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Everything posted by renault

  1. Thanks John Yes there were a few issues, but they seem to be pretty much on the mend now. Makes one realize how popular MS2020 has become Cheers Pete
  2. Ms2020 SU6 Bug fix update = Superb , 2 hrs later - World Wide server outage = Not so much So time for a little exploring ... Cheers R So I fired up my other sim - either one is my virtual doorway to the world after all. Decided to go to Oz . But it seems that the computer glitch affects everyone. They told me when I left the check-in counter that the flight would wait for me ... NOT! But then being the ever helpful staff that they are, they said we do MAGIC too and I said why not? Good-bye Southampton & many virtual hours later .... I guess I missed Sydney/Perth an Airline change and a lot of ground in-between, as this is Broome, Western Australia which is where I wanted to go Aussies do MAGIC too And here we are .... They let you up front as well if you ask. It might be old and worn , with a lot of "mechanical wizardry" but it does the job I love these old birds.... And after all this time, she's still here. The "lady in red" is a local legend in these parts She's always in the same spot with a cheery wave to welcome you to Broome
  3. Hi Carlos Thank you. It seems to do quite a good job. Cheers Pete Thanks Ken It is a very amazing creation that you and Tim have put together for us. The WE so far for me is working well and as you say is very realistic. I'm looking forward to future updates. Its one of the first times I have found a web cam that was working well. It used to be a "thing" years ago in the early days of the internet but it was on a whim that I decided to check. I was really surprised how well the two matched up. Cheers! All the best Pete Thanks Iain Cheers Pete
  4. Thanks John! Cheers Pete Thanks Landon Yes he did and I never updated it so , this is from over a year ago. But it seems to have been immune to all the Asobo updates. Cheers Pete Thanks Iain See you Hope you are feeling better Pete Thanks Graeme I'm very pleased you enjoyed it Cheers Pete Thanks Wayne! See you Pete Thanks John Cheers Pete Thanks Adam Cheers Pete
  5. Thanks Adam. Me too Cheers Pete Thank you. Asobo has been working on their weather engine with each update , with more substantial improvements to come later this year. It seems to be doing a good job now. Cheers Pete Thank you. Yes I agree Appreciate the comment and the insight Cheers Pete Thanks TTM Yes this is just MSFS Live Weather. I have been following the improvements that Asobo has been making (and more to come by year end) with interest. I do have REX Weather force , but I've found that it's real time prediction doesn't ever seem to be that accurate. To be fair to the REX folks, they have done a remarkable job of "reverse engineering" what MS2020 was doing as the SDK is mum on the subject of how the weather engine works. But for me it seems to have some accuracy issues , so I have not used it in that mode. As a result I never used real weather and only in the last week or so have been trying live weather in MS2020. What I do like about REX though is that the dynamic weather presets work very well and I like them a lot. So in that respect it was money well spent, just the live weather feature doesn't do it for me. But I am quite pleasantly surprised how much I like the MS2020 system now. And its easy to use just a single click to turn it on. Cheers Pete Thanks Landon It seems that they have improved it quite a bit. Cheers Pete Interesting John. I would agree with you. Ken and Tim have done a remarkable job. But remember the live "web cam" is probably sitting on top of a pole some where that is a favorite haunt for the local seagull population. So its probably a minor miracle that we get any images at all from it. ha, ha Cheers Pete Thanks John Please see my comment above to TTM Works for me too and I also use REX. Each has its strong points and together I feel I get the best of both worlds Cheers Pete
  6. @Ken Hall @Tim Harris I've wondered about how accurate the live weather is in MS2020 as I have only recently started to use it. The following screenshot comparison I found quite interesting. The first screenshot is from a real time Web Camera overlooking the harbour at Avalon, Catalina Island. The screen capture was taken at 10:04 am local time 2021/10/18. The second screenshot is from my Orbx KAVX in MS2020 (just hitting the ole "V" key) with both real time and live weather turned on. Not identical of course, but also fairly reasonable I think. Of course you can be the judge. It also shows the excellent job that our two developer friends Ken Hall and Time Harris have done in giving us this scenery creation. I hope that you enjoy the comparison and find it interesting. Cheers Pete Live Web Cam view at Avalon Harbour, Catalina Island, California 10:04 am, 2021/10/18 Orbx KAVX with MS2020 with real time and Live Weather
  7. I have never had the pleasure of going to New Zealand, but some day I hope to. In the interim , this will do, yes this will do very well indeed This is almost like being on a holiday .... even for a short while. Cheers R Repaint is by Adam Banks @Adam Banks
