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Everything posted by renault

  1. +1 Mike Sometimes you just plain run out of superlatives. This is one of those times Cheers Mike
  2. Thank you Iain Cheers Pete Thanks John It will be very interesting to understand what their future approach will be. I'm looking forward to that almost more so than the changes you have mentioned. Interesting times for all of us! Cheers & all the best Pete Thank you so much Mike I am pleased that you enjoyed them See you Pete
  3. My son-in-law just got an XBoxX today, so he is in the process of setting it up. The video is really amazing isn't it. And all this has happened in just over 1 year. It is truly amazing See you Pete Thanks Adam. Cheers Pete
  4. Thanks John. No worries , I'm in it for the long haul Cheers Pete Thanks Landon I'm pleased you enjoyed them See you Pete Thanks John Cheers! Thank you Gerold I was pleased with them as well See you Pete Thanks Ken But without you and Tim @Tim Harris, we all wouldn't be here You both did such a absolutely stellar job. I know that I'm "speaking for all of us" when I say thank you for what you have created. Cheers Pete Thanks Iain See you Pete Thanks Wain. MS2020 with Orbx is the perfect combination See you Pete Thanks Adam I appreciate it Cheers Pete Thank you. I was pleased as well with how it turned out It was one of those moments, when you actually stop and think, this can't be a sim Cheers! Pete
  5. Cheers R Like many airports , early mornings are often a magical time. But perhaps not so much for those who work there Its a nice location for the private pilots as well But then during the day, it settles into its own rythm .... Departing for The Canaries aren't that far away ..... But back at LIEO , life just goes on One thing I really enjoyed is the attention to detail is really well done. This is a very nice addon for XPlane Cheers R
  6. About 87,000 other MS2020 users seem to like it though Cheers R
  7. Thanks Ken Cheers Pete Thank you so much FILOU I very much enjoyed the video and it was very timely to watch it. My son-in-law has just ordered an XBoxX to go with their new TV. They bought an a LG Oled and I have to say, the picture fidelity on it is simply stunning. He told me that the Xbox is to be delivered on Saturday . So I am hoping that I will have a chance to see MS2020 on it for real. If the video is anything to go by, I will be in for a real treat. Granted that it is the smaller Xbox, but still working out how to stuff a flight sim into something this small and still run 30 fps at 4K with it has enormous implications when applied to a much more powerful PC. In many respects what Asobo has now accomplished is simply shear genius. All kidding aside, it is a tremendous technological achievement. I think that this is the mistake that we all make when we try to put MS2020 into a category and then compare it with other flight simulation . It is a wonderful example of disruptive innovation which is the application of very different technology ideas to deliver new or existing products in a radically different way from what currently exists. So in this case, MS2020 delivers the world to us in 3D by streaming technology using artificial intelligence algorithms along with existing 3D technology crafted objects to populate the world. Initially it didn't work all that well, had its fair share of detractors, many of whom point to existing technology ideas and delivery mechanisms as the "best" way to do this. But when you look at MS2020 a year in and realize that this concept is now beginning to bear fruit and it means that something like a tiny XBox with minimal memory can still deliver stunning performance bringing our world to us, and I just have to say WOW !! And you are right. They are just getting started. It is a wonderful journey to be part of . Even with all the bumps , backsteps and problems along the way I wouldn't want to miss any part of it FILOU. It is the future , and it looks very bright indeed. Thank you for your comments and for sharing the video. I have always taken inspiration from your ideas and your wonderful screenshots All the best and thank you again Pete
  8. My PC and me are following the same curve MIS41020 Design, Development, Creativity - Open Educational Resource: Curious about hardware failure rates? (managingdesignanddevelopment.blogspot.com) Until we reach the right hand side, you're just stuck with me So the "elevator answer" - Not yet Cheers R
  9. Doesn't get any better than these Cheers R
  10. Top Tier ..... each and every one Cheers R
  11. Sorry folks, just the two more. I thought I was finished at Avalon and was getting ready to fly over to KBUR but .... Just took one last look before I left and I thought these two were just too nice not to post. I hope you don't mind and enjoy them. Cheers R Sunrise at Avalon
