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Everything posted by renault

  1. Thanks Landon See you Pete Thanks Graeme ... and thanks for the "advice" I will try , but no guarantees !!! Cheers & thanks again Pete Thanks Carlos Just like real life .... sometimes the light is perfect See you my friend Pete Thanks John I was pretty pleased with how "random chance" sometimes works out Thanks again! Pete Thanks Iain All the best Pete Shh John.... I'll never tell See you Pete Thanks Steve I was really pleased with what one can do with MS2020 and a lot, I mean a lot of luck! Cheers Pete Thanks Adam Cheers Pete Thanks so much Mike See you Pete Thanks JM Now that would be nice wouldn't it! Cheers and thank you Pete
  2. These are fantastic Adam.! The first one reminds me of an idea that we could use to make a fortune. If we developed a "sim lawn mower" well the world of MS2020 would be our oyster It could become our life's work Cheers Pete
  3. Thanks Ken. I know that you are looking forward to summer, but for us in northern climes this is what lies before us. The light this far north is truly magical at this time of year. It makes one realize how diverse and beautiful our world truly is. With all the problems facing us at the moment, we tend to forget that there are so many things that we truly should be thankful for and continue to enjoy. See you Cheers Pete Ah then you know all about this part of the world. The first thing I did when I started the engine was to pull the heater knobs straight out. I know its just a sim of the real thing, but it still made me feel quite cosy Cheers & thanks Pete Thanks Landon Ah, yes the wind. From the time I was old enough to understand I was told about the wind especially in the winter and how dangerous it could be when it was very cold. Growing up it never bothered me that much though. Now ..... well a different story entirely. If I can't go from my heated house to my heated garage and into my car ..... well I ain't going out !! Cheers Pete Thank you John. I very much appreciate your comment. Color fidelity is as much my hobby as is flight simulation. It's nice when I can get things to come together nicely. And I keep learning so much about the nuisances of color science We truly are in the best of times Cheers and thank you Pete
  4. Thanks Landon! Cheers Pete Thank you John See you Pete Thanks Craig All the best Pete Thanks Carlos Take care of yourself Pete Thanks Graham. I am pleased you enjoyed it. "It's a great time to be a simmer" My gosh have you got that right. It is exciting and also mind boggling in some respects to see how far we have come in just a bit over a year. Cheers Pete Thanks so much John. It is appreciated All the best! Pete Thanks Iain! See you Pete Thanks John See you Pete Thanks Steve See you Pete Thanks Adam! Cheers Pete Thanks so much Mike! Cheers Pete Thanks Ken It truly is almost magical that we now have the power of graphical fidelity and simulation capability that even 2 yrs ago we could only dream of. And you're right ..... what is lying around the corner for us to enjoy! In one respect it is better than being there .... No jet lag We are truly blessed when it comes to our hobby See you All the best Pete
  5. Cheers R Orbx NA Alaska Mesh Utqiagvik (Barrow) , Alaska (find it on a map to see how far away it is ). A hint - it's about 500 km north of the Arctic circle. Current temp at time of posting -3C The predominant land in this part of the world is tundra, which sits on top of permafrost. Although it can be upwards of 1300 ft deep in some areas, Climate change and warming of the Arctic eventually leading to melting of the permafrost is a major concern. Utgiagvik, is the largest city on the Alaska North Slope and in 2017 had a population of approximately 4400. It experiences Polar Night which lasts from November to January when the sun never comes above the horizon. However in mid May, the sun doesn't set for about 2 1/2 months (24 hr daylight) so there is compensation . I had a friend at work who grew up in this part of the world. He said in the summer, children would sometimes play until they got exhausted and just curled up on the ground. The elders and adults in the community kept a careful watch on them all, and when this happened would collect them and either return them to home or sometimes they woke up at a friends. My friend Bernard, said that this was often the best part, because their breakfasts were always better than his mom's It is surrounded by tundra and is not accessible by road. It is home to the Iñupiat people, and many scientists who come to study arctic weather conditions.
  6. Thanks to John @BradB for the "tag line" Cheers R
  7. You be the judge .... Cheers R Real Life Ref: 8K Videos HDR Australia 8K Ultra HD Drone Video - Outback and Skyscrapers MS2020 with Orbx Sydney Cityscape Straight from the "V" key ....
