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Everything posted by VH-KDK

  1. Cheers John, happy you enjoyed the post.
  2. Thanks Wayne, I could have written even more such as the 2012 Olympics road races passed through Ripley but I won't mention it.
  3. Orbx Content: True Earth Great Britiain South, EGTF Fairoaks. Flying along the A3 London to Portsmouth road in the Surrey countryside. The old Vickers test facility at Wisley can be seen by the port wing with Woking and West Byfleet by the starboard wing. Follow the stbd wing to the edge of the image and you can see McLaren Technology Centre and of course Orbx EGTF Fairoaks. Directly below the Cherokee is the village of Ripley which dates back to Norman times. There are many listed buildings here including the Old Pharmacy where penicillin was produced for the first time in 1944. H.G.Wells mentioned Ripley in War of the Worlds and The Wheels of Chance and the Sherlock Holmes short, The Naval Treaty was set here. A guitarist you may have heard of called Eric Clapton was born here in 1945.
  4. The title says it all Andreas. A wonderful variation of scenery which you would have covered in a very short time.
  5. Wonderful scenery in these images Paul. The Arlington scenery looks well worth buying. I like your Arrow too, do you get in a quiver before you take off?
  6. An impressive image Adam.
  7. After a second look I got it. How incredible. It was already a top class set of views and I like that Goose too.
  8. That would be a very apt "flow" for South Africa considering one of the greatest players of all time hails from Jo'burg.
  9. Thanks Wayne and you are not alone with many of us suffering from the same feeling of emptiness.
  10. Thank you Landon, indeed a very scenic area to explore.
  11. You would be happy flying in their planes, they have one of the best liveries flying.
  12. Thank you John. I can remember flying past there a few years ago in P3D. It also made me think of this great song from the 60s.
  13. Cheers Gerold, hope I have encouraged you even more to visit there. I have only stopped at Halls Gap breifly many years ago but I enjoyed the walk I did.
  14. Thanks Wain, it comes and goes, a little like the weather.
  15. A wonderful selection of views from your flight Paul. I like the colours on your Cirrus too. No shortage of airfields to choose from around Seattle.
  16. Beautiful images Paul with the usual historical information. I am currently flying down to Tacoma from Orcas, I will keep an eye out for you!
  17. Beautiful images Don and as others have mentioned, a great area to fly regardless of the platform. That Airbus looks very tempting but what a shame about a basic thing as a thrust reverser not working. Oh, hang on. Don't QF outsource their maintenance these days!
  18. Back last year, a friend phoned me to say we were back in lockdown again. As he spoke an old bloke rode past on his pushbike with 6 litres of milk and two large packs of toilet rolls, somehow strapped to the carrier on the back of his bike. I always say, buy as much toilet paper as you like and leave the food to me!
  19. Gerold will love this, Marmite(1902), along with the Oxo cube, was based on the work of Justus von Liebig who you all know was from Darmstadt. Having a quick look at his history, he was one highly clever man. He invented the process of yeast extract from the by products of, wait for it, beer brewing. They say all roads lead to Rome, well on here all conversations lead to beer!
  20. I have yet to see an obituary for a fit and healthy twenty something athlete who died suddenly after being forced to eat Vegemite.
  21. Hats off to Cyril Callister, the gent who made it all possible 100 years ago. I didn't know this Gerold and thanks for pointing it out. Can you get it in Germany or do you have to wait to come down under to sample this culinary delight? I have it regularly on toast for breakfast and it tastes much better now it is back in Australian ownership thanks to Bega Cheese buying it from Kraft. I just looked at the jar I bought last week and they say Made in Australia since 1923 but Wiki said it was invented in 1922 so the poor people of Australia had to wait an extra year before it was made available.
  22. Isn't that the truth!
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