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Everything posted by renault

  1. Thanks John Cheers Pete Thanks so much Landon See you Pete Thank you Iain Cheers Pete Thanks John. I love the analogy !! See you Pete Thanks Howard Cheers Pete Ah JM I understand , but for the sense of adventure .... You need to get right there so you can smell the kerosene and feel the ground shake Cheers & thanks All the best Pete Thanks Wayne I hope you enjoy it. It is a very nice part of the world See you Pete Thanks John See you Pete Indeed ! That would definitely take the edge off the ambience Thanks . I'm pleased you enjoyed them All the best Pete Thanks Adam See you Pete
  2. Hi FILOU There are us mere mortals taking screenshots and then there is FILOU who is in a class of one. These are absolutely spectacular sir! Cheers R
  3. Thanks Carlos All the best Pete
  4. Cheers Renault Perhaps the crew on the freighter have the best view of all What a great spot .... just perfect in every way! If you're an enthusiast , it simply doesn't get any better But for some , .......well I think he's more worried about spilling his beer!! And for others - the foods the thing But whether you spend few $ or a a lot $$$$, its a beautiful part of the world and for all , the experience is simply priceless.
  5. Absolutely first rate I can clap. The rest you don't want to hear. Or as my grandfather used to say, you trying to sing is like listening to a cat caught in a stove pipe Cheers Pete
  6. Absolutely wonderful stuff Mike I really enjoyed it. Cheers Pete
  7. @rockliffe Hi Graeme Howard is doing absolutely fine. I was communicating with him this AM Cheers Pete
  8. Thanks Gerold Here you go ... the answer to your success is in the numerics 46 9687 373267 Cheers Pete Thanks Wain See you Pete
  9. At least on a computer I wouldn't hold my breath
  10. Thanks JM I was shaking Cheers Pete Thanks John As I mentioned in the story it was Live weather Cheers Pete The live weather is something else. One minute your fine, the next the ground is coming up to meet you - fast and hard! Cheers Landon Thanks John I'm pleased you enjoyed it. I just wanted to do something a bit more interesting than a few screenshots Cheers! Pete Thanks very much Richard See you Pete Thanks Rob Scary stuff indeed! See you Pete
  11. A Halloween's Tale This is a true story as you will eventually see. To set the scene... Here we are at ENSD, Sandane by Andreas Hegi @Andreas Hegi Just a takeoff and a landing by yours truly. But that's not the scary part. No, not by a long shot. That was good fun, with a few terrifying bits in the middle .. The weird part, well, that happened once I was firmly back on the ground ... But I digress ... Sandane is not only drop dead beautiful (at least I think so) but I've discovered I can actually enjoy flying and landing at it. Which for the "armchair pilot" that I am is actually a major milestone in it's own right. So wish me luck and here we go. Spoiler alert .... I have live weather on for this flight. I am pretty convinced that it had a lot to do with what happened to me . Just waiting for final clearance... And just down to the end of the runway and a quick turn around ... And I'm all set A final check and we're "rolling" So far this is all pretty straight forward ... I know its the tie and the "shades". Makes you think I really know what I'm doing . NOT!! Who would have thought to put a house below the end of the runway... It's pretty dull and misty. You can just barely see the sun... And the wind, my gosh it bounces you around all over the place For those who are used to this, its a piece of cake. For moi , .... I'm terrified. You expect me to find and land on that little teensy piece of asphalt. ? In your dreams mate, in your dreams!! OMG I'm not even down yet and there's the end of the runway ! And then there's that infernal wind. I know I'm supposed to be lined up with the center, and I'm trying but ... Brakes, hit the brakes!!!!!! - why is that railing so close all of a sudden ! Had you worried for a moment didn't I ?. I bet you thought it would end up like this... But after 77 1/2 tries, nope not this time. I'm good to go ... Off we go to the terminal. I wasn't really worried you know. And my sweating palms and my shaking arms .... well that's just for the moment - Just "artistic license" I think they call it.. A bit of "inflight entertainment" for my instructor, but she doesn't seem to be amused. Here's a "snap" from an earlier flight we made to Avalon, Catalina Island @Ken Hall Her name is Glenna. As you can see , she is all business and doesn't even smile very much . But she is good and has taught me a lot ..... Back to Norway and the terminal is just up ahead now. Hard to see in a screenshot, but the wind is shaking our little plane a lot.... We have "arrived" as they say... That was just too