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Everything posted by renault

  1. Just the one I think the Havant team has done an outstanding job of modelling the interior of Split airport. Well done folks and thank you! Cheers R
  2. Thanks John Cheers Pete Thanks Craig Cheers Pete Thank you Iain See you Pete Thanks John. I am really pleased you enjoyed them All the best Pete Thanks Bernd I appreciate it! Cheers Pete Thanks Jack Cheers Pete
  3. It's an absolute beauty Iain. Captures the evening ambience perfectly I almost expect to see a few bats about. It is such a perfect capture. Cheers Pete
  4. Hi Joe I am really pleased to hear that you are back in business. You are most welcome, but this was a group effort by a number of members and so on behalf of all who contributed, thank you for sticking with us as we worked through the issue with you. Happy flying All the best Pete @Nick Cooper
  5. A big "shout out" to the talented folks at Orbx. This is just an outstanding addon, even if one is not flying "low and slow". Thank you all , it has made my day Cheers R The thing about Alaska is that the weather can change ..... quickly Arrived and it was just a "beauty" A bit later and a bit of a snow shower .... And some more over night, but next morning was gorgeous But by the time we were ready to leave the clouds had rolled in .... For a brief instant I thought we have left that all behind .... But overall, not a bad day to be flying. Not bad at all
  6. Hi Joe @joemills cc @Nick Cooper I have also copied Nick on this as he may have some further thoughts. I have to admit this is a bit of a puzzler. I'm a bit out of ideas on this one , as you mentioned that you had reinstalled C++ previously. However if you haven't here is how to do it. What you want to do is to uninstall ucrtbase.dll from C++ and then reinstall it. Apparently ucrtbase.dll is a control.dll within Windows C++ , but it doesn't show up when you do a search for it. From what I have read MS2020 does access C++ and the problem may be a corrupt file in the C++ repository. To do this do the following. Uninstall Visual C++ In the Windows search window, type Control Panel & then select Uninstall a program Go down to the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 - 2019 Redistributable (x64) and uninstall it. Then (re)install the latest version of Visual C++ (Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019) then reboot your computer. You can find the latest version of Visual C++ from The latest supported Visual C++ downloads (microsoft.com) and since you are no doubt on Win10 64 bit, you will want the X64 package. If this doesn't help. The only other thing I can think of is that you have a windows corruption when you start up your system, which may still be there because all settings and user files were kept. This corruption could be due to a Windows 10 feature called Fast Startup being enabled as a default setting. Fast startup is a setting that helps your PC start up faster after shutdown. Windows does this by saving an image of the Windows kernel and loaded drivers to a special file upon shutdown so when you start your PC again, Windows simply loads the file into memory to resume your PC instead of restarting it. On a fast PC this feature doesn't really add anything. Worse yet, if you have a corrupted driver or Windows kernel, then every time you turn off you machine and start it up again, it simply loads the corrupted file. So the problem(s) keeps reoccurring. Here is how to disable fast startup. I really recommend it since it can become the root cause of a lot of issues. 1) In the Windows search bar type Control panel and go to System and Security 2) Then Select Power Options 3) Then Select Choose what the power buttons do 4) Go to Shutdown settings and make sure that Turn on fast startup(recommended) is Unchecked 5) Save changes and then Reboot your computer. Now when Windows starts up , it will not use the fast startup file, but instead will go through a conventional windows startup sequence. So in the remote chance that you kept reloading a corrupted startup sequence , this would eliminate that possibility. Also as Nick mentioned I don't suppose you could have removed the English (United States) language pack? . I have seen this listed several times as a cause of this error as well, so it is something to double check as well. Possibly when Nick sees this (as he is far wiser than I on computer issues) he may see something further that could be done. Cheers Pete
  7. Excellent , top quality John I hope to go Alaska exploring later today Cheers Pete
  8. Could we call it the "The Bakery". Would that work for you .... The livery is actually part of the package Vertigo » Microsoft Flight Simulator or ( https://flightsim.to/file/13052/vertigo-turbo-prop-racer ). It is the updated version compatible with SU5 Cheers John As always you make my day! See you Pete
  9. Hey Carlos my friend A visit is always good! Lots to enjoy Cheers and thank you Pete Thank you John It's an interesting place and one that I haven't gotten to IRL. Hope to go someday Cheers Pete Thanks Gerold I'm pleased you enjoyed it. See you Pete Thanks John Only one thing. Thank you . I appreciate it Cheers! Thank you Wayne I am glad that you liked it. See you Pete Thanks so much Iain Cheers Pete Thanks Craig You forgot the luck part. That is the important bit Oh and a sprinkle of the ole pixie dust sometimes does wonders as well All the best Pete Thanks Adam I appreciate you commenting and I'm pleased you enjoyed them All the best! Pete Thank you very much Richard It is appreciated Cheers Pete
  10. Thank you Adam See you Pete Thanks Taph And you are most welcome. The event viewer is very comprehensive, but the maintenance window gives the same info and is much easier to use. Cheers Pete
  11. Cheers R It was such a beautiful start to the day. I didn't really mind that I had to work But after I got off, this is what I dreamed I would be able to do. Go for a great little spin.... But the reality was .... But no worries, even though it was dark and gloomy I still had a great time Cheers and thanks for viewing R
  12. Hi Joe @joemills @Nick Cooper Just as a check I went through the above procedure on my machine today to make sure that all in the note was in order. It was and took about 45 minutes or so and updates to the latest Win10 version 21H1. Windows has this odd little habit of thinking that everyone runs on a lap top. For this reason, when you are done, there is one additional thing to do I put a note together on it a while ago This is described in the above note..... Go to the Device manager and then scroll down to Universal Serial Bus Controllers. For each one that is listed, right click on it, select properties and then go to the Power Management tab. Make sure to unclick "Allow computer to shut off this device to save power" This is the only setting I found that wasn't kept when I did a win10 reinstall today. Cheers Pete