  12. Thanks Landon. It looks like such a pleasant place to be. Definitely I've added it to my list of places I hope to visit one day Cheers Pete Thanks Iain Cheers Pete Thanks John I'm really pleased that you enjoyed them Cheers! Pete Thanks Wayne. One thing I found in HF2 is that turning the Aerosol down to a value of 1 , seems to improve clarity more than it used to . I make many of my own weather presets, and I've made it a practice just to save them with that value . Of course it's just individual choice and flying at altitude many will like a bit of haze, but to me, its seems that it is a stronger effect now than it used to be. Cheers Pete
  13. Sign me up! My wife says I've elevated being grumpy to an art form 51 years later she still thinks its "funny". Truth be told, so do I
  14. Gorgeous John, just downright gorgeous Cheers Pete
  15. I really like this Iain. B & W seldom is used anymore it seems, but in this case it brings the subject into focus in a way that all the colour of the rainbow couldn't do. Thank you for sharing this with us. It made my day Cheers Pete
  16. Hi Jack Thanks! Any answer I could give would simply be a perspective based upon pure speculation. Sorry, I do not see that would be an meaningful "value add" to a forum conversation , but it could make for an interesting "pub" conversation I suppose. Cheers Pete
  17. Thank you John It is very much appreciated. See you Pete Thanks John! I have both terrain and objects set to 3 by editing the UserCfg.opt file. I am also using the LOD Bias setting in the driver as per my little tech note and I have that set at -0.50 My monitor resolution is 2560x1440p and with a locked fps of 30, it is buttery smooth with this setting. Cheers Pete
  18. Just a few postcard shots, starting out my journey. I hope over the next while to visit as many different spots as I can. The lighting engine update in HF2 is different (subtly) than in previous versions, but I quite like how clouds rendering seems to have improved. Still lots to learn , but I hope you enjoy these Cheers Pete And before I start, a very big thank you to Misha Cajic @Misha Cajic . Ken Hall, @Ken Halland Tim Harris @Tim Harris Without them, I would not have had the endless hours of enjoyment their efforts have given me. All one can say .... Goodbye Santa Barbara .... I'll be back soon And hello , Santa Catalina Everyone who has a new camera knows this routine. You always play with settings when you're holiday , not when you're at home and have time to figure it all out. Why should I be any different with a updated sim?. This is an area called Hampton Cove. Haven't quite got the telephoto zoom set quite right, but it's close. It looks like a very nice place to spend time too. The Casino .... good to just take a few photos of it. I couldn't afford to visit it I'm sure It's such a nice day as well. The cloud cover is keeping the temperatures under control, but you can still get sunburnt. And I see the Yellow Submarine off to the left. That is something I vowed I would do on this stop. The underseas trip around the area is quite exciting they say. Its a very small harbour, but perfectly formed as they say. Well, its later than I thought. I'm hoping if I stick around I might grab a couple nice sunset shots..... Thanks for viewing. See you soon at the next destination Cheers R
  19. Thanks Taph Notwithstanding my joke with John, it was for me too. I never expected to see such a level of resolution , with very acceptable and smooth performance that I am experiencing with it now. It is starting to set a standard I feel for what can be achieved Cheers Pete @BradB
  20. Thanks Wayne I was really pleased with how the sim is working for me now. With HF2 they have fixed the texture resolution issue, but also I am using the texture filtering LOD Bias adjustment that I described in a technical notes. I find that on my system it nicely augments what is available. Cheers Pete Thanks Jack It's the latest update to MS2020. It is still a "work in progress" but it is showing a lot of potential. Unfortunately the last major update for folks was a regression, but Asobo to their credit issued a hot fix quickly which has certainly helped. Its a complex bit of software and I know that above all else you want things to work without issues (as we all do). I think they will get there. I know others will have different opinions on this, but for someone like yourself with a very legitimate and reasonable expectation, I don't personally feel it is ready for "prime time" just yet. There are a few "study level" aircraft products starting to appear, but nothing that perhaps has the level of complexity that you desire. I'm sure that over the next months that will change though. So bottom line .... Sorry mate . The "747's underneath bridges" that you do with such skill and expertise and I enjoy so much, will just have to wait a bit longer But as I said , this is just me at a particular point in time. Three months from now everything could change All the best Cheers Pete Thanks Landon. So do I as one can tell from time to time - ha, ha Cheers! Pete
