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Everything posted by VH-KDK

  1. Thanks John, words with one syllable are more my style when indulging in linguistic communications!
  2. Thanks Gerold and that is apparently on of the tourist attractions. As I mentioned to Wayne, it was a place I never heard of before.
  3. Thank you Andreas, every picture tells a story!
  4. Cheers Calum, greatly appreciated.
  5. Thanks Wayne. I had heard of nearby Cadiz but not this town or NP. I went to Spain in the early 60s and the brown struck me after the greeness of the landscape in England. I also liked the smell from the pine trees as well as the noisy Cicadas.
  6. That man Percy Veerance did the trick! Glad you have it sorted Don but looking at the title I thought you had the opposite and had forgotten to put the wheels down on your plane for landing. WOnderful images as well.
  7. Beautiful colourful scenery R. The Goose had had very positive reviews as well and reasonably priced too.
  8. No fuel? Easy. Ask the passengers to get out and push. Qantas pilots forced to declare mid-air emergency after almost running out of fuel near Perth | Daily Mail Online
  9. You are a man amongst men Gumby. Hope everything goes well for you all.
  10. Orbx Content: True Earth EU Spain South Sitting on the mouth of the Guadalquivir River, Sanlucar de Marrameda is a popular summer tourist destination. Opposite is the Donana National Park. There has been a settlement here since ancient times and in the 15th and 16th centuries many expeditions left the port. In 1522 the Nao Victoria became the first ship to circumnavigate the world, the only survivor of the 5 ships than left on Magellan's expedition 3 years earlier.
  11. Great pics from around Brisbane Don. I cheat with the flaps, u/c and brakes as I have them assigned to buttons on my yoke!
  12. Thanks Adam. Some local knowledge and some research involved.
  13. Orbx Content: True Earth Great Britian Central Not long after taking off from Leeds/Bradford and flying past the Fewston Reservoir. At the left end of the reservoir is a locality called Blubberhouses. It is not pertaining to the current obesity epidemic but comes from the Anglo Saxon word Bluberhus, which referred to the house by the bubbling stream. Did the stream bubble as it tumbled over the rocks? Was it because one of farmer Arkwright's sheep had drowned in the stream and was decomposing or was it because of the locals habit of bathing in the stream the morning after consuming dodgy Vindaloos at the village's curry house!
  14. Thank you Andreas, I didnt realise at first until I looked closer!
  15. Wonderful images from your flight Gerold and good to see you have my preferred LH colours on your Screamliner. So the Cape Town is named after a geographical feature and there was me thinking it was because Batman lived there. I also liked the night views over Germany and the cockpit image on finals is excellent.
  16. Beautiful images of a legendary airliner, I miss seeing them flying over. Excellent scenery and I like the second view over Tacoma. Interesting to see that your Mt Ranier is like mine and featureless at that distance. I thought it was my settings.
  17. Excellent set Adam, my YBNA looks very different from yours!
  18. A fine pair of images. Those mountains come up really well, a big improvement.
  19. Wonderful takes Don. Beautiful scenery and the Emb looks good. I dont think there have been many days like this along the east coast for a while.
  20. Cheers Dave, glad you found it of interest.
  21. Thanks John but that one went over my head. Was this a TV show or a movie?
  22. Thanks Landon. I like the 60's colours on the Cherokee too. Memories of times! Indeed, a lot of history in the area too.
  23. Thanks Paul. There were so many beautiful villages in the area, I hope it hasn't changed too much.
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