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Everything posted by VH-KDK

  1. Thanks John, this is in the wrong post! Where is that latest meaningless topic.
  2. A top class set Darryl. Excellent scenery both on the ground and in the air.
  3. Thanks Andreas, I quick look at a YT tutorial and I was able to fix it.
  4. Nope Gerold. You are getting me confused with John Trivolta.
  5. Cheers Wayne, I cannot remember which setting I use but it does the trick.
  6. Thank you John. I am very pleased with the results.
  7. Thanks Paul, I am using xVision which makes a massive difference.
  8. More beautiful images Paul. I think we currently have enough TE scenery on XP-11 to keep us occupied for a very long time.
  9. Orbx Content TE US Washington HD To the south of Olympia, the capital city of Washigton State, is KOLM Olympia Regional. I am enjoying exploring some of the West Coast TE regions in XP-11.
  10. I should have said, "he is what you call a low down bum." Sorry for any confusion Adam!
  11. Hope everything has gone well with your upgrade Iain.
  12. Happy Birthday Dave and many more of them too. Good to hear all was well at the doctors.
  13. That is good Paul, lets hope that something eventually comes of it.
  14. Thanks Gerold, I appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment and better still if they have any stories relating to posts.
  15. Thank you, glad you liked them.
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