  8. Sometimes ya just gotta stop an look at the scenery ..... Cheers R
  9. Thanks Wayne It took a bit of practice but now I would be lost without it. The other day, I was using XPlane 11 and the number of times I picked it up to "control the camera" , only to see that it was not functional, made me think it has truly become a "must have" for me. Cheers Pete Thank you FILOU All the best! Cheers Pete Thanks Adam See you Pete Thanks JM As I said it does take a wee bit of practice, but then it becomes second nature to use it. It really is a superb way to control things in 3D graphicss All the best Pete
  10. "Real photos not allowed" It is exquisite Cheers R
  11. Cheers Renault New Zealand Mesh Milford Sound , NZ
  12. Pretty special there Sir John Pretty special indeed Cheers Pete
  13. Thanks John Cheers Pete It truly is excellent and thank you Cheers JM Pete Thanks Iain Cheers Pete Thanks Richard Cheers Pete Thanks Graeme It is extremely well done Imho Cheers Pete Thanks John! See you Pete Thanks Daryl Appreciate the comment Cheers! Pete Thanks Carlos! All the best Pete Thanks JM I am very pleased you enjoyed them I use the drone camera in freestyle mode and a XBox controller . It works extremely well & gives you wonderful flexibility I have a wireless one, but it seems to go through batteries at quite a fast rate, so I bought a USB cable for it. I have it just to the left of my keyboard and most of the time I just reach for one of the joystick controls and that is all I need. It makes an enormous difference to camera control. I remember "Bob", and I loved it for FSX See you Pete
  14. Thanks Don There's an incredible history to the place and it is a lot of fun, when you come across it while exploring the hallways
  15. If they awarded 3 stars for screenshots this would be the one. It is simply exceptional Cheers FILOU R
  16. If you're ever only going to purchase one airport , this is the one! It is simply outstanding Cheers R On "loan". ..
  17. Hi Derek W2DR @W2DR has given you an excellent suggestion for a fps counter. If it is not to your liking, the following addon may also may be of interest to you and is the one that I use . It is made by AmbitiousPilots who is the author of the excellent Toolbar Pushback app. It is available from flightsim.to Link Shift+Z Stats » Microsoft Flight Simulator It is very easy to use. Install in your community folder and when you press shift + Z it will bring it up. Each shift + Z will then cycle through additional text information. The following screenshots (2560 x 1440) show what the default settings look like and the different information that can be displayed when you cycle through shift + Z The 4th time you press shift + Z it turns it off . You can easily change both the font size and font color to your liking (you can have each row of text a different color if you want, so it is quite flexible). Complete instructions are provided on how to do this. The following are a couple of screengrabs to give you an idea of what it looks like. BTW the default color is red which you may prefer. Cheers Pete
  18. I agree , this does look like a good system and should work very nicely @Tobycoco I have 64 bit Windows10 Home with 64 GB ram with no issues. The following table is a useful summary of system limits for different Windows 10 versions Maximum addressable memory under the current operating systems | Computer Memory Blog – hints & tips, know-how, wiki, tutorials, troubleshooting, news, purchasing advices (compuram.de) Cheers Pete
  19. It's a very fine set John, very fine indeed. But it has its downside. If I woke up and saw that the morning was like that I would go back to bed One of the joys of retirement One of the challenges , yet to be overcome, is #1 is an early riser and would have already had the coffee on, to be followed by "where are earth are you?" Sigh Cheers Pete
  20. Hi Wayne No it was just moi, playing with a slider. BTW if you set ambient occlusion to ULTRA it will really improve the perception of depth to the snow cover (example in the last screenshot with the grasses). Normally I either keep AO off or on low, because IMHO the implementation by Asobo is the worst I have seen in any modern gaming engine. I really dislike the current technology that MS2020 is using (SSAO - screen space ambient occlusion). I am really keeping my fingers crossed that they will implement soft shadows algorithms when they move up to DX12-1 This video does a good job of showing what advances in gaming engine technologies are capable of. You may have seen automobile ads made with Unreal Engine and the CGI of a lot of Hollywood movies use their technology. At 3.05 in the following video there is a good discussion on soft shadow illumination Cheers & thank you Pete Thanks so much Iain Cheers Pete Ha, thanks Graham !! You've just invented a "cottage industry" using MS2020. I love the idea Cheers Pete Thanks Adam Cheers! Thank you John. I am really pleased you enjoyed them All the best Pete Thanks John I was thinking of you when I made them and hoping that you might catch it. I'm very pleased you appreciated it! All the best Sir Cheers Pete
  21. There are so many absolutely excellent screenshots already of this wonderful scenery that I wasn't sure where to start. So here are a few with my "take" on it. Marcus and Orbx have a winner here Cheers Pete
  22. Thanks Adam! Cheers Pete Thanks Graeme See you Pete Thanks Wayne See you Pete Thanks Iain See you Pete
  23. Thanks JM Cheers Pete Thanks John. Appreciate it Cheers Pete Thanks John I sure hope so, but in my weaker moments when I was thinking I think I see light at the end of the tunnel, but maybe its another "Update" and the light is actually a train Pete Hi Ken Thank you Yes it is, coupled with a pretty good monitor designed for accurate color preproduction, that is color calibrated monthly, along with a fully color managed workflow so that what you see in a web browser is as close as I can get to what I see in its original form. As I mentioned to you , I am fascinated with how modern gaming engines deal with color reproduction and color fidelity and it is an area that I find really satisfying to muddle around in. It becomes quite immersive and relaxing after a while. I was looking at some great photos taken 2 yrs ago at KAVX that I discovered the other day at conservation societies website. I have to say that you and Tim absolutely captured real life and made it available for all of us to enjoy ! It is to put it mildly , rather uncanny how well the scenery reproduces what is there. Cheers and thanks! Pete Thanks Paul I will have to venture out and take a lot more screenshots of the Orbx world now. Another update is forthcoming , and who knows what that might bring - ha, ha Cheers All the best Pete
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