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YOU are overstressed. Wattaboutme?


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After seeing Karstens beautiful screenies with the DC-10 but seeing in a review that the aircraft was prone to the dreaded OOM I decided to give it a go.


2 attempts to take off from PANC both resulted in an OOM after about 500m along the runway. :o


Over to PAYA and some luck, but too busy taking shots and marvelling at the exterior of this fine plane in flight and a window came up stating "overstressed." End of flight.


So over to Valdez to try the cargo version. Now the cockpit is black apart from the instruments.


Try a different freight version and the texture is a nice shiny metal.


Now I am overstressed. :(  >:(  :banghead:









Beautiful inside and out with some great sounds too


Yet again something has been release with a serious floor in it.


David Womack's review is here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HxfoUwg_BI


My fault for not heeding the warnings!


Time to fly in something reliable Captain Sim's excellent C-130




Captain Sim to the rescue :lol:  :lol:  :lol: .


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I was seriously considering this plane with the introductory deal, but I think I will pass after this review and David Womacks. I don't need more problems in my FS setup.


I bought a payware scenery a while ago (I won't mention any names) and it is a nice scenery, for about 5 minutes, and then the textures start to disappear and go black and white and then the OOM warning bell starts going off.  It is so frustrating.


Nice pics anyway Martyn, and thanks for sharing your experience.



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It is a very nice set!

Thanks Filou


Truly nice shots again Martyn!

Cheers Dolf



I was seriously considering this plane with the introductory deal, but I think I will pass after this review and David Womacks. I don't need more problems in my FS setup.


I bought a payware scenery a while ago (I won't mention any names) and it is a nice scenery, for about 5 minutes, and then the textures start to disappear and go black and white and then the OOM warning bell starts going off.  It is so frustrating.


Nice pics anyway Martyn, and thanks for sharing your experience.



Thank you Scott. I hope they can fix this as it appears to be a great plane. I do wish developers would release stuff that worked "out of the box" as now I feel a tad cheated. Although I was aware of the problem after seeing David's excellent review. Their 747-200/300 which I brought last week flew well until on approach to YMML rwy 16. 3 attempts to land and 3 OOMs. I will be avoiding CLS like the plague until they fix things. I wanted a simple airliner to fly as I like to fly and not spend half the day preparing and trying to figure various systems out!


Brought two great looking airports recently, the first a major Australian airport that crippled my sim, more OOMs. Never had any problems in Australia until that one was installed. Needless to say I have uninstalled it.


Then a big Japanese airport that would only part install so I have spent a lot of dollars recently on pups. Thank goodness for the likes of ORBX, Alabeo and Carenado amongst others who you can always rely on.

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Good to read your experiences, even though they are negative. But we learn from all of these, thanks for the detailed report!


I had trouble when starting with the AXE, for me this was solved by

- creating a fresh, empty fsx.cfg (followed by adding those settings I understood). That way I got rid of the remainders of add-ons that I never used any more but still blocked memory.

- deactivating all sceneries with photoreal (memory-eating) areas - they are loaded regardless if you fly there or not.


Probably you have tried all that. At least I could not resist to repeat it. Good luck!

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Martyn I see you are using P3Dv2.4 . I got rid of OOM's when I went to P3Dv2.5 and then applied the hot fix from LM . Maybe a rainy day project for sure .

I loved the shots of your DC10 before the OOM chime went off . 8)>:(:D





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Hm. I have not encountered major memory problems with the DC-10...


Nice pics, however ;)






Maybe Mallard and me haven't any problems with the DC-10 because we are using FSX and not P3D...  ;)  :)  Just kidding! I'm sorry that you have so many problems with the DC-10.


However, beautiful shots!

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Thanks Filou


Cheers Dolf



Thank you Scott. I hope they can fix this as it appears to be a great plane. I do wish developers would release stuff that worked "out of the box" as now I feel a tad cheated. Although I was aware of the problem after seeing David's excellent review. Their 747-200/300 which I brought last week flew well until on approach to YMML rwy 16. 3 attempts to land and 3 OOMs. I will be avoiding CLS like the plague until they fix things. I wanted a simple airliner to fly as I like to fly and not spend half the day preparing and trying to figure various systems out!


Brought two great looking airports recently, the first a major Australian airport that crippled my sim, more OOMs. Never had any problems in Australia until that one was installed. Needless to say I have uninstalled it.