  8. Thanks JM Cheers Pete Thanks Landon NZ looks like a very amazing place. I have been toddling around there a bit lately Lots to see Cheers Pete Thanks John Cheers Pete
  9. Cheers R I really enjoy both the extremely well rendered objects and the animated LED lighting. Well done Orbx
  10. Very nicely done Sir! I especially like the 3rd one Cheers Pete
  11. Thanks Wayne Cheers Pete Thanks Ron. I'm pleased you found it interesting. Cheers Pete
  12. Thanks Ken Cheers Pete The real ones are just like the videos They have music Cheers John! Pete Thanks Rob I just enjoy playing around with color science and shaders Everything I do is straight out of MS2020. The only "after effect" is because I have a color calibrated monitor I embed a sRGB V2 .icc file into the screenshot prior to uploading to my image hosting site. This is part of using a color managed workflow and ensures that someone viewing with Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Safari , all of which are color managed browsers will see very close to what I rendered on my system. Cheers and thanks for commenting. Pete
  13. You are right JM @jean marc... It is a fantastic livery and very appropriate for this part of the world .... Hope you like it
  14. I can get you some Bison I know where they're at Cheers R
  15. Thanks very much Ken. It is appreciated Cheers Pete Thanks Landon Cheers Pete You didn't realize that you are indeed a futurist !! Us mere mortals just need some time to discover the nuisances of the path you have laid before us. "Flintstone Bonanza" - I like the sound of that one Cheers Ken All the best Pete It would seem so, but I think it may be a great example of "correlation does not mean causation". The unexplained part properly belongs to MS2020 , but then again he @Ken Hallhas so many neat little features packed into what he does that you could very well be right I think TTM @TigerTigerM would be on board too. Last I heard he was still searching for some pieces at the hanger in Bryce Canyon that had gone on an unexplained walkabout ! Cheers Pete
  16. Nice one John Great ambience .... shows that its not always sunny in Southern California I like it a lot! Cheers Pete
  17. Thanks Rob I am pleased you enjoyed them I remember growing up further south from here , in the winter it would be absolutely brilliant sunshine , -25 to -30C , with a wind and we wouldn't be let outside to play because for a child it was very dangerous because of the wind chill. This is one of the times when I think simulation offers some real advantages. Cheers and thanks for the comments Pete Thanks Adam Cheers Pete Thanks JM Oh yes!! That is magic. I will download it. Watch this space ! Thank you for the kind comments and the link Cheers Pete Thanks Wayne Its what winters can be like where I live. Beautiful sunlight and colder than the dickens or on a hot and humid day, have a look again. It will make you feel cooler Its a very flexible screenshot ... Cheers Pete
  18. Hi and welcome to the forums I really enjoyed "Bob" when it was made available for FSX. However, I have found that the drone camera in MS2020 coupled with an XBox controller (even the last generation ones are more than adequate) gives you control on perspectives that one could only dream about with BOB. Seriously consider trying this option . I can guarantee that it will give you everything that BOB could offer plus a lot more Cheers Renault
  19. Thanks Steve, I'm pleased you enjoyed them Landon @Sniper31 really has a good setup with his drone and if you have a yoke it sounds like the ultimate position. In my case I just have a joystick, but in either situation the drone is an essential bit of kit for me. Once you use it, you wonder how you ever got along without it! Cheers Pete
  20. Thank you There are some really interesting places in or world to explore Cheers Pete Thank you JM See you Pete
  21. Thanks John True confession time, it's my dream or possible my nightmare. We are currently on SU5 (bug fixes/new features) and soon to get SU6 . I thought that SU999 would be a good nomenclature for the ultimate "fix me up",, not hold barred, sim update to end all sim updates. A little "tongue in cheek" but in this case the fictional ultimate update introduced something which a) I had never seen before, b) could have been incredibly frustrating c) if I stepped back and looked at the humourous side of it, I realized that MS2020 is quirky at times, sometimes downright frustrating at times, but above all else gives me a lot of personal enjoyment. So when I looked at it from this perspective, I decided that it was just a little bit of "Pete's humour" that I decided to share. But above all else it was to not take things to seriously when it goes sideways. It is just a program after all, that simulates a reality that many of us enjoy being part of in all its different forms. And for me from that perspective it is always enjoyable, regardless of whether it works as intended or wants to go off on its own for a while. Cheers & thanks Pete PS- and if and when it really decides to "throw a hissy fit" I can just go off and enjoy my favourite adult beverage and settle into a good book Thanks Gerold. You are so right I also found out about the "Italian tune up" when I took my little clapped out Renault5 in for service once Cheers Pete Thanks JM Cheers Pete Thanks John That is so , so funny - brought tears to my eyes Who says MS2020 isn't "state of the art" - latest update you can even find places where the ocean levels have risen even ..... And now we have melting asphalt . Wow!! Love this sim ... just love it! See you Pete