  21. Hi Joe I am sorry to hear of your difficulties . Potentially the following may be of help. I have copied Nick on this as well @Nick Cooper as before you do the following he may have a comment. The following is perfectly safe and is what I do every week to ensure that my Win10 O/S is working properly. You mentioned that you are missing a .dll file. It is possible that the problem lies , not with MS2020 itself but within the Windows operating system. Unfortunately, win10 over time tends to corrupt its system files. The following procedure ensures that the system is running properly with correct files. I would wait until Nick sees this note and gives his concurrence that he is comfortable with my suggestion before you start To start: In the search bar type CMD and hit return This will bring up a menu selection . Select the option "Run as Adminstrator" A DOS window will then open. Go through each of the following steps one at a time. Copy each line, one at a time , paste it into the Dos window (crtl + V) and press return and it will then run. Wait until each runs and finishes before you move on to the next one. When you are completely finished, Restart your computer and then try to see in MS2020 will start and run properly Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /checkhealth Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /scanhealth Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth sfc /scannow Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup RESTART your computer as the last step Please note that the line sfc /scannow will probably be where you will see a lot of corrupt files repaired. If this happens, please rerun this command again until you get the message that no corrupt files have been found. It may take 2 or more tries to fix everything. As I said, it is part of my weekly maintenance on my machine . Sometimes week will go by without any issues and then there will be corrupt system files found and fixed. Also please note that the Component Store refers to the Win10 backup file repository where it keeps a clean copy of each OS file and is used to repair OS system file corruption . It is not the Windows Store which is very different I hope this may help you Cheers Pete
  22. Hi John I have come to really enjoy your sense of humour and I always look forward to your comments when I post. It is a highlight for me. I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties. It's the one thing I have come to acknowledge growing old is , as Helen Mirren has said not for the faint hearted ..... ‘Getting old isn’t for p*****s’: Helen Mirren in incredibly candid chat - Starts at 60 All joking aside, I was really pleased that you liked it, as I did. To me , it represents what the LOD Bias driver setting can do to enhance all texture rendering in MS2020. I originally was putting a note together based on Update5 before the HF2 came out. As is shown in my technical note it really cleared up the texture rendering which was a problem for many with the first update. And I was pleasantly surprised that with my setup it just added to the improvement from HF2. And I vote for Option 1 please Cheers John and thanks again! All the best Pete
  23. Excellent shots Paul. FSX is were so many of us really got started both with flightsims and with Orbx. It certainly is where I first marveled at how the PNW series just transformed my world. It really strikes me how much we forgot how we have evolved in our hobby and your rendition shows both FSX as a fine example of where we were then and the foundation for what we are experiencing today. And the best part is that the "Orbx thread" is still alive and well in 2021 and bringing us enjoyment in MS2020 Well done Sir! All the best Pete
  24. REALLY John, really I am totally "gutted" and in the depths of despair now. I mean, how could you? The second one. Now THAT's a screenshot man! True to life, you can see all the ticks on the dials - the exact altitude that I was flying at , a beautiful sky.... I could just go on and on But the first one -- Meh ! It's just an ordinary screenshot. I could recommend an optician if you need it . Aside from crystal clarity of the nuisances in the all the scenery detail on good old Gaya and when I first saw it " It just plain knocked my socks off !!!! " , well what can I say. Never thought this would every happen to be fair. Flight simming just doesn't come any better , but .... It just doesn't compare at all, me thinks with #2 Well , I have no idea, no idea at all why you liked it , but to each his own But I appreciate it very much that you enjoyed it Thanks !!! Pete Thank you so much John! Cheers Pete
  25. Thanks John. I appreciate it And HF2 , yes it definitely is a keeper in my books Cheers Pete Thanks John! See you Cheers Pete Thank you Iain. It is appreciated Cheers Pete Thanks JM I am really pleased you enjoyed it. Cheers & all the best Pete Thank you Mike See you Pete Thanks Taph Cheers!
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