Then a big Japanese airport that would only part install so I have spent a lot of dollars recently on pups. Thank goodness for the likes of ORBX, Alabeo and Carenado amongst others who you can always rely on.


Definitely agree with you there, I installed Fly Tampa's Sydney......WHOA you talk about a frame-rate killer holy cow..........looks amazing when your just sitting still, as soon as I got rolling OOM within like 10 sec.

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Hm. I have not encountered major memory problems with the DC-10...


Nice pics, however ;)





Thanks Mallard. I took Gerold's advice last night and un ticked some areas and had a 15 minute flight from NSTU without any problems. Reloaded YSSY again with some areas un ticked and could fly the Navajo miles better than previously. Tried the DC-10 from there and crash! Every thing froze and the DC-10 only half appeared and in black :blink: .



Good to read your experiences, even though they are negative. But we learn from all of these, thanks for the detailed report!


I had trouble when starting with the AXE, for me this was solved by

- creating a fresh, empty fsx.cfg (followed by adding those settings I understood). That way I got rid of the remainders of add-ons that I never used any more but still blocked memory.

- deactivating all sceneries with photoreal (memory-eating) areas - they are loaded regardless if you fly there or not.


Probably you have tried all that. At least I could not resist to repeat it. Good luck!

Thanks Gerold. I had tried the fresh P3D.cfg but no change. See the comment to Mallard above to see what happened next! ???


A great shame as when it flies it is a wonderful aircraft.



Martyn I see you are using P3Dv2.4 . I got rid of OOM's when I went to P3Dv2.5 and then applied the hot fix from LM . Maybe a rainy day project for sure .

I loved the shots of your DC10 before the OOM chime went off . 8)>:(:D





Thank you very much Brad for your help.




Very nice set!


Very respectable birds!





Cheers Voyager. When she behaves she is pure magic but most of the time the DC-10 is a right royal pain. :-



Maybe Mallard and me haven't any problems with the DC-10 because we are using FSX and not P3D...  ;)  :)  Just kidding! I'm sorry that you have so many problems with the DC-10.


However, beautiful shots!

Damn it I knew I should not have gone to P3D :o  :unsure:  :lol: . Oh well you win some you lose some. :(



Thanks for the shots and for commenting on the DC-10. Always useful before someone makes a wrong move.

Thank you Francois. Trust me to put the moz on it. :P


Wonderful, the C-130 is for P3D?

Hi Sammy. I have used that unmentionable tool  on the FSX version and it works fine for me.



Definitely agree with you there, I installed Fly Tampa's Sydney......WHOA you talk about a frame-rate killer holy cow..........looks amazing when your just sitting still, as soon as I got rolling OOM within like 10 sec.

I have tried Gerold's suggestion and un ticked certain areas in the Scenery Library and it is flyable albeit with the PA-31. Flew out to the Heads via the CBD and no problems at all. Did turn off a lot of the features though , people and static vehicles for example. So later I will see how well it goes by adding a few of the features. Does pee me off greatly as it takes up so much valuable flying time all this messing about.


Many thanks to you all for your comments and help gentlemen. Good to see that some of you are getting these less perfect pay ware items to work. ::)

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Yeah, I just wish someone would develop a sim where the VAS Usage was not soooo freaking high so we can actually enjoy some of this extensive work by these developers.  It seems like the more and more detailed A/C and scenery get the more we can only fly for about 15 min before OOM.  I don't understand this, I like flying Long Hauls as well and I can't do it.  Even in FSX if I fly from say Dubai to LA in the PMDG I can go the entire flight just fine, right up to the point where FSDT LA comes into view and gets produced then BOOM, OOM.  Very frustrating after a 12,13,14 hour flight.


Almost like I need to fly the entire flight until about 100 miles from LA then save the flight and exit the sim, then restart the sim and load my saved flight and continue just to ensure I can land and who the hell wants to go through that all the time.  As you said I am so tired of spending more time tweaking and trying to ensure I can land my flight instead of actually flying and enjoying it.  Very frustrating cause I want my sim to look nice as well but there has to be some give and take but it seems there is more taking from the OOM than there is giving.

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There could be another thing to save VAS: Try setting down max. texture resolutions to 2048 or 1024. Doesn't change much on the look, but saves resources. I will even reinstall the whole NY package in 1024 to make it easier to use... :-)

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