these textures before. Chapeau, Orbx!


Time to rest with a good Beck´s beer, or better a Kräusen Pils http://www.abinbev-regional.de/HAAKEBECK/produkte/kraeusen/ .



The main question for the day is...: Where to go next?

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Turning south, Minden downtown. In reality there are about a dozen churches there, making a characteristic skyline. Well, not one is depicted here - but I do not know if anyone except me will notice that...


That's what I always notice about LC sceneries trying to depict middle-european countries. The churches are always missing.

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Great pics :)

I started in Muenster today and got to Guetersloh. Its kinda boring but for tis Westphalia and not Orbx is to blame ;)

Right now I am starting FSX again to continue with heading Detmold and the Teuto round there. There are quite a lot POI. I ll try to post some pics later.

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Thank you, @RJ, @Iain Emms and @Taph !


6 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

What a superb trip, Gerold. And next time you plan on visiting Münster, please let me know in advance, so that I can offer you a cold one (or three ;))

With this interesting offer I will not be able to resist!


4 hours ago, Wolter van der Spoel said:

Great screens and story with it Gerold B)

Thank you, Wolter!


4 hours ago, KVSandleben said:

That's what I always notice about LC sceneries trying to depict middle-european countries. The churches are always missing.

We might suggest to just drop some churches by chance into the old city areas...?


3 hours ago, JanTenner said:

Great pics :)

I started in Muenster today and got to Guetersloh. Its kinda boring but for tis Westphalia and not Orbx is to blame ;)

Right now I am starting FSX again to continue with heading Detmold and the Teuto round there. There are quite a lot POI. I ll try to post some pics later.

Interesting tour, as you see I have turned north. I will watch your pics, and take it as an inspiration for the next round!


3 hours ago, Kasi31 said:

Thanks a lot for the great flightseeing tour!

Same to you, Kasi. Great to show the areas we know so well.


1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Yet another great tour of Germany.  Gosh, you guys are leaving me in the dust.  I gotta get GEN!  Wonderful shots, some were photoreal.

As Martyn said already: These FTX regions get better with every release. Unfortunately also bigger on the HDD... At least the frame rates & VAS use are no problem.


1 hour ago, Frank Schnibben said:

Wonderful pictures Gerold. :)

You are a Butenbremer from Findorff? Interesting. I'm born just beyond Wümme and Hamme.

Yes I am, though my mother was born in Berlin only. In my childhood I was often making tours on Hamme & Wümme!


1 hour ago, BradB said:

Bravo Gerold , that's what I call a proper tour of GEN . I look forward to your next installment . :):)



Thanks, John. Will come. We Germans like to show you the teasers of our country, come over & fly virtual with us. Or take a rental car for the Autobahn in RL...

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We might suggest to just drop some churches by chance into the old city areas...?


No. Not by chance. One has to see churches as obstacles and reference points for navigation, that's why I still wait for an add-on that includes them all. At least if they either surpass a certain height or are part of a city of at least 100.000 inhabitants.

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20 hours ago, Voyager said:

Fantastic screenshots!



3 hours ago, luckyb52 said:

Lovely set, Gerold!




Thank you, Voyager & Lucky!


21 hours ago, andy1252 said:

Lovely shots Gerold, and I always really enjoy a documented trip like this - it adds some flesh to the bones, so to speak - thank you

Thak you, Andy. It take some time to type all this stuff, but reading the communities feedback makes it pay off.


19 hours ago, KVSandleben said:

No. Not by chance. One has to see churches as obstacles and reference points for navigation, that's why I still wait for an add-on that includes them all. At least if they either surpass a certain height or are part of a city of at least 100.000 inhabitants.

If you see it precisely, you are fully right. I just wanted to make a suggestion to create a "fast immersion" mode - still better than nothing, IMO...?

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