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South California - apparently!

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I took advantage of the sale and added FTX Southern California. The install was totally painless (the integration with FTX Central is brilliant) - and I was up and away from KLAX in no time at all.


That's where it got a bit foggy, so to speak - as I got utterly lost. Technically not actually lost - as I knew where I was on the map - I just don't know California!!





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2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Must be hard tearing yourself away from NZ!

It certainly is!!! ORBX NZ is a *gem*!! The odd thing is that when making the occasional flight across NZ in Real Life, I've been struck how beautifully empty so much of the country is: wall-to-wall bush or paddocks (with a fair few decent mountains in between). Coming from rural Gloucestershire (UK) with villages every couple of miles, it's quite a shock!


Anyway - I have similar feelings about many of the NA areas ... they're HUGE - and the distances massive. All that space! No wonder I hadn't a clue where I was. I should just follow Bermuda's advice: "when in doubt, go WEST" :lol:.


Thanks for the great comments, folks - it'll be a real pleasure to put some more shots up soon!





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