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Everything posted by renault

  1. Hi Derek I now use postimage and much prefer it over imgur. You do have to create an account with postimage, but its free It nicely keeps everything organized in one central location for you, which I find very useful. Nick Cooper kindly posted instructions on how to use both. These are the links Cheers Pete
  2. Better late than never .... Hope you had a great one Take solace in the fact that 40 isn't old if you're a tree Cheers John
  3. Very impressive J^3. I particularly enjoyed the last screenshot You chose a great time to "move on up" as next month with the performance improvements due to be released you should see some healthy gains with your rig . Great timing! Cheers Pete
  4. So many choices. So little time I think the "minion" is the one! It just works at so many levels Cheers & thanks Pete
  5. Thanks Carlos Cheers Pete Thank you very much Iain Cheers Pete Thanks Gerold I'm been playing with the weather presets and making my own after various adjustments. It is very easy to make your own customized set. That was one of them. I am pleased that it passed the "test" of some of my colleagues Cheers! Pete Thanks Wayne Cheers Pete Thanks JM. The added extras take a wonderful product to another level Cheers Pete Thanks Martyn I always liked it and it's how I first discovered our Adam Banks @Adam Banks. Back in the day he did some repaints for the original FSX version (which this one is ) and I thought they were absolutely wonderful Hey Adam hint, hint , nudge , nudge Cheers Pete Thank you John Cheers Pete Thanks Adam Cheers Pete Thank you Bernd Yes it is. It is a direct portover from the MS FSX version. It flies very well , but at the moment with a few minor issues Ground handling is a little "twitchy" and none of the switches or main controls in the cockpit are real at the moment , although all the keyboard shortcuts work fine. But it does come with all the original FSX repaints and most of the gauges are working. Cheers Pete Thanks Graeme True confession time.. I put it in as an "afterthought" , as my main purpose was just to display the cockpit. But now I do see how well it rendered. Amazing how one can focus on minutiae and completely miss the bigger picture Cheers Pete Thanks Taph Cheers Pete Thanks Mike Cheers Pete
  6. All I can say is that I am happy, happy happy Lots of great new detail added with the Sydney update (thanks to the magicians at Orbx ) and one of the planes that I loved in FSX has now made it's appearance (available from flightsim.to). I just had a marvelous and magical hour of flying around the city scape. Cheers Pete
  7. Hi John I know that you can stop this by changing the permissions for the file to "read only", but I'm not comfortable with recommending that as with the MS store version it could potentially cause other issues. It's one of the reasons I am so happy with the steam version after my problems with the MS store version. It's all so .... well "normal" in its behavior. Cheers Pete
  8. Thanks Iain See you Pete Thanks John. I appreciate it I have to politely disagree a bit though. Water in MS2020 is so close to the real thing for me that I almost think my face would get wet if I was too close to the screen But I do see what you mean. From altitude there's not a lot in it in terms of differences under certain lighting conditions at times Cheers Pete Thanks John. It is appreciated I have to say that ever since I put 64 GB of ram in, I don't get stutters. Just my own opinion, but I think the the Win10 OS real time memory compression has some influence on this, but who really knows. That is one real advantage to the XboxX I feel. It is a known and consistent "sandbox" which should pretty much guarantee a similar level of performance for everyone. It will also make it much easier for Asobo to correct "bugs" and such. Cheers Pete Thanks John! See you Pete Thank you. I am really pleased you enjoyed them Cheers Pete Thanks Wayne With TE is is very good, without it "not so much" Cheers Pete Thanks Adam What I enjoy most though it all the little "touches" that Orbx has added in the TE regions and airports. They blend together really well and for me it's what makes Xplane still a worthwhile time investment. But then I go back to MS2020, and suffer from "SJS" - sore jaw syndrome , from hitting the desk so often. MS2020 needs to have a big health warning attached to it Cheers Pete
  9. That is really odd John. I haven't had that happen Do you mean that it changed but you were able to change it back or is it no longer accessible? My nephew has the MS store version and his didn't change at all. (I'm on steam) Thanks Pete cc @wain71
  10. Thanks Dave Cheers Pete Thanks Iain It and the "Frame" were my favourites. The fun part for me of all this was researching all the building activity. I kept getting caught up in the history of the construction and spent a few quite enjoyable hours. It has changed so much since I was last there. Cheers Pete Thanks John See you Pete Thanks JM. It is a city like no another Cheers Pete Thank you. I'm really pleased you enjoyed it. It turned out well Cheers Pete Thanks John Cheers Pete Thanks Adam Cheers Pete Thanks Wayne I'm pleased you enjoyed them See you Pete
  11. You're back and with a vengeance Carlos Well done sir, extremely nicely done!! Cheers Pete And just to keep us on our toes you put a real photograph in, but I was on top of it
  12. Marvelous ones Iain The last one could be a wonderful add for Air France - "Air France - let the journey of a lifetime begin" Cheers Pete
  13. Hi I hope it has given you what you would like to see. Of course, everyone has different preferences when it comes to image rendering. I have a friend who has logged many more flight hours IRL than some of us have been journeying through adulthood. He is always telling me that my clouds look like lumpy mashed potatoes and not close to the real thing. Below are a couple samples taken on my system. These are with film grain turned off Hope this was of help to you Cheers Pete
  14. Just playing around with XPlane 11. All screenshots are straight from the "V" key and I am using one consistent set of color rendering for all areas. It's not quite the spectacular "knock your socks off" color fidelity of MS2020, but for something which is now quite long in the tooth it's not to bad . I was pleased with it. It's pretty great to have two sims in the hanger that work well. And of course Orbx is the glue that keeps them both together Cheers Pete Cheers Pete TE GBS and Orbx Southampton This is one thing that I really miss in MS2020. XPlane does road traffic really , really well in my opinion. Boy am I glad I'm up here looking down and not down there looking up. Been there, done that many, many times and got the "T" shirt. I used to get a lot of grief from my office colleagues because I used to drive a really "clapped out" Renault Clio. But it had one huge advantage. It had an Automatic gearbox and this sort of thing was so, so much better with it. But alas, that was its only redeeming feature TE Florida Leaving Key West At Orbx Walter Sutton's Bet the "old boys" in the field never expected this ! TE Washington
  15. Hi Howard Not sure , but it seems like they are better since a few updates ago. Biggest improvement one can make I've found ,is to go into UserCfg,opt and under the PostProcess heading, turn off Filmgrain by changing its value from 1 to 0 . Makes a significant impact and for me improves the cloud rendering quite a bit. Cheers Pete A link to the UserCfg.opt location is given here
  16. Just exploring. This is just a wonderful scenery and I've just barely managed to scratch the surface of what Orbx has given us with this one Cheers Pete I arrived mid day and to be truthful , I felt like someone had folded me all up and made me into a little airplane cube. So after a quick lunch at the airport hotel, I headed off for bed. Lots of time to go exploring later this evening and it will be cooler too . But my last memory before my eyes closed was this wonderful photograph on the wall. I thought , for sure I have got to find that. So after a much, much longer sleep than I anticipated I am "in the air" as they say. I've got to be quick because sunrise comes very early around here and I don't have a lot of time left. And the first thing on my agenda is The Frame. It is an architectural landmark in Zabeel Park, Dubai. It is 105m x 150m and has been designed such that on one side looking through it you see modern Dubai , while looking through the other you see the ancient city. It frames the past and the future. Now we're into the city proper. This is looking down the Sheikh Sayed Road .... What a kaleidoscope of color First stop is The Museum of the Future. The futuristic shape of the museum is described as a torus with an elliptical void. Well ok , if you say so , but what a fantastic building. If you want a more detail on it, here is a good reference .... Museum of the Future: The building designed by an algorithm - BBC Future Looking along the Sheikh Sayed Road you can see the Gevora Hotel. On February 9, 2018 the hotel received a Guinness World Record title for the Tallest Hotel in the World. It is 75 floors with a total height of 356.33 m (1169.1 ft.) . It began construction in 2005 and the top floor was reached in 2008, although it took until 2017 when it was fully complete. It opened for business in 2018. The fastest elevators can reach the top floor in 38 seconds, which almost puts my drone to shame. This next shot is the Al Yaqoub Tower. It's design took inspiration from the tower housing Big Ben in London. The building just off center in this screenshot is the Al Salam Tower . It is also known as the Chelsa Tower as it was originally leased and operated by the Chelsa Hotel Group. It is now a deluxe serviced apartment tower ( Very Posh $$$$$$) and at 49 stories (250m) is the 47th tallest building in Dubai. Emaar Properties Dubai is one of the largest real estate developers in the UAE and is known for various large-scale projects such as developing Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. The Burj Khalifa has a total height of 829.8 m (2,722 ft, just over half a mile) and a roof height (excluding antenna, but including a 244 m spire[2]) of 828 m (2,717 ft). It was completed in 2009. And ... I have no idea what this building is. The last time I was in Dubai was in 2008, so a lot has happened since then. This is the Dubai Opera House. Developed by Emaar Properties, it has a seating capacity of 2000, with an overall area of 60,000 m^2 (approx. 650,000 ft^2). It opened in 2016 and is continually in use for many different venues in the performing arts. And we now come to The Opus , Dubai. From the website "The Opus’s collection of residences integrates futuristically stylish interiors with a home-away-from-home sensibility. Every apartment is completed in great detail and represents the pinnacle of design feeling. Every resident is able to benefit from its first class services such as ME Hotel’s “lifestyle concierge”, which delivers à la carte or pre-selected services to your personal space." https://www.omniyat.com/project/the-opus/ I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't make it past the front door ... The Opus was designed by Dame Zaha Mohammad Hadid DBE RA (Arabic: زها حديد‎ Zahā Ḥadīd; 31 October 1950 – 31 March 2016) who was a British Iraqi architect, artist and designer. She was sometimes called the "Queen of the Curve" for her futuristic designs. It is the only building in Dubai that has both the interior and exterior designed by Dame Hadid. Stay with me now. We're almost done and daybreak is just about on top of us. Boy , for all the sleeping I've done in the last 24 hrs. I sure am tired again. The Burj Al Arab is designed to resemble the sail of an Arabian dhow ship. The building is a total height of of 321 meters. It is the only “7-star” hotel in the world and features a Skyview Bar, an underwater restaurant and an outdoor tennis court. The Ain Dubai on Bluewaters Island is the worlds tallest observation Wheel. Well there we are. Daybreak is just about upon us as you can see .... Time to head back to the hotel. A big "shout out " to Orbx for this outstanding package. I've only begun to scratch the surface. There is so much more to see here, but I'll leave that to all of you. Cheers! Pete
  17. Outstanding , just outstanding Images 15, 16 are just wow! Very nicely done sir, very nice indeed! Cheers Pete
  18. Based upon my personal experience today, after enabling TMP in bios . Checking that TMP is active ..... The first check I ran was in Windows Security & checked that Security processor was active At the bottom of the page in this link is a PC Health Check APP which will tell you if your system meets all the Windows 11 minimum requirements. Upgrade to the New Windows 11 OS | Microsoft After you install and run the app you will get the following message if you system meets all the requirements or if not, a list of reasons why it doesn't . Apparently your machine may not be upgradeable even if you were able to enable TMP successfully. Clicking on the Learn More button provides some further insight... So it seems that one needs TPM version 2, a compatible 64 bit processor (previous link above) , UEFI, Secure Boot capable and Windows Display Driver Model vers 2.x , which comes with Windows 10 and is a requirement of the OS UEFI boot mode is something I have a bit of "non positive" experience with. When my machine was built, a mistake was made and the Boot mode was set to legacy, rather than UEFI . Win 10 requires UEFI so basically any system up to 2 yrs ago should have in enabled by default. In my case, it was relatively "easy" to fix by the builder as I only keep the OS on the C drive SSD. All applications are on other drives. I mentioned relatively easy , because to change it, required a system reinstall on a cleaned drive which was just a bit of time luckily. I agree with Michael @pmband W2DR @W2DRthough . This is much more convolved than just a simple OS upgrade and could be daunting for the average user ,especially if a OS drive reinstall is necessary (I'm assuming many users have more than the OS on their boot drive). Hopefully MS will have a much simplified approach when rollout for all users actually begins. I hope this information is of help to my fellow members Cheers Pete
  19. Two things of note with Windows 11 "Games will look better than ever thanks to Auto HDR, a unique capability we’re offering with Windows 11 which automatically adds High Dynamic Range (HDR) enhancements to games built on DirectX 11 or higher that previously only leveraged Standard Dynamic Range (SDR). HDR allows a supported game to render a much wider range of brightness values and colors, giving an extra sense of richness and depth to the image. We introduced this tech in our Xbox Series X|S consoles and got an outstanding response from creators and players. We’re excited to bring this groundbreaking technology to Windows 11. " Windows 11: The Best Windows Ever for Gaming - Xbox Wire " Windows 11 unlocks the full potential of your system’s hardware, putting some of the latest gaming technology to work for you. Like: DirectX 12 Ultimate, which can enable breathtaking, immersive graphics at high frame rates; " Introducing Windows 11 | Windows Experience Blog As far as I am aware MS2020 for the XBoxX is based upon DirectX 12 Ultimate, not DirectX 12. It would make sense that only one version of DirectX 12 would be used for both the PC and Xbox versions rather than two different variants. But as with most things , "time will tell" as to what the actual rollout looks like later this year. Cheers Pete
  20. I made the mistake of looking this up Trusted Platform Module Technology Overview (Windows 10) - Microsoft 365 Security | Microsoft Docs The second sentence in reads "A TPM chip is a secure crypto-processor that is designed to carry out cryptographic operations." I started thinking well without this , my win10 PC is perfectly capable of "bricking itself" with a normal windows update. With this , well. one update going wrong and my PC should be able to permanently disable itself for all time I am going weak at the knees just thinking about it Cheers Pete
  21. Just for info. It took only a few minutes on my machine to activate. The only issue I had was to go to MSI's website as recommended by the motherboard manual ( I have a MSI Z390 MB) and download the Bios manual. I thought , oh no , not another lengthy manual. However it was extremely well organized with very clear pictorial instructions. Booting into BIOS, activating TMP and restarting into Windows, and checking the Security processor setting in Device security to ensure the trusted platform module (TPM) was active was very quick, taking about a minute. When you first do the check in Device Security , the window pops up showing TMP not active for a few seconds and then the window disappears - a moment . Clicking it again though, shows all the relevant info with TMP activated . The window closes normally and all is good. Cheers Pete @Nick Cooper
  22. Thanks Nick This info listing from Microsoft might be of help for other members as well It is a listing from Microsoft of all processors and the OS which they will support If you drop down to Windows 11 you can further select either AMD , Intel or Qualcomm processors and you will then have a listing of all the respective chipsets that comply with the Windows 11 requirement. Then as you suggest , one can go into the bios to enable TPM (Intel PTT) I hope this is of help Cheers Pete Windows Processor Requirements | Microsoft Docs
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