easy, no drama at all ! Now I hope that you all are sitting down at this point. Because it's just about to get very freaky , weird And I swear by all that I hold dear, this sequence is as real , as real can be .... Never seen anything like it in my life... literally !!!! Just watch the tree line , above the right wing .... Screenshots don't do it justice. It was animated and it pulsated , dimmed and brightened over about a 15 second interval. And then just as quickly as it appeared it was gone..... Strange behavior .... yes, but ..... to make it interesting, buried in the presentation are some clues as to what was actually happening. So have fun .... or maybe the following is appropriate. After Hamlet had just spoken with his fathers ghost, and Horatio called the discussion "wondrous strange", Hamlet answered : "And therefore as a stranger give it welcome. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Stay tuned, all will be revealed in the next day or so .... Cheers R
  12. And an incredibly short one at that consisting of one sentence only "Remember even when she is wrong, she is still right"
  13. Just to bring this back to the original topic, if I may. Good on you mate. I know that you have been waiting for quite a while for this and I think it will bring you many hours of pleasure . Looking forward to seeing some screenshots when you get the chance! Cheers Craig
  14. My brother-in-law is into woodworking. He has a "collection" of pieces of wood, ready for projects . He has collected them over his travels in North America for the past 40 yrs or so. It is really rare to find a lumberyard that actually stocks hard to get woods. I certainly hope your cc is in good working order. Even for a small piece its an absolute fortune! I really admire someone who has the skills and imagination to do this sort of task. My great grandfather and my grandfather were both master carpenters - actually great gf was a cabinet maker in the old country. Just goes to show that you can't pass this skill on to your kids and grandkids. I'm totally useless when it comes to woodworking. Actually more that useless - Dangerous is a word that my shop teacher used before I was banned from woodworking in grade 10 He just didn't see the scientific curiosity behind my dropping a chunk of 2x4 onto a spinning table saw just to see how far it would go. About 30 ft and right through a very large and expensive window. Cheers Pete
  15. Hi Iain I really like the mood you've created with the grayscale renders. But you're such a kindly gentleman - I can't image you having something quite as "scary" as this for your daily flyer Cheers Pete
  16. Personally, I think that would be absolutely wonderful And I think we would all enjoy it. I remember a while ago , you posted one of a " hot air balloon" I think it was that you had made. Only one word - outstanding !! I've copied Iain, as he might have a few suggestions @Iain Emms Cheers Pete
  17. @Sniper31 Hi Landon, again RE: flying around .... Here are a few rejects from the little trip .... Cheers
  18. And shorter too Don't worry, It's all good... I'm used to this
  19. Thanks Carlos See you Pete Thanks ! Cheers John Thank you Iain See you Pete Thanks John, Actually I had two , but a good friend told me this one had more "presence" I think he was just being kind, as I am always dangerously close to coming into close and violent contact with "Terra firma" why I try to fly and take screenshosts this close to to the ground Cheers Pete Thanks TTM It is indeed. It's a very good package from a really conscientious and talented developer. I saw your note about updates the other day. At the moment there are 4 folders, but not everything requires refreshing when he issues an update. With Addons linker it is very quick and straightforward to update, especially when only 1 or 2 folders have changed. Cheers Pete Thanks Jack The tree colors remind me of my experience after when I came home from cataract surgery on my first eye. The sun was streaming into our garage and when I got out of the car, I noticed that the sunlight was filtering through a collection of plastic handled screwdrivers that I have as a set for electronic repair. I must have stood in that one spot for the better part of 5 minutes, just entranced at how pure , colourful and glorious it was to be able to see again. It's something that I have never forgotten. Cheers Pete Hi Landon Thank you It was really enjoyable flying around that part of the world. The nice thing I feel about MS2020 is that the default scenery in many places is good ==> very good ===> outstanding and this area for me was the later. And Orbx just tucked in and complimented it so nicely I've lost count of the number of OMG moments I've had with this sim. Cheers! Pete Thanks John!! Cheers Pete
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