  13. Thanks John Appreciate it Pete Thanks Kevin I'm very pleased you enjoyed them All the best Pete Thanks Don Yes it is on the news feeds here regularly. Sounds like a difficult time for everyone. Cheers Pete Thanks John I really enjoyed all the extras that Orbx has added since the original version. It does make it very immersive. Cheers & thanks again Pete Thanks very much Iain Cheers Pete Love it ! Thanks John Cheers Pete Thanks Wayne It is appreciated All the best Pete
  14. Cheers R Couldn't resist "playing with the camera...." Cheers everyone Thanks very much for viewing R
  15. Just one word - outstanding! Cheers Pete
  16. Hi Joe @Nick Cooper @joemills Hi again Joe In case the root cause of your issues may be due to windows itself, you might find the following helpful I have done this multiple times on my machine over the years and it reliably will fix a multitude of windows problems. The process reinstalls your current Windows 10 installation without losing any apps or data Here is a comprehensive guide to the steps involved: I have found the author of the video to be knowledgeable and reliable. This is a link to Microsoft to download Windows 10 Installation media https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/software-download/windows10 Just for information, I have always used the option to put the installation media onto a usb drive, but as explained in the video either method will work. It does take the better part of an hour, as you are completely reinstalling windows but when you are finished you will have a new, clean win10 installation and all your existing applications, settings and data will be exactly as they were before you reinstalled. If the difficulties you are having are possibly due to a corrupt win10 installation , then this will at least eliminate that from the problem analysis. Hope this is of help Cheers Pete
  17. Thanks John Actually I would count on one hand the number of times I have had an problem In SU5 , it is non scenery addons (liveries sometimes etc.) that haven't been updated that cause issues. The audio product was interesting though as it worked absolutely until it was updated this last time. The windows event viewer is easy to use and basically will help you to pinpoint exactly what was causing the problem. Worth its weight in gold, when you have issues. Or if you want to make it very much easier, just type maintenance in the search window. The Security & Maintenance app will pop up. click Open. then click the dropdown arrow for maintenance, and then click View Reliability History. You will then get a nice graph by time which will have a red circle with a little x on it under Application failure which is where you had the failing app. Put your cursor over the red circle, it will then change to a hand and click it. Below the graph under critical events you will see a line with the Flightsimulator.exe . It will give you info on the time and date of failure and at the far right hand side , under Action, you will see in blue lettering View technical details. Click that and you will then have a page which will describe exactly what happened to cause MS2020 to crash. Bit of "googling" for the exception code and you will now have the reason and any other programs, .dlls etc that were the root cause are also listed . It actually is much easier to do than the description. Cheers Pete Thanks Don It is quite neat to see. I always wondered why they always seem to be wearing sunglasses Now I know - grin Cheers Pete Thanks Iain Cheers Pete Thank you John Flying through the thunderstorm to get here, was a bit of a challenge though Cheers & thanks again! Pete Thanks Wayne. I'm pleased you enjoyed it. That will do it. I've been there as well Cheers Pete Hi John Thank you I've actually never had an issue with settings. As I explained above , it almost invariably caused by a misbehaving addon. SU5 changed many things and a lot of developers (mainly freeware) just haven't had a chance to catch up. But like everything , it will get all sorted out and then it will be good. Cheers! Pete
  18. The end of the day, both for the sim and for me. After 3 days of startup CTD's , not caused by MS2020 but rather a Nahimic update , all is forgiven. It's a quirky sim sometimes and at others it will drive you to distraction, but gosh I love it to bits when its working nicely Cheers R KSBA
  19. +1 "Now that's a cloud"!!! @Bullfox Great screenshot Cheers R
  20. I like these very much Richard! Cheers R
  21. @craigeaglefire Happy Birthday Craig. Enjoy, enjoy Best wishes Pete
  22. @Nick Cooper I am sorry to hear that you are still experiencing difficulties In answer to your question "I still cannot understand how the sim worked and installed the mandatory update on one day and next day the dll struck." you might find the following personal experience of interest. For the last 3 days, my MS2020 has been defunct. CTD every time I went to start it. Before that absolutely solid performance. Found the culprit and it was not MS2020 . I have a sound enhancer program called Nahimic (Nahimic - Audio that matters ) which came with my computer when it was built. I really like it and it works very well and does a great job. Last night I got MS2020 working again. Last night I checked windows store update and Nahimic was updated 3 days ago when I started up my computer. Shortly thereafter MS2020 started CTD on startup. in looking at the Nahimic settings, there are options to temporarily disable it, if, as they say "third party applications" interfere with it. So clicked that setting and MS2020 started up flawlessly. Put Nahimic back on and CTD immediately. I am beginning to wonder if a lot of the "churn" about MS2020 being badly programmed has nothing to do with MS2020 but may be related to something else that you have running on your machine that got updated and is now causing an issue with MS2020 through a incompatibility such as a drivers, .dll's, libraries such as C++ etc. . The reason for this is that many applications also install their own support "bits" when they are installed originally or updated. It makes very logical sense as well. MS2020 uses its own sound effects engine technology (links below) which surprisingly worked with Nahimic for the longest time. So my plan today is to uninstall Nahimic, as much as I like it I'm not suggesting that this is the root cause of your problem, but only that PC's have a lot of different applications that can unfortunately interact with one another with unintended consequences. Why Nahimic & MS2020 worked just fine up until the last Nahimic update is just one of life's mysteries. Cheers Pete Creating the Soaring Sound of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020: | A Sound Effect
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