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Everything posted by VH-KDK

  1. Many thanks Paul. Indeed the perfect plane for Alaska.
  2. Cheers Adam, it was the first add on plane I bought many moons ago.
  3. Thanks Gerold, the Beaver and Alaska were made for each other.
  4. Glad it had gone well with your update Andreas as can be seen by this mighty fine pair of images.
  5. Of course. At times I find simming very frustrating with problems like you are having. I am not very computer savvy which makes solving any problem very hard for me. I hope you are able to get it fixed. We are a generally friendly bunch here unlike some of the other forums I have seen. I have removed my reaction to save any confusion.
  6. Beautiful trio at Vienna Wayne. I cannot remember the last time I flew a tubeliner and it is such a long time it will probably be a complete relearning process.
  7. Orbx Content: LOWI Partner content: Sim Works Studios Vans RV14/14A I have not used M$F$ that much as I find some of the operations cumbersome. Today I decided to give it another go and also splashed out on the Vans-14. There are many things I don't like about it, I guess I have become too comfortable with P3D and XP-11. But it does have it's plus sides so I will persevere. I also wrote out a list of the sceneries I have bought through Central and I was astonished how many I have and not used. Time to do some exploration and try to get my head around the sim. The Vans is a great little plane which is relatively easy to fly but I will have to practice my landings on narrow runways more!
  8. Excellent images Adam. Over 45 years since I last went there and it has changed a little bit! Actually I don't even recognise the place.
  9. An outstanding set of views Bernd. The scenery and colours are impressive. I thought the same as Gerold and thought you were lining up one of thise arches!
  10. Great to see and even more choice for those of us that like to post on the screenshots forum.
  11. A different Lightning in your images today Paul. Another wonderful set of views accompanied with a handy history of Fairoaks, not very far from where I grew up in England.
  12. Orbx Content: NA SAK, PAJN Rodgers meaningless topic this week asked if we had one choice of a plane to use in the sim what would it be. Mine was the DHC-2 Beaver. A go anywhere, land on anything plane and still a fairly common sight in Alaska and Canada. The youngest Beaver is now 55 years old and the type first appeared in 1947. 1657 were built and their rugged construction has stood the test of time. A Beaver on floats is seen passing PAJN Juneau with the Mendenhall Glacier clearly visible on the left.
  13. Thanks Andreas, I have lost rack rather of all the airports I have yet to visit but Skopje is one of them. That would take a while in the Rallye but anything is possible.
  14. Thank you John, I am using REX Skyforce with my own advanced settings via the sim. I have gone off Active Sky for a while as I was getting too many rainy days!
  15. Thank you Landon, OLC Europe does a marvelous job.
  16. Thanks Dave, I have only flown out from Prague in the dark but from what little I saw it is a picturesque country. A very different country as the bread Czech dumplings (Knedliky) and the fried cheese (Syr smazeny) are very tasty. Much better than eating cat or dog!
  17. I like the DHC-2 Beaver, with floats, skis and wheels at can go almost anywhere. Also it has a beautiful radial engine!
  18. The Rallye is a plane I fly a lot and now is exceedingly cheap!
  19. OLC does an eccellent job showing the beautiful country side which I enjoyed seeing. I travelled by train from Vienna to Prague and then another train trip to Czesky Krumlov. Happier days.
  20. Thanks Wayne, only a shortish hop from Prague down to Horovice.
  21. An excellent tour of the windy city. So many well detailed buildings but I especially like the images of the fountain and gardens
  22. Thanks Paul. The plane is the MS893 Rallye, which Aeroplane Heaven have generously offered as a freebie through Central. I jumped the gun and bought mine last year. I do have a very nice freeware Zlin which I keep forgetting to install, I must get around to it.
  23. Orbx Content: OLC Europe Not far from Horovice and very close to Zdice. With a population of 4000, Zdice is a small market town in the Central Bohemian region of the Czech Republic.
  24. A fine pair of greatly contrasting ground images.
  25. Beautiful images Andreas. I didn't realise how close the Pyramids were to habitation. Keep on posting unless you are busy of course. I, for one, enjoy looking at your flights.
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