  22. Cheers R It looks like a "serious" discussion, but really it was just all about what our plans are for tomorrow. For me, I just wanted to take a bit of time and capture a few shots of what life at KAVX is like. Shouldn't take too long I said - famous last words. The next morning... Little did I know that MS2020 would pick that exact time to throw one of its infamous little Wobblies. AKA - "the you don't have sufficient bandwidth to continue streaming. Would you like to turn off photogrammetry?" So I did as I always do and just ignored it. Everything looked entirely normal . But then ... They seemed to be entirely oblivious to it all though , or at least they were very good at ignoring the obvious ... So a quick trip down to the harbour and all seemed to be looking good there ... And the group discussion back at the A/P was "waxing poetic" as normal .... What an opportunity ... I really wanted to grab a screenie of the Beachcraft Bonzana driven by "Renault" , but wait, this is mighty strange . I realize that he's famous (infamous?) in these parts , but this is ridiculous But then I discovered that I had just received the latest update SU999 !! Welcome to our brand new world ..... And SU999 - why its the new environmentally friendly update for MS2020 , otherwise known as The People Power Update version 1.0.0 On the count of 3 everyone, all together now let's run !! And then the activity icon took on a life of its own and about 30 seconds later all is forgiven I love this sim .... just plain love it! Cheers! R PS- but what I truly do love is KAVX .... It's my "fav" in case you hadn't noticed.
  23. Hi John Flight simulation is many different things to many enthusiasts. Sometimes a simple statement such as yours can be open to much interpretation. I'd like to think what you really meant is that when one is flying, ground detail becomes less important, but at other times it is important. I know from your many posts supporting both fellow members when they make scenery postings or for that matter when Orbx shows screenshots of a new offering, which lets be honest, does offer a very high level of detail and a progress towards realism, that your comments have always been enthusiastic and supportive. I've never felt that your comments were anything other than your true feelings about the subject at hand, so I do have to say that I find your comment above confusing at the least and possibly open to misinterpretation. I know that you have a "offbeat" since of humour (which I most enjoy) and I suspect that may be at play as well Since the introduction of MS2020 I have always followed it as an example of disruptive innovation (lots of google info on the economic theory behind it if you're interested). As a result, we continue to see new ways of doing things continually introduced sometimes with enthusiastic reception by all , but often with a split between the "wow this is neat " factor and the "why can't we just leave things as they are" group. However, the thing about DI is that companies that embrace the concept of change, who find ways to look at what is new and different and ask themselves how can we incorporate the concept(s) into our particular way of doing business so we can grow and offer a stronger product portfolio to our market find the future can be very bright. For those who don't , who discount the ideas as unimportant to them, who look at change not as opportunity, but as a disruption to the way they have been successful in the past, the stark reality is that they simply will someday cease to exist. For the record I support the original posters perspective 100%. I feel he is simply saying that the product landscape is changing and is asking the question how can this be incorporated to make what we use better. Unfortunately or fortunately , MS2020 has begun to show us what can be possible, if we are all willing to dream a little and provide our honest feedback and support to all the developers who have made our hobby possible over the years. Feedback is always a two way communication. They can always show us new and exciting ideas regarding what they can do, but we can also provide them the important perspective of not only what we like , but what we would also like to see that is pushing the envelope of the "art of the possible". Above all else, MS2020 has shown that that the genie is now out of the bottle and he can't be put back in. All I can say is "thank goodness" - I never expected so much of what is now happening to occur in my lifetime. We are so fortunate to be able to experience a brief glimmer so far of what the future may hold for us. Cheers Pete
  24. You're too kind John It's the second that's real, no wait its the first. no ..... gosh I can't tell! Thanks again Pete Thanks Adam The real one plays music ! Cheers and thank you